Page 19 - November 9 2020
P. 19
Includes process colour pages 1,4,5,7,10,11,14,15,18,20,21,24
Remembrance Day - November 11 Lest we Forgetest we Forget
Remembrance Day - November 11
Recognizing and remembering 13 previously unmarked Veteran graves
by Shaylyn Thornton for 87 years.
Nine other veterans were also honoured in the
Bobbi Foulds, volunteer researcher for the ceremony on August 17, 2019.
Last Post Fund's Unmarked Grave Program, has Wagoner Carl Bjerke was born September 30,
been working to honour veterans whose 1888 in Norway. He served with the American
gravesites have been unmarked for far too long. Expeditionary Force, 348th Field Artillery
In Glenwood Cemetery, 30 total sites have had Battalion as a Wagoner from April 3, 1918 to
applications submitted for gravestones. April 20, 1920. He died in Edson on November
21 sites have had stones installed thus far, and 2, 1957 at the age of 69. He went unmarked for
the first 13 installed through Foulds' research 62 years.
were WW1 veterans recognized in a ceremony Gunner William James Buxton was born in
at the cemetery on August 17, 2019. Ireland on March 10, 1877. He was a Constable
To qualify for a stone through the Unmarked in Regina, SK with the Northwest Mounted
Grave Program, the veteran must be deceased Police from 1898-1908. He enlisted in Regina
for at least five years and have no permanent on September 14, 1916 and served with the
marker installed. For most, this five-year Canadian Field Artillery – Reserve Brigade.
requirement was met far too easily. Buxton passed in Edson on March 9, 1941 at the
One of these veterans was Private Douglas age of 64. He went unmarked for 78 years.
James Hill. Private Hill was born on October Private Frank Martin Lawyer was born in
16, 1889 in London, England. He worked as a Wisconsin on August 16, 1895. He was a farmer
farmer before he enlisted in Quebec on in the Edson area until being drafted in Calgary
September 22, 1914.He served with the 101st on January 17, 1918. He served with the 10th
Regiment, Edmonton Fusiliers. He was injured Battalion Canadian Infantry in France until he
while serving, suffering a gunshot wound to his was discharged on February 17, 1919. Frank
neck and right shoulder. He was discharged was wounded in service, suffering a gunshot
August 20, 1915, as he was medically unfit for wound to his right leg. He passed away in
duty.Hill relocated to the Carrot Creek area, and Oliver, AB on March 22, 1956 at the age of 60.
eventually passed in the Bickerdike area on He was transported to Edson for burial where he
August 6, 1921 at the age of 31. He was buried went unmarked for 63 years.
in the Glenwood Cemetery, and after 98 long Private Edward McBay Lindsay was born in
years, finally received a permanent marker in Scotland on September 6, 1892. He served with
2019. the 3rd Battalion in France and Belgium and
“For 98 years, at the very entrance to our was discharged in Toronto as part of the
cemetery, we had this man and three others demobilization on April 24, 1919. He died in
where it was just a blank space. There were four Edson on May 22, 1951 at the age of 58. He
stones in that plot of eight, and four empty went unmarked for 68 years.
spaces,” said Foulds. Private Robert Norrie was born in Scotland on
“And nobody knew. They mowed the grass, April 18, 1880. He enlisted in BC on October 7,
trimmed the weeds, raked the leaves, probably 1915, where his records noted he had also
Event Reminder gathered when they were looking at the sign served as a Marine. He served with the 7th
Canadian Infantry in France. He was discharged
trying to figure out where to go to find their
own loved ones, and didn't even know they were on April 27, 1919. He died in the Robb area on
there,” Foulds said.“Now these boys will never December 26, 1954 at the age of 74. He went
May 9: For mental health week, join be forgotten again.” unmarked for 65 years.
the Town of Edson for Darkness to The other three men who were unmarked in Private Frank Raymond was born in England
Light – Mental Health Awareness. Join this eight-plot were Private Richard George on June 29, 1876. Frank was living in Wolf
the community and place luminaries or Brown, Private James Allen Crerar, and Sapper Creek when he enlisted in Edmonton on July 4, Private Douglas James Hill is one of the
a simple candle outside your home to Dimitrj Vakulich. 1916. He served in the 4th Canadian Pioneer veterans who finally received a proper marker
u n i t e f o r a l i g h t a t d a w n Private Brown was born November 14, 1889 Battalion where he suffered a head injury. He on his gravesite thanks to the Last Post Fund's
(approximately 5:10 am). in Wales. He was a coalminer by trade and was discharged on March 23, 1917. He died on Unmarked Grave Program. Hill's site
enlisted in Edmonton on January 17, 1915. the Wolf Creek area on November 6, 1944 at the remained bare for 98 years. photo submitted
Brown served in the 51st Overseas Battalion for age of 68. He went unmarked for 75 years. Bobbi Foulds
Canada until he was discharged on April 29, Sergeant John Leslie Scott was born on July
1918 after being injured in action, suffering a 20, 1888 in Ontario. He enlisted on February 26,
shrapnel wound to the knee. Brown settled in 1916. He served with the 46th Battalion and
Cadomin once he returned and resided in the moved up the ranks quickly, from Private to injured in battle and a prisoner of war, came into
area until his passing on April 27, 1938 at 49 Corporal and then Sergeant within a year. He the barracks where Mary was working. She took
years of age. He went unmarked for 81 years. was gassed, suffered a severe concussion and care of him and as a thank you he gave her a
Private Crerar was born in England on shell shock while part of the battle for Hill 70 piece of trench art that he had made using a
December 6, 1892. He was a clerk at the time of near Lens, France. He was discharged in large artillery shell. The shell was missing for
his enlistment on February 3, 1915 in Calgary. Calgary on September 11, 1918. Sergeant Scott many years, but recently found its way back to
Crerar served in both France and England with died of blood poisoning attributed to his service Edson and is now at the Legion. It will be part
the 31st Battalion. Crerar was wounded in battle on July 9, 1939 in Edson at the age of 50. He of a future display.
several times. He suffered a shrapnel wound to went unmarked for 81 years. Mary passed away in Edson in 1998 at the age
his left hand and gunshot wounds to his right Private Frederick Thompson was born in of 106. She went unmarked for 21 years.
hand and shoulder. He recovered and continued England on June 7, 1887. He was drafted in With stones now installed for these heroes,
to serve until he was discharged as part of the Edson on April 30, 1918 and discharged on Foulds continues to work to honour many other
demobilization on June 1, 1919. He passed in March 17, 1919 in Calgary. He died in Edson on veterans the same way. Her impact will be long-
Edson on June 24, 1933 at the age of 40 and July 18, 1958 at the age of 71. He went lasting.
went unmarked for 86 years. unmarked for 61 years. “Stone doesn't lie,” said Foulds. “If they're
Sapper Vakulich was born in Russia on Mary Connie Simister was born in 1892 in well made and installed properly, someone
October 26, 1893. He enlisted in Edmonton on England. She was a worker in the Queen Mary's could go in 100 years and see this stone and
September 1, 1916. He served in Great Britain, Army Auxiliary Corps in the United Kingdom know that this guy served 200 years prior.”
France, and Belgium with the 218 Battalion of from 1917-1920and was awarded the British For those forgotten for so long, we are blessed
the Canadian Railway Troops. He was War Medal and Victory Medal. She assisted the to be able to pay tribute to them now.
discharged in St John New Brunswick on May nurses during the war, and later was an active Thank you to the many men and women who
14, 1919, and passed away in Foothills, AB in member of the Edson Hospital Auxiliary. fought for our country and thank you to those
1932 at the age of 39. Vakulich went unmarked During the war a German soldier, who was still fighting for us today. Lest We Forget.
Remembrance Day - November 11 Lest we Forgetest we Forget
Remembrance Day - November 11
Recognizing and remembering 13 previously unmarked Veteran graves
by Shaylyn Thornton for 87 years.
Nine other veterans were also honoured in the
Bobbi Foulds, volunteer researcher for the ceremony on August 17, 2019.
Last Post Fund's Unmarked Grave Program, has Wagoner Carl Bjerke was born September 30,
been working to honour veterans whose 1888 in Norway. He served with the American
gravesites have been unmarked for far too long. Expeditionary Force, 348th Field Artillery
In Glenwood Cemetery, 30 total sites have had Battalion as a Wagoner from April 3, 1918 to
applications submitted for gravestones. April 20, 1920. He died in Edson on November
21 sites have had stones installed thus far, and 2, 1957 at the age of 69. He went unmarked for
the first 13 installed through Foulds' research 62 years.
were WW1 veterans recognized in a ceremony Gunner William James Buxton was born in
at the cemetery on August 17, 2019. Ireland on March 10, 1877. He was a Constable
To qualify for a stone through the Unmarked in Regina, SK with the Northwest Mounted
Grave Program, the veteran must be deceased Police from 1898-1908. He enlisted in Regina
for at least five years and have no permanent on September 14, 1916 and served with the
marker installed. For most, this five-year Canadian Field Artillery – Reserve Brigade.
requirement was met far too easily. Buxton passed in Edson on March 9, 1941 at the
One of these veterans was Private Douglas age of 64. He went unmarked for 78 years.
James Hill. Private Hill was born on October Private Frank Martin Lawyer was born in
16, 1889 in London, England. He worked as a Wisconsin on August 16, 1895. He was a farmer
farmer before he enlisted in Quebec on in the Edson area until being drafted in Calgary
September 22, 1914.He served with the 101st on January 17, 1918. He served with the 10th
Regiment, Edmonton Fusiliers. He was injured Battalion Canadian Infantry in France until he
while serving, suffering a gunshot wound to his was discharged on February 17, 1919. Frank
neck and right shoulder. He was discharged was wounded in service, suffering a gunshot
August 20, 1915, as he was medically unfit for wound to his right leg. He passed away in
duty.Hill relocated to the Carrot Creek area, and Oliver, AB on March 22, 1956 at the age of 60.
eventually passed in the Bickerdike area on He was transported to Edson for burial where he
August 6, 1921 at the age of 31. He was buried went unmarked for 63 years.
in the Glenwood Cemetery, and after 98 long Private Edward McBay Lindsay was born in
years, finally received a permanent marker in Scotland on September 6, 1892. He served with
2019. the 3rd Battalion in France and Belgium and
“For 98 years, at the very entrance to our was discharged in Toronto as part of the
cemetery, we had this man and three others demobilization on April 24, 1919. He died in
where it was just a blank space. There were four Edson on May 22, 1951 at the age of 58. He
stones in that plot of eight, and four empty went unmarked for 68 years.
spaces,” said Foulds. Private Robert Norrie was born in Scotland on
“And nobody knew. They mowed the grass, April 18, 1880. He enlisted in BC on October 7,
trimmed the weeds, raked the leaves, probably 1915, where his records noted he had also
Event Reminder gathered when they were looking at the sign served as a Marine. He served with the 7th
Canadian Infantry in France. He was discharged
trying to figure out where to go to find their
own loved ones, and didn't even know they were on April 27, 1919. He died in the Robb area on
there,” Foulds said.“Now these boys will never December 26, 1954 at the age of 74. He went
May 9: For mental health week, join be forgotten again.” unmarked for 65 years.
the Town of Edson for Darkness to The other three men who were unmarked in Private Frank Raymond was born in England
Light – Mental Health Awareness. Join this eight-plot were Private Richard George on June 29, 1876. Frank was living in Wolf
the community and place luminaries or Brown, Private James Allen Crerar, and Sapper Creek when he enlisted in Edmonton on July 4, Private Douglas James Hill is one of the
a simple candle outside your home to Dimitrj Vakulich. 1916. He served in the 4th Canadian Pioneer veterans who finally received a proper marker
u n i t e f o r a l i g h t a t d a w n Private Brown was born November 14, 1889 Battalion where he suffered a head injury. He on his gravesite thanks to the Last Post Fund's
(approximately 5:10 am). in Wales. He was a coalminer by trade and was discharged on March 23, 1917. He died on Unmarked Grave Program. Hill's site
enlisted in Edmonton on January 17, 1915. the Wolf Creek area on November 6, 1944 at the remained bare for 98 years. photo submitted
Brown served in the 51st Overseas Battalion for age of 68. He went unmarked for 75 years. Bobbi Foulds
Canada until he was discharged on April 29, Sergeant John Leslie Scott was born on July
1918 after being injured in action, suffering a 20, 1888 in Ontario. He enlisted on February 26,
shrapnel wound to the knee. Brown settled in 1916. He served with the 46th Battalion and
Cadomin once he returned and resided in the moved up the ranks quickly, from Private to injured in battle and a prisoner of war, came into
area until his passing on April 27, 1938 at 49 Corporal and then Sergeant within a year. He the barracks where Mary was working. She took
years of age. He went unmarked for 81 years. was gassed, suffered a severe concussion and care of him and as a thank you he gave her a
Private Crerar was born in England on shell shock while part of the battle for Hill 70 piece of trench art that he had made using a
December 6, 1892. He was a clerk at the time of near Lens, France. He was discharged in large artillery shell. The shell was missing for
his enlistment on February 3, 1915 in Calgary. Calgary on September 11, 1918. Sergeant Scott many years, but recently found its way back to
Crerar served in both France and England with died of blood poisoning attributed to his service Edson and is now at the Legion. It will be part
the 31st Battalion. Crerar was wounded in battle on July 9, 1939 in Edson at the age of 50. He of a future display.
several times. He suffered a shrapnel wound to went unmarked for 81 years. Mary passed away in Edson in 1998 at the age
his left hand and gunshot wounds to his right Private Frederick Thompson was born in of 106. She went unmarked for 21 years.
hand and shoulder. He recovered and continued England on June 7, 1887. He was drafted in With stones now installed for these heroes,
to serve until he was discharged as part of the Edson on April 30, 1918 and discharged on Foulds continues to work to honour many other
demobilization on June 1, 1919. He passed in March 17, 1919 in Calgary. He died in Edson on veterans the same way. Her impact will be long-
Edson on June 24, 1933 at the age of 40 and July 18, 1958 at the age of 71. He went lasting.
went unmarked for 86 years. unmarked for 61 years. “Stone doesn't lie,” said Foulds. “If they're
Sapper Vakulich was born in Russia on Mary Connie Simister was born in 1892 in well made and installed properly, someone
October 26, 1893. He enlisted in Edmonton on England. She was a worker in the Queen Mary's could go in 100 years and see this stone and
September 1, 1916. He served in Great Britain, Army Auxiliary Corps in the United Kingdom know that this guy served 200 years prior.”
France, and Belgium with the 218 Battalion of from 1917-1920and was awarded the British For those forgotten for so long, we are blessed
the Canadian Railway Troops. He was War Medal and Victory Medal. She assisted the to be able to pay tribute to them now.
discharged in St John New Brunswick on May nurses during the war, and later was an active Thank you to the many men and women who
14, 1919, and passed away in Foothills, AB in member of the Edson Hospital Auxiliary. fought for our country and thank you to those
1932 at the age of 39. Vakulich went unmarked During the war a German soldier, who was still fighting for us today. Lest We Forget.