Page 16 - November 9 2020
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Remembrance Day - November 11
Remembrance Day - November 11 Lest we Forgetest we Forget

A journey back in time: the story of the Edson Legion

by Jordan Rae

If you were to walk into the Edson Royal
Canadian Legion Joe Wynne Branch #51 today you
would see all types of people: children, adults,
seniors, men, and women. You would see the walls
lined with photos of past and present veterans,
plaques with the names of past Legion Presidents,
medals of honor and vintage weaponry, and more.
If you took a trip back in time to 1926, however,
you would have a much different experience. At the
time, there was a completely different building
named The Canadian Legion of the British Empire
Services League, and the atmosphere inside was not
quite what it is today.
In November 1925, the Canadian Legion was
founded in Winnipeg, Manitoba. It wasn't until 1960
that Queen Elizabeth II granted the Legion royal
patronage to become “The Royal Canadian Legion”
by name, and thus, The Edson Royal Canadian
Legion Branch 51 followed suit and changed to the
official name we recognize today.
Wendy Williams, current Branch 51 President,
explained the sole purpose of the Legion in the
beginning. “It was a place for veterans, when they The first building for the Edson Legion (built in 1926, was renovated extensively in 1948, but burned in Event Reminder
return from war, to gather where they could feel at a fire in 1952. photo courtesy Edson Legion.
ease to talk about what was bothering them, what
they'd been through, what they felt,” she May 9: For mental health week, join
said.“Because people that weren't in the war didn't cold night. The man told Wynne how great he acceptance of more people in the Legion means the
understand how it affected people in any way, so it though his sweater was, how it looked so warm, and opportunity to educate other generations for years to the Town of Edson for Darkness to
was a chance to just be themselves.” Wynne responded by literally giving the man the come. Light – Mental Health Awareness. Join
Bobbi Foulds, current First Vice President and shirt off his back. Wynne then called his wife and In the lounge, the price of a beer nowadays is the community and place luminaries or
Service Officer at the Edson Legion explained how asked her to bring him another from home, to which around $5.50, but back in the early days they ran for a simple candle outside your home to
at the time, there was no such thing as PTSD (Post she replied, “Do you need boots too?” Being the about five to ten cents each, increasing in price over u n i t e f o r a l i g h t a t d a w n
Traumatic Stress Disorder), or OSIs (Operational good man that he was, it wasn't uncommon for time. Foulds described what the atmosphere might
Stress Injury Clinics), just “shell shock” or what Wynne to ask his wife to bring him things he needed have been like back in the early days, from (approximately 5:10 am).
some saw as expressions of cowardice. “There was replaced after he had given them away. conversations she has had with long-time members
no transition back then,” she said. “You came home, The Royal Canadian Legion Joe Wynne Branch of the Branch. “They talk about huge tables being
you handed in your uniform, you sent back your kit, #51 consists of a main lounge area, a boardroom just packed with beer glasses, as many as you could
and then you were expected to go back to being a called “Little Billy's Room,” named after William fit on the table, and that's what you drank for the
banker, a lawyer, a doctor, a farmer, a father, etc. Szymczyk, another prominent veteran and figure for night,” she said.
There was no help to guide you back into [being] the Edson Legion, and the Community Hall named It was not all about drinking beer though. There
that civilian when they'd just been through the after Floyd Olsen, a tank driver who served in
horrors of war.” WWII. were billiard games, dancing, music, and obviously,
over time and well past prohibition when the Legion
Early on, women were not allowed to be seen in Originally, membership in the Legion was limited was actually first starting up, women and invited
the building, though they were able to be in the to just veterans, which was eventually extended out guests were also allowed to come into the bar areas
basement, via a separate entrance. The women to members of the RCMP. Foulds recalls the to take part in the experience.
would organize food or care packages that included processes, over time, of entry into the Lounge area. Foulds explained how times have changed in the
things like knitting for their husbands, brothers, or “At one point you had to be related to someone, or lounge. “Now, a beer and a half and you're over the
fathers, who had recently returned from war. As the you had to have served yourself to become a limit. We've evolved with that. We now have more
Ladies' Auxiliary, which originated during WW1, member. Now, to enter the lounge you just have to of the 'dinner and a show mentality' than dancing
their role was to take care of and provide comfort to be signed in by a member,” said Foulds. The
veterans returning home. continued on page 20
The first building for the Edson Legion was
renovated extensively in 1948, but burned in a fire Edson Legion Remembrance Day Service changes due to Covid restrictions
in 1952, along with all their records. The second
building was built beside where the cenotaph
currently stands at the edge of the current branches' submitted Edson Legion There will be no parade, except for the color party
parking lot. The cenotaph honors veterans of WWI, and Sgt-At-Arms to march on the colors.
WWII, the Korean War, and the Peacekeepers. 2020 has presented challenges on all fronts, from We will have the colors marched on, National
Tragically, the second building also experienced a health and wellness, aggravating mental health Anthem, Flag Lowering& Last Post, 2 minutes of
fire in the mid-1980s, and records were again conditions, financial instability, and countless other silence, Lament, Reveille, Act of Remembrance,
destroyed, but the building was only slightly areas of our lives. President's Address, Scripture by our Branch Padre,
damaged. A couple of years following the second We the officers and executive have had to make Branch Wreath placed, Royal Anthem (God Save the
fire, the Board of Directors came to the conclusion some exceedingly difficult decisions based on Queen) Flag Raise, and then Close of Ceremony,
that they wanted a larger building, and so, in 1986, current Alberta Health Care Services regulations and march off colors.
they broke ground at the other side of the parking Dominion Command recommendations regarding Should you wish to place a poppy or a wreath you
lot, and named the new building The Royal 2020 Remembrance Day Services and our Annual purchased in advance in honor of someone, you may
Canadian Legion Joe Wynne Branch 51. Poppy Campaign. do so after all Veterans and Legion Party have left
The decision to name the current branch after Joe Due to limited indoor seating capacity while the area.
Wynne came unanimously amongst the Board of maintaining Covid-19 protocols we are asking the Wreaths and poppies will be available to purchase
Directors in 1987. Wynne had served in the Navy, he public to honor our veterans, their sacrifices and effective October 30, 2020 and may be placed prior
was the Legion Branch Treasurer for a number of service to this great nation from home this year. to the ceremony. Please contact the Branch to pre-
years, and held many other executive positions, Join us as we live-stream our ceremony on our order yours.
including being President twice. He was responsible Facebook page. We would never turn anyone away, BUT IF YOU
for all kinds of incredible fundraising activities and CHOOSE TO ATTEND preference will be given to
was one of the first Tax Assessors in the county. gion.51 our veterans and their families. If members of the
Wynne grew up in the Edmonton area, but at 18 The Joe Wynne Branch No. 51 Edson Royal public wish to attend, you will be required to
years old he signed up for the war, served, and came Canadian Legion Remembrance Day Service will be maintain social distancing, sanitize upon entry to our
back to eventually live and work in Edson for as follows: facility and wear masks when not seated.
Yellowhead County. Foulds explained Wynne's ALL recognition will be conducted outside at the Our most vulnerable veterans must be protected
impact on the community. “He just became this huge cenotaph, rain, snow or shine. from accidental exposure. Let us make this a
community figure,” she said. “He did a lot with An area around the cenotaph will be cordoned off Remembrance Day to remember, not regret.
under-privileged children, troubled kids... he was specifically for our veterans. Please remain outside The lounge will be open following the ceremony
like a mentor, almost like a big brother.” this area to maintain social distancing. at the cenotaph, with additional seating in the hall.
There's a well-known story about the time a There will be no wreath laying ceremony as all We apologize for any inconvenience and stress
down-on-his-luck man came into Wynne's office one wreaths will be pre-laid. this may cause and appreciate your understanding.
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