Page 28 - June 3, 2019
P. 28

PAGE 28 MONDAY JUNE 3, 2019 MONDAY MAY 27, 2019 PAGE 7
Volunteers needed in trail building efforts

New bike trail in memory of Constable Austin MacDougall

by Deanna Mitchener

The Edson Cycling Association has been
working hard on cleaning and fixing up bike
trails out at Willmore Park.
It can be tough to work on the trails at the
beginning of the hiking and biking season
with all the dead fall from the changing
seasons. Volunteers are always needed to
help clean and maintain the trails so
everyone can enjoy them and use them
Volunteering can be fun and rewarding and
there are jobs for everyone, from pruning,
raking, and shovelling to removing dead fall
or carrying supplies that may be needed.
In the past, trail building has always been
held on Monday nights at 7 pm. However,
starting this week, Work Bees will change
from Monday nights to Thursday nights at 7
Edson Cycling Association President Mike
Stoner-Walker said, “It was agreed between
some volunteers that Thursday nights would Pictured are a few of the dedicated volunteers that come out to volunteer with trail building at Willmore
work better between families having their Park. photo submitted
kids in different sporting events, such as
soccer. Hopefully Thursday nights bring out Austin's family to see what their thoughts
more volunteers.” would be on us naming a trail after Austin.
Trail builders are currently working on a They liked the idea and a lot of thought went
new trail called Constable Austin into the naming of the trail.”
MacDougall Memorial Trail and in short “The idea behind Austin's Dream came
called 'Austin's Dream'. Stoner-Walker said, about while speaking with Austin's father,”
“Austin always enjoyed coming out to help Stoner-Walker explained. “His dream as a
with trail building. He volunteered many small boy was to become an RCMP Officer
hours and was such a hard worker. Austin and [he expressed his] love of being
had such an amazing attitude; just so much outdoors and cycling. Austin loved working
positive energy to be around.” as an RCMP officer and enjoyed being out
“His death impacted many within our on the trails biking and volunteering
community and we were super sad,” Stoner- whenever he could, pretty much living his
Walker continued. “The Cycling Association dream. That's where Austin's Dream comes
talked about wanting to do something as a into play.”
memorial for Austin. We decided to build a “We are aiming for the completion of
trail and name it after him.” Austin's Dream trail for the end of July,” said
“Through our current and temporary Stoner-Walker. “This trail will be part of the
authorizations through the province of Edson Adventure Race that is set to take
Alberta, we were given the ability to build on place on August 24— a duathlon race at
crown land,” said Stoner-Walker. “The trail Willmore.”
that will be built in Austin's memory will be If you enjoy being outdoors and would like
2 km long and will be more of the old-school to make a difference in the community, join
style and single track. The trail will be less the Edson Cycling Association on Thursday
tight and twisty than what Route 66 is, nights to lend a hand cleaning and
adding more diversity to the trail system.” maintaining the bike trails at Willmore Park.
Stoner-Walker said, “I had contacted Spencer Richard, Aka SRVENT, stops by the
Red Brick to put up a few posters for his
In Loving Memory of Celebration of Life upcoming concert Beyond 'Identity' happening
on Saturday, June 15. photo Lara Felsing
DORIS STRAUB George Kneteman
George Kneteman


Join us as we
remember the

Ann Barbazuk Larry Bowness life of George
April 4, 1936 - June 9, 2014 October 8, 1953 - June 5, 2011
June 8, 2019
1:00 pm
You left us beautiful memories Lion’s Hall

You taught us all so much 4139 3 Avenue
There wasn’t a person who met you Please join the family Edson, AB
Whose life you didn’t touch on June 8 from 2 to 4 pm

We Love You and We’ll Never Miss You Less at the Senior’s Pioneer Cabin Lunch to follow - Casual attire
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