Page 23 - June 3, 2019
P. 23
PAGE 10 MONDAY MAY 27, 2019


Wop May Escape Room: Did you get out?

by Natalie Rau support.
“The Edson and District Historical Society
During the month of May, the Galloway Station board is very supportive with unique initiatives
Museum held the Wilfred “Wop” May Escape like the escape room,” said McDowell. “ We
Room “Trapped in Plane Sight”. It was held to would also like to thank everyone that took part
help raise awareness for the 100 anniversary of in the escape room for supporting events like
the first ariel police chase in Canadian history, these which allows us to do more —and for
which happened on September 2, 1919 right here being such good sports!”.
in Edson. There are many more events coming up to
Shari McDowell, Manager of the Galloway celebrate the 100 anniversary of the first aerial
Station Museum, said, “The room was fairly police chase in Canadian history including the
popular. About 40 groups have gone through to premier of the play “The Flying Detective” by
date. The time limit was 45 minutes and we've Accidental Humour; a gala event held at the
had lots of people get out, and more than a few Galloway Station Museum; a dedication of
that haven't made it.” signage regarding the historic flight near Robb;
The museum relied on a lot of volunteers to and a free event at Centennial Park with games,
help with the escape room including Danny May entertainment, giveaways and a lot more.
(Wilfred “Wop” May's son) and Marg May who The staff and volunteers are already working
were both very supportive and a huge help with on the second installment of the Miner's Tomb
research. Yellowhead Wood Products (Ian escape room, for October, it promises to be quite
Tarves), Inscho Builders (Cam Inscho), Amy tough…and very creepy!
Summers, Flordeliza Camiloza-Aquino, Carrie So keep your eyes out for the dates of the
Nycz, Luke and Lee Fossheim, Madison upcoming events as it looks to be a fun-filled
Sharman, Grace Stevenson, and the students of summer at Galloway Station Museum.
Parkland High School all offered their volunteer

Westhaven Kindergarten visits Edson Airport

The image of Wop May awaited those daring
enough to take on the Escape Room “Trapped in
Plane Sight” hosted at Galloway Station Museum
in May. photo Natalie Rau

Carrot Creek Woodlands




Sunday, June 9, 2019

Westhaven Kindergarten students were visiting the Edson Airport where they were given a tour by the
manager Sam Shine. Students learned lots of interesting things about different aircrafts. submitted 7:00 p.m.
at the
Check out our
Website at Carrot Creek Hall
www.weekly Everyone Welcome!

Surprise Lake Camp Open House
Surprise Lake Camp Open House
Saturday June 15
Saturday June 15
"Tell your old camp friends, bring your grandkids,
"Tell your old camp friends, bring your grandkids,
come out and reminisce”
come out and reminisce”

* Mushroom Foray/ Nature walk 10 am
* Mushroom Foray/ Nature walk 10 am
* Gold panning 1 pm
* Gold panning 1 pm
* Song circle in the evening
* Song circle in the evening
* Free hot dogs, burgers and pop!
* Free hot dogs, burgers and pop!
* Free camping for volunteers
* Free camping for volunteers
Westhaven Kindergarten students are busy learning about their community
and the people who work in it. Visiting the Edson airport was one of the first
fieldtrips and it was very interesting for the students. "Mr. Shine, the airport
manager, was a great presenter with lots of information about different types Email
of aircrafts," said Principal Stacy McGowan."What a great learning
opportunity in our community!" submitted or call 780-974-9557 for more information
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