Page 22 - June 17, 2019
P. 22
PAGE 22 MONDAY JUNE 17, 2019


PCHS Community Day

brightens Kinsmen Park

submitted a long time. It helps them
understand that volunteering their
On May 22, Parkland Composite time to help improve the
High School teacher Andrew community is a worthwhile and
Visser and his students partnered valuable experience that can be
with the Town of Edson's "Make enjoyable as well."
Your Mark" initiative to engage As we move forward into the
youth in the community through summer months we encourage
art. residents and community groups to
The group created the new mural get in touch with Community
located on the north side of "The Development Coordinator Diana
Shack" in Kinsmen Park, which is Inscho at 780-723-4403 if you
the second Kinsmen building to get have a great idea for the next
a face lift as part of this initiative. community art project.
Mr. Visser said, "By getting youth We are thrilled with the mural
involved it helps give them a sense Parkland Composite High School
of pride in their community students created and are thankful to
knowing that they helped create them for making our community a Teilor Poirier (foreground) and Destiney Duffey were only a couple of the
something that will be in town for better place. Parkland Composite High School students who were responsible for the new
mural located on the north side of “The Shack” in Kinsmen Park. photo
Trickster Theatre comes to Kids Make A Difference is sponsored by:

Mary Bergeron Elementary

by Dawn Olsvik and The Misunderstood And they treat us like our school, being a new
Giant. rock stars!” school. And it also
C a l g a r y b a s e d The five artists are Grade two teacher, introduces drama to
Trickster Theatre was at each responsible for Tracy Acorn, said, “The elementary students, Sand & Gravel Sales/Hauling
Mary Bergeron last three classes. At the program is amazing! It which is an opportunity Quality Work
week giving staff and beginning of the week gets all the students at t h e y m i g h t n o t
students an “out of they start with props every level active and normally have.” Serving Edson & District Since 1974
desk” experience. and theme and in five involved. It gives the 780-723-5152
Trickster is a not-for - days they were ready to students confidence to
profit organization that perform a 3-4 minute be themselves and
embeds a team of artists presentation complete show their creativity.
in a school for one with music, costumes, The shows are all made
week. During the week and props. b y t h e s t u d e n t s '
the team will help each Sarah Ord, one of the imaginations. They
class develop shows, on artists, said, “I love it. I bring the ideas and the
the chosen theme, using love getting young tricksters roll with
many theatre styles. people excited about them."
Mary Bergeron chose theatre and arts. Seeing A c o r n a d d e d ,
“We are Canada” as kids come out of their "Students that we don't
their theme. The shows s h e l l a n d b e i n g normally see in the
offered titles such as: someone that you spotlight really came
The Canadian Forest, wouldn't think they forward. It gives us a
Bacon, Stolen Culture, would be is amazing. sense of community in

Mr. Murray's Grade 4 class at Mary Bergeron performs 'A Sticky Situation' for
Trickster Theatre. photo Dawn Olsvik

Congratulate Your Grad!ongratulate Your Grad!

Parents, Grandparents, Friends and
Parents, Grandparents, Friends and
place your ad for your special grad!
place your ad for your special grad!

Deadline to submit is June 19 11 a.m.
Deadline to submit is June 19 11 a.m.

Contact Sue at 780-723-5787
Contact Sue at 780-723-5787
or email
The Holy Redeemer grade 8 students visited the Athabasca Glacier on June or email
7th. The students were able to walk out on the ice and visit the tourist for special grad ad rates
for special grad ad rates
information area. The field trip ties in with the Science 8 Program of Studies.
"It's a great way for our students to learn more about what we have been
studying in a hands-on way," says Science 8 Teacher Dana Jumaga. "The
students had a blast learning more how the geography of our region has Call us before June 19
evolved over millions of years." submitted
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