Page 20 - June 17, 2019
P. 20
Travelling Anne Frank exhibit visits Galloway Station Museum
by Cassie Kushniruk Anne Frank House travelled to Edson to
train museum staff as guides for the
Through the month of June to the end of exhibition.
July, the Galloway Station Museum will “When we were doing the training, it
be offering a firsthand look into the happened that it was D-Day,” Kirkham
atrocious events surrounding World War said. During this time, the trainer
II through the eyes of Jewish teenager encouraged staff to read excerpts from
Anne Frank. Frank's diary corresponding with the day.
2019 marks 72 years after Frank's “It was awful to read [her excerpt from
renowned diary was published, depicting D-Day] because she was so full of hope,”
her experience as a Jew caught in the Kirkham recalled. “Little did she know
middle of the world's most horrific that a couple months down the line she
genocide—the Holocaust. would be in a concentration camp.”
While focusing on the life of Anne Although the exhibition at the Galloway
Frank and the history of the Second Station Museum has only been on display
World War, the 'Anne Frank—A History since June 10, a fair amount of interest
for Today' exhibition consists of 34 has already been accumulated. “[Visitors]
bilingual panels intended to “foster were very interested and they said that
dialogue on topics such as the dangers of they want to bring people to see it,”
discrimination, the importance of Kirkham said. June 12 would have been
tolerance and the rights of mankind”. Anne's 90 birthday.
The exhibition also features three Due to the cancellation of the Young at
additional panels in which visitors can Heart Seniors conference scheduled for
explore the stories and experiences of June 7, the Museum offered free
Canadian soldiers during WWII. admission for seniors to enjoy a sneak
Since 2011, three travelling exhibitions peek of the exhibit.
prepared by the Anne Frank House in The Museum is hoping to expand their
Amsterdam have been touring in schools, reach and educate students about this
museums, and other cultural centers important historical eventand have
across Canada. already secured a couple school tours.
Although the exhibition has made Kirkham gave mentions to the Anne
appearances in Quebec, B.C., Manitoba, Frank House for offering these
Saskatchewan, and the Yukon in past educational exhibitions and to the Edson
years, 2019 marks the first year the and District Historical Society's
exhibit has made its way to Alberta. “amazing” board for bringing the
Galloway Station Museum Collections exhibition together.
Manager Miriam Kirkham said that the 'Anne Frank—A History for Today' is a
museum is eager to educate visitors on limited time exhibition that will be on
the history of the Holocaust and hopes display until the end of July. For more The Galloway Station Museum will be displaying the 'Anne
they will be able to genuinely information about the exhibit, call the Frank—A History for Today' travelling exhibition through the end of
contemplate and appreciate the exhibit. Galloway Station Museum at 780-723- July. Pictured is Galloway Station Museum Collections Manager
Miriam Kirkham. photo Cassie Kushniruk
Kirkham mentioned that a lady from the 5696.
Edson and District Victim Services would like to thank the following people/organizations for the P.A.R.T.Y. Program
that was held May 28-30.
Thanks to: Tourmaline, Advantage Towing, Edson Chrysler, SemCams, Velvet Energy, Royal Canadian Legion, Town of
Edson-FCSS, CEAT, Alberta Health Services, Edson Victim Services, RCMP, Edson Fire Department, EMS, Dr.
Wannenburg & Trauma Team, The Brain Care Centre and all the participating schools for contributing to the P.A.R.T.Y.
An accident simulation at the
Edson Legion provided an
impactful lesson for students
participating in the P.A.R.T.Y.
Program on May 28-30.
PCHS Drama students
Deanna Rozak (left) and
Hailey Brisebois volunteered
to assist in making the
simulation as real as possible.
photo Shaylyn Thornton
Travelling Anne Frank exhibit visits Galloway Station Museum
by Cassie Kushniruk Anne Frank House travelled to Edson to
train museum staff as guides for the
Through the month of June to the end of exhibition.
July, the Galloway Station Museum will “When we were doing the training, it
be offering a firsthand look into the happened that it was D-Day,” Kirkham
atrocious events surrounding World War said. During this time, the trainer
II through the eyes of Jewish teenager encouraged staff to read excerpts from
Anne Frank. Frank's diary corresponding with the day.
2019 marks 72 years after Frank's “It was awful to read [her excerpt from
renowned diary was published, depicting D-Day] because she was so full of hope,”
her experience as a Jew caught in the Kirkham recalled. “Little did she know
middle of the world's most horrific that a couple months down the line she
genocide—the Holocaust. would be in a concentration camp.”
While focusing on the life of Anne Although the exhibition at the Galloway
Frank and the history of the Second Station Museum has only been on display
World War, the 'Anne Frank—A History since June 10, a fair amount of interest
for Today' exhibition consists of 34 has already been accumulated. “[Visitors]
bilingual panels intended to “foster were very interested and they said that
dialogue on topics such as the dangers of they want to bring people to see it,”
discrimination, the importance of Kirkham said. June 12 would have been
tolerance and the rights of mankind”. Anne's 90 birthday.
The exhibition also features three Due to the cancellation of the Young at
additional panels in which visitors can Heart Seniors conference scheduled for
explore the stories and experiences of June 7, the Museum offered free
Canadian soldiers during WWII. admission for seniors to enjoy a sneak
Since 2011, three travelling exhibitions peek of the exhibit.
prepared by the Anne Frank House in The Museum is hoping to expand their
Amsterdam have been touring in schools, reach and educate students about this
museums, and other cultural centers important historical eventand have
across Canada. already secured a couple school tours.
Although the exhibition has made Kirkham gave mentions to the Anne
appearances in Quebec, B.C., Manitoba, Frank House for offering these
Saskatchewan, and the Yukon in past educational exhibitions and to the Edson
years, 2019 marks the first year the and District Historical Society's
exhibit has made its way to Alberta. “amazing” board for bringing the
Galloway Station Museum Collections exhibition together.
Manager Miriam Kirkham said that the 'Anne Frank—A History for Today' is a
museum is eager to educate visitors on limited time exhibition that will be on
the history of the Holocaust and hopes display until the end of July. For more The Galloway Station Museum will be displaying the 'Anne
they will be able to genuinely information about the exhibit, call the Frank—A History for Today' travelling exhibition through the end of
contemplate and appreciate the exhibit. Galloway Station Museum at 780-723- July. Pictured is Galloway Station Museum Collections Manager
Miriam Kirkham. photo Cassie Kushniruk
Kirkham mentioned that a lady from the 5696.
Edson and District Victim Services would like to thank the following people/organizations for the P.A.R.T.Y. Program
that was held May 28-30.
Thanks to: Tourmaline, Advantage Towing, Edson Chrysler, SemCams, Velvet Energy, Royal Canadian Legion, Town of
Edson-FCSS, CEAT, Alberta Health Services, Edson Victim Services, RCMP, Edson Fire Department, EMS, Dr.
Wannenburg & Trauma Team, The Brain Care Centre and all the participating schools for contributing to the P.A.R.T.Y.
An accident simulation at the
Edson Legion provided an
impactful lesson for students
participating in the P.A.R.T.Y.
Program on May 28-30.
PCHS Drama students
Deanna Rozak (left) and
Hailey Brisebois volunteered
to assist in making the
simulation as real as possible.
photo Shaylyn Thornton