Page 21 - June 17, 2019
P. 21
PAGE 12 MONDAY JUNE 10, 2019


A rts - Entertainment - Events - and what’s going on

The Scene



June 15: Surprise Lake Camp will be hosting
an open house. Join the camp at 10 am for a
mushroom foray and nature walk. Pan for gold
at 1 pm and enjoy the song circle in the
evening. Hot dogs, burgers, and pop will be
available free of charge. Free camping is
available for volunteers. For more
information, email or call 780-974- The 874 Tiger Moth Air Cadets are inspected by Reviewing Officer Lieutenant Zac Gwodz at the Annual
9557. Ceremonial Review. photo Shaylyn Thornton

June 17: Drop by the Edson and District
Chamber of Commerce from 6 pm to 8 pm for Local Air Cadets shine at Annual Review
Coffee With Council. Enjoy some coffee,
snacks, and feel free to ask the Mayor and
Town Councillors any questions. Information by Shaylyn Thornton member of the Edson Legion's Executive
about the Town's recently completed Asset Committee, said “As parents, we are so proud of
Management Plan will be provided. Friends, family, and dignitaries arrived at the these kids.”
Holy Redeemer gymnasium on June 12 to take part The award for Citizenship in the community was
June 20: Join Kate's Kitchen for their free in the Annual Ceremonial Review of our local Air given to four Cadets who had volunteered at a very
lunch at St. Catherine's Anglican Church (617 The Tiger Moth 874 squadron led by Captain important event earlier this month. Leading Air
Main Street) from 11:30am - 1pm. It is held Kelly Jensen had worked hard for all of their Cadet McDonald, Air Cadet Hamilton, Air Cadet
Reynolds, and Sergeant Linchet were thanked for
every third Thursday of each month and all September to June season, and looked forward to their excellent service at the Seniors Week Legion
are welcome. presenting themselves for inspection and an awards Supper by receiving the Citizenship award.
ceremony. The Air Cadets in Edson have a long history of
June 21: From 8:30 am to 10:30 am, the Brian Andrus on behalf of the Air Cadet League volunteering, as Citizenship is one of their three
business community is invited to join Town of of Canada said that the Annual Review is meant to main principles. The other two are Leadership and
Edson CAO Mike Derricott at the Galloway showcase Cadet activities, training, and to show off Physical Fitness.
Station Museum for an opportunity to discuss their final Parade and drill. Leadership excellence was seen throughout the
the annual report and ask questions relating To start the event, the Cadets marched in and took event, from the Parade to the inspection, and was
to the business sector. The Edson and District part in the Parade led by Parade Commander also evident as the Cadets displayed what they had
Chamber of Commerce will also be on hand Linchet and Deputy Parade Commander Rauch. learned and been trained on throughout the year.
for a brief presentation. Breakfast is provided. Guests enjoyed seeing the well-trained and During a period of refreshments after the Awards
executed display, which was then followed up by a
Please RSVP by June 14 and only send on March Past around the room. Ceremony, guests were invited to take a look at the
displays of their training and hear from the Cadets
representative per business. The Reviewing Officer for the evening was what they had been learning and working on this
Lieutenant Zac Gwodz, who is also a member of season.
June 22: The Edson United Church will be the Yellowhead County Fire Department and one of Following the break, honored dignitaries from the
hosting its annual Four B's Fundraiser the stars of Discovery Channel's show “Hellfire community spoke to the Cadets and thanked them
(Blooms, Baking, BBQ, and Bargains) from 10 Heroes”. and their parents for taking part.
am to 2 pm. Anyone who would like to donate Lieutenant Gwodz inspected each Cadet, Cadets take part in activities like sporting events
Remember to drop off your items or volunteer for this event can call the alongside Andrus and Edson Legion President in the local gyms, camping trips, fitness camps,
donations for the United Church at 780-723-3418. Wendy Williams. After the successful completion hang gliding, and get opportunities to volunteer in
EDSON FOOD BANK of the inspection, the awards ceremony began. the community and take care of the T33 Memorial
The award for Level 1 Cadet was given to
at Independent Grocer, Sobeys See Classified Page for Leading Air Cadet Walukiewicz, and Level 2 was Plane that is in Centennial Park. One exciting event
or the Edson Food Bank monthly meetings and activities received by Corporal Dube. that is likely to happen next season is a trip to meet
one of the Royal Canadian Air Force's Helicopter
The Level 3 Cadet award was presented to
The Food Bank will be open Corporal Engelhardt, who also received an award Squadrons.
Being a member of the Air Cadets also offers
two Thursday evenings, Remember to drop off your for Highest Attendance alongside Flight Corporal exciting opportunities for the youth's futures. One
the second and last Thursday of donations for the Rauch. Rauch also received the award for Best All example is that a youth who goes through all levels
the Month 6:45-8:00 pm. EDSON FOOD BANK Around Cadet. of the Air Cadets may qualify for a Power Pilot or
Open regular hours every at Independent Grocer, Sobeys Corporal Engelhardt said receiving two awards Glider Pilot Scholarships which would allow them
Tuesday from 9-11 am. or the Edson Food Bank “feels pretty great” and acknowledged that her hard to earn a pilot's license.
The Food Bank will be open two Thursday evenings, work had paid off. Already in her third year, she Flight Corporal Rauch said this was one of the big
780-723-1350 the second and last Thursday of the Month loves helping teach and train the other Cadets. draws for him, as getting to fly as part of the Air
Englehardt's parents, Robert and Michelle, talked
Hours: Tues 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. 6:45-8:00 pm. about how great Cadets has been for their daughter. Cadets is his favorite aspect. Air Cadet Wyatt Eaton
Last Thursday of the month 6:45 p.m. to 8 p.m. Open regular hours every Tuesday from “We are really proud of her,” said Michelle. “The loves the opportunity to hang glide, and Corporal
Engelhardt's favorite memory was the Fitness
Food Bank located at 9-11 am. Cadets makes her take much more ownership over Camp she was able to take part in.
4511 5th Ave., Edson Sponsored by The Weekly Anchor 780-723-1350 things in her life.” “Even her bed is always nice,” C.O. Kelly Jensen works hard to keep the Air
Hours: Tues 9 a.m. to 11 a.m.
Sponsored by The Weekly Anchor Last Thursday of the month 6:45 p.m. to 8 p.m. laughed Robert. Cadets going so that youth in our community have
Food Bank located at 4511 5th Ave., Edson Corporal Engelhardt agreed. “I like to make sure a chance to participate in these amazing activities,
everything is nice and straight,” she said. “And no alongside support from his staff Civilian Instructors
wrinkles!” Ryan Deroche and Ryan Wensing.
An award for a Cadet that saw the most growth The 874 Tiger Moth squadron invites new
through the season was also awarded, with the members to take part next season, which will begin
The 874 Tiger Moth Air Cadets are inspected by Most Improved award going to Sergeant Linchet. in September.
perform a March Past at the Annual Ceremonial Linchet's mom Bobbi Foulds, who is also a
Review on June 12. photo Shaylyn Thornton
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