Page 27 - February 25, 2019
P. 27
A Monthly update on the Oil & Gas and Energy Industry
Ice Practice: Emergency Response in Winter Conditions ENERGY EDUCATION IN ACTION
Trans Mountain practices emergency equipment needed for winter spill response. prepared to respond quickly and
response on the existing pipeline in all Employees, contractors, first responders and efficiently.
seasons so they can be prepared to Indigenous groups were invited to participate Last year, Trans Mountain conducted Canada in the bid to host 24th World Petroleum Congress Growth in the oil sands projects drives
respond to an incident no matter what and observe. 18 emergency response exercises at
weather conditions are present. Winter is Trans Mountain is required by regulators to various locations along the pipeline Every three years the “Olympics of the oil are expected to attend and cast their votes for the oil and gas industry and its
no exception. Where the pipeline crosses have an Emergency Management Program route including a similar winter ice
rivers and streams, these bodies of water and to exercise their Emergency Response deployment held near Jasper National and gas industry”, the World Petroleum the preferred country. stakeholders around the globe. It is a need for more pipelines to 2030: CAPP
Congress, is being held in one of the
can be covered with ice in winter Plans on a regular basis to ensure they are Park in January 2018. World Petroleum Council's member The Congress has been held virtually all non-advocacy, non-political organisation,
months, so it is imperative response countries. around the world already, with the past few dedicated to the application of scientific
events taking place in Asia, Europe, Middle
crews are trained to respond under ice It is an honour and a great opportunity to East and Africa, while the upcoming 23rd advances in the oil and gas industries,
conditions. Last week, their Emergency be selected to host the Congress. So, it is technology transfer and the sustainable
Response Team conducted an on-ice no wonder that the 24th edition of the WPC is being organised by the USA in use of the world's petroleum resources
emergency exercise on Lac Des Roches, Houston at the end of 2020. for the benefit of all. The WPC is
BC near 100 Mile House, where ice World Petroleum Congress is attracting a The World Petroleum Council was registered as a charity in the UK. Its
lot of attention. Five countries are putting
conditions were appropriate and safe to bids forward to secure the Council's vote established in 1933 and provides a neutral nearly 60 member countries represent
practice deploying equipment needed for to host the event in 2023: Argentina, platform for discussion of the issues facing 96% of the world's oil and gas
winter spill response. Azerbaijan, Canada, Kazakhstan and the production and consumption.
This pre-planned exercise simulated a UAE.
scenario of a third-party strike to the WPC President, Tor Fjaeran, was
pipeline resulting in a release of product delighted with the great turnout: “This is a
into the water. Crews trained on Tim McMillan new record for us: five bidding countries
equipment to cut through the ice to President and CEO for the next Congress. It shows once again
practice containment and recovery Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers the value our membership put on the
techniques under ice and snow. organisation and it's triennal World
Conducting the exercise in a live winter Petroleum Congress where we bring
environment allows first responders to together everyone involved in the global
adapt to real seasonal challenges. oil and gas sector. We are sure that any of
The exercise also included land-based these bidders would do a great job in
training, setup and deployment of delivering a world-class event in four
response trailers, containment boom and years' time.”
The winner will be selected from the
five candidates at the annual Council
Meeting in St Petersburg in June this year.
Held alongside the 6th WPC Youth
Forum, representatives from the more
than sixty member countries of the WPC
This page is sponsored by industry supporters of responsible energy
Specializing in pipeline construction, facility constructions,
maintenance, abandonments and compression projects
780-728-0004 4515 2nd Avenue
A Monthly update on the Oil & Gas and Energy Industry
Ice Practice: Emergency Response in Winter Conditions ENERGY EDUCATION IN ACTION
Trans Mountain practices emergency equipment needed for winter spill response. prepared to respond quickly and
response on the existing pipeline in all Employees, contractors, first responders and efficiently.
seasons so they can be prepared to Indigenous groups were invited to participate Last year, Trans Mountain conducted Canada in the bid to host 24th World Petroleum Congress Growth in the oil sands projects drives
respond to an incident no matter what and observe. 18 emergency response exercises at
weather conditions are present. Winter is Trans Mountain is required by regulators to various locations along the pipeline Every three years the “Olympics of the oil are expected to attend and cast their votes for the oil and gas industry and its
no exception. Where the pipeline crosses have an Emergency Management Program route including a similar winter ice
rivers and streams, these bodies of water and to exercise their Emergency Response deployment held near Jasper National and gas industry”, the World Petroleum the preferred country. stakeholders around the globe. It is a need for more pipelines to 2030: CAPP
Congress, is being held in one of the
can be covered with ice in winter Plans on a regular basis to ensure they are Park in January 2018. World Petroleum Council's member The Congress has been held virtually all non-advocacy, non-political organisation,
months, so it is imperative response countries. around the world already, with the past few dedicated to the application of scientific
events taking place in Asia, Europe, Middle
crews are trained to respond under ice It is an honour and a great opportunity to East and Africa, while the upcoming 23rd advances in the oil and gas industries,
conditions. Last week, their Emergency be selected to host the Congress. So, it is technology transfer and the sustainable
Response Team conducted an on-ice no wonder that the 24th edition of the WPC is being organised by the USA in use of the world's petroleum resources
emergency exercise on Lac Des Roches, Houston at the end of 2020. for the benefit of all. The WPC is
BC near 100 Mile House, where ice World Petroleum Congress is attracting a The World Petroleum Council was registered as a charity in the UK. Its
lot of attention. Five countries are putting
conditions were appropriate and safe to bids forward to secure the Council's vote established in 1933 and provides a neutral nearly 60 member countries represent
practice deploying equipment needed for to host the event in 2023: Argentina, platform for discussion of the issues facing 96% of the world's oil and gas
winter spill response. Azerbaijan, Canada, Kazakhstan and the production and consumption.
This pre-planned exercise simulated a UAE.
scenario of a third-party strike to the WPC President, Tor Fjaeran, was
pipeline resulting in a release of product delighted with the great turnout: “This is a
into the water. Crews trained on Tim McMillan new record for us: five bidding countries
equipment to cut through the ice to President and CEO for the next Congress. It shows once again
practice containment and recovery Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers the value our membership put on the
techniques under ice and snow. organisation and it's triennal World
Conducting the exercise in a live winter Petroleum Congress where we bring
environment allows first responders to together everyone involved in the global
adapt to real seasonal challenges. oil and gas sector. We are sure that any of
The exercise also included land-based these bidders would do a great job in
training, setup and deployment of delivering a world-class event in four
response trailers, containment boom and years' time.”
The winner will be selected from the
five candidates at the annual Council
Meeting in St Petersburg in June this year.
Held alongside the 6th WPC Youth
Forum, representatives from the more
than sixty member countries of the WPC
This page is sponsored by industry supporters of responsible energy
Specializing in pipeline construction, facility constructions,
maintenance, abandonments and compression projects
780-728-0004 4515 2nd Avenue