Page 23 - February 25, 2019
P. 23
A rts - Entertainment - Events - and what’s going on
The Scene
Upcoming Events
Upcoming Events Parkland presents Mamma Mia!
Feb 22: Join the Edson United Church from
4:30 pm to 6:30 pm for 'Messy Church',
which will center around a Bible theme. The
gathering is perfect for families, and will
include crafts, activities, songs, stories, a
free meal, and material to take home.
Mar 2: Join the Edson Muskeg Flyers for 40
Mooseheart Loppet at the Hornbeck trails.
Registration starts at 9 am and the race
starts at 11 am. Choose your own distance:
1k, 2.5k, 5k, 10k, or 15k. Come dressed in
your seventies gear. For more information,
contact Steve/Lisa at 780-712-6313.
Mar 2: To celebrate the 40 year of the From Febraury 11-16, the PCHS performing arts department delivered a stellar performance of the
formation of the Edson Muskeg Flyers musical Mamma Mia! Pictured are Avery Pelz (Tanya), Emma Bowman (Donna Sheridan), and Reece
Nordic Ski Club, the group will be hosting a Meropoulis (Rosie). photo submitted
dinner at the Edson Pioneer Cabin starting
at 6 pm following the Mooseheart Loppet. by Cassie Kushniruk Sophie's dads, and brought his upbeat and fun-
Following the dinner, a video of the 1986 loving personality to the stage along with
From February 11-16, Parkland Composite High
Alberta Winter Games skiing events will be School students brought the acclaimed Broadway enthusiasm which he portrayed through singing
shown. Everyone is welcome to attend. musical Mamma Mia! to the Parkland Theatre and dancing. “My three dads were comedic
RVSP to Barbara at or stage for a night full of humor, entertainment, and throughout and they just brought so much joy and
Anne at nostalgia. fun to the show,” Dickson said.
For many of the songs, the actors were backed up
Inspired by hit songs of the 1972 Swedish pop by an ensemble, which allowed for a much more
Mar 5: Join Phyllis Roberto in examining 6 group, ABBA, Mamma Mia! follows the story of exciting and upbeat experience as the audience
different areas of life during a 'Resilient You' 20-year-old Sophie Sheridan in search of her birth could sing along to their favorite ABBA hits, such
session held from 6 pm to 8 pm in the father. After reading her mother's diary and as Dancing Queen, I Have a Dream, and Mamma
Repsol Place Hospitality Room. This discovering that her birth father could be one of Mia.
program is for adults and is free to attend. three potential men, bride-to-be Sophie invites all Since September, the cast and crew have been
three men to her wedding on a Greek island they
Drop-ins are welcome, but registration is visited 20 years earlier. working tirelessly to perfect their roles, and along
the way, Dickson certainly noticed some
appreciated. Register online at or The Parkland cast told the timeless tale of love, improvements from the cast. “There's so much
in person at Repsol Place. laughter, and friendship enthusiastically through growth throughout the whole process, just the
their energetic dance numbers and animated confidence they gain and their vocal abilities come
Mar 8: Come out to the Boys and Girls Club singing, making sure to always keep the audience so far with practicing and rehearsing,” said
from 4:30 pm to 6:30 for a free outdoor entertained. Dickson. “They worked so hard to make sure
skate and warm up with some treats Grade 10 student Braelynn Simard played the everything is spot on, presentable, and perfect.”
In this way, the group came out on top and
around the fire. lead role of Sophie Sheridan, who expertly delivered a stellar performance. “It's a lot of
navigated the audience through her character's
quest to uncover the identity of her father as she commitment and I'm impressed every year with
Mar 15: Join Kate's Kitchen for their free interacted with each character. “I think it was a how well they manage their commitments,” said
lunch at St. Catherine's Anglican Church very impressive, difficult, and challenging role for Dickson.
(617 Main Street) from 11:30am - 1pm. It is her to play as a grade 10 student and did so well,” Throughout the six days that the play ran, the
held every third Thursday of each month said Director Danette Dickson. group performed a total of ten times, and nearly
and all are welcome. While the play focused primarily on Sophie's every evening show sold out. “The evening shows
quest, it also followed the story of Sophie's mother, were such a great turnout,” said Dickson.
Mar 24: Hymn Sing will be held at the Donna, as she was forced to rehash old feuds with “Everybody would leave with their toes tapping.”
each of her former lovers.
Edson Baptist Church located at 4717 9 Parkland actress Emma Bowman, who played the As a student directed play, the grade 11 and 12
Avenue. Doors open at 6 p.m., sing-a-long character of Donna, exceptionally encapsulated the students were presented with the opportunity to
direct a scene of their choice. “A lot of the first act
begins at 6:30 and goes until 7:30 p.m. emotions of her character as she was faced this is student directed, so the students get to choose
Open to the public, free of charge. interruption in light of her daughter's wedding. how we present the show and I just oversee it
“Emma Bowman was phenomenal and nailed the producing the whole thing,” explained Dickson.
parts and really captured the essence of that role,” Dickson gave mentions to the school, who
said Dickson. Along with her exceptional acting continues to support the performing arts program
See Classified Page for skills, Bowman cleverly portrayed these emotions
monthly meetings and activities at Parkland, whether through helping build sets
through her beautiful singing, which stunned the through the options programs or teachers helping
audience. the actors get caught up with their studies. “It's a
Remember to drop off your The play also followed a few side stories of some quite supportive network and our school really
donations for the of the supporting characters, which added a fair bit supports them,” said Dickson. “It's really fabulous
EDSON FOOD BANK of comic relief to Sophie's significant quest. to be working in a school where we all work so
Grade 9 student Kodah Wilson continuously
at Independent Grocer, Sobeys made the audience laugh through his character of well.”
The money received from the ticket purchases
or the Edson Food Bank Pepper, the flirtatious bartender who has a knack will go directly back into the performing arts
The Food Bank will be open two Thursday evenings, for dance. Wilson, having nine years of experience program, and Dickson hopes to use the money
the second and last Thursday of the Month in dance, was the perfect actor for this role, and from this year's production to purchase some new
6:45-8:00 pm. had the opportunity to show off his amazing moves lighting for the stage area.
Open regular hours every Tuesday from to the audience by directing his own scenes. Overall, the Parkland cast and crew of Mamma
9-11 am. “Normally we only allow grade 11s and 12s [to Mia! enjoyed showcasing their hard work to the
780-723-1350 direct scenes], but Kodah is a very talented dancer audience, and the audience in turn were kept
Sponsored by The Weekly Anchor so he got to direct his scenes, so that's impressive
Hours: Tues 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. entertained and left with bright smiles on their
Last Thursday of the month 6:45 p.m. to 8 p.m. for a grade 9 student,” Dickson said. faces. “Everybody had a great time,” said Dickson.
Food Bank located at 4511 5th Ave., Edson Brandon Dahl portrayed Harry Bright, one of
A rts - Entertainment - Events - and what’s going on
The Scene
Upcoming Events
Upcoming Events Parkland presents Mamma Mia!
Feb 22: Join the Edson United Church from
4:30 pm to 6:30 pm for 'Messy Church',
which will center around a Bible theme. The
gathering is perfect for families, and will
include crafts, activities, songs, stories, a
free meal, and material to take home.
Mar 2: Join the Edson Muskeg Flyers for 40
Mooseheart Loppet at the Hornbeck trails.
Registration starts at 9 am and the race
starts at 11 am. Choose your own distance:
1k, 2.5k, 5k, 10k, or 15k. Come dressed in
your seventies gear. For more information,
contact Steve/Lisa at 780-712-6313.
Mar 2: To celebrate the 40 year of the From Febraury 11-16, the PCHS performing arts department delivered a stellar performance of the
formation of the Edson Muskeg Flyers musical Mamma Mia! Pictured are Avery Pelz (Tanya), Emma Bowman (Donna Sheridan), and Reece
Nordic Ski Club, the group will be hosting a Meropoulis (Rosie). photo submitted
dinner at the Edson Pioneer Cabin starting
at 6 pm following the Mooseheart Loppet. by Cassie Kushniruk Sophie's dads, and brought his upbeat and fun-
Following the dinner, a video of the 1986 loving personality to the stage along with
From February 11-16, Parkland Composite High
Alberta Winter Games skiing events will be School students brought the acclaimed Broadway enthusiasm which he portrayed through singing
shown. Everyone is welcome to attend. musical Mamma Mia! to the Parkland Theatre and dancing. “My three dads were comedic
RVSP to Barbara at or stage for a night full of humor, entertainment, and throughout and they just brought so much joy and
Anne at nostalgia. fun to the show,” Dickson said.
For many of the songs, the actors were backed up
Inspired by hit songs of the 1972 Swedish pop by an ensemble, which allowed for a much more
Mar 5: Join Phyllis Roberto in examining 6 group, ABBA, Mamma Mia! follows the story of exciting and upbeat experience as the audience
different areas of life during a 'Resilient You' 20-year-old Sophie Sheridan in search of her birth could sing along to their favorite ABBA hits, such
session held from 6 pm to 8 pm in the father. After reading her mother's diary and as Dancing Queen, I Have a Dream, and Mamma
Repsol Place Hospitality Room. This discovering that her birth father could be one of Mia.
program is for adults and is free to attend. three potential men, bride-to-be Sophie invites all Since September, the cast and crew have been
three men to her wedding on a Greek island they
Drop-ins are welcome, but registration is visited 20 years earlier. working tirelessly to perfect their roles, and along
the way, Dickson certainly noticed some
appreciated. Register online at or The Parkland cast told the timeless tale of love, improvements from the cast. “There's so much
in person at Repsol Place. laughter, and friendship enthusiastically through growth throughout the whole process, just the
their energetic dance numbers and animated confidence they gain and their vocal abilities come
Mar 8: Come out to the Boys and Girls Club singing, making sure to always keep the audience so far with practicing and rehearsing,” said
from 4:30 pm to 6:30 for a free outdoor entertained. Dickson. “They worked so hard to make sure
skate and warm up with some treats Grade 10 student Braelynn Simard played the everything is spot on, presentable, and perfect.”
In this way, the group came out on top and
around the fire. lead role of Sophie Sheridan, who expertly delivered a stellar performance. “It's a lot of
navigated the audience through her character's
quest to uncover the identity of her father as she commitment and I'm impressed every year with
Mar 15: Join Kate's Kitchen for their free interacted with each character. “I think it was a how well they manage their commitments,” said
lunch at St. Catherine's Anglican Church very impressive, difficult, and challenging role for Dickson.
(617 Main Street) from 11:30am - 1pm. It is her to play as a grade 10 student and did so well,” Throughout the six days that the play ran, the
held every third Thursday of each month said Director Danette Dickson. group performed a total of ten times, and nearly
and all are welcome. While the play focused primarily on Sophie's every evening show sold out. “The evening shows
quest, it also followed the story of Sophie's mother, were such a great turnout,” said Dickson.
Mar 24: Hymn Sing will be held at the Donna, as she was forced to rehash old feuds with “Everybody would leave with their toes tapping.”
each of her former lovers.
Edson Baptist Church located at 4717 9 Parkland actress Emma Bowman, who played the As a student directed play, the grade 11 and 12
Avenue. Doors open at 6 p.m., sing-a-long character of Donna, exceptionally encapsulated the students were presented with the opportunity to
direct a scene of their choice. “A lot of the first act
begins at 6:30 and goes until 7:30 p.m. emotions of her character as she was faced this is student directed, so the students get to choose
Open to the public, free of charge. interruption in light of her daughter's wedding. how we present the show and I just oversee it
“Emma Bowman was phenomenal and nailed the producing the whole thing,” explained Dickson.
parts and really captured the essence of that role,” Dickson gave mentions to the school, who
said Dickson. Along with her exceptional acting continues to support the performing arts program
See Classified Page for skills, Bowman cleverly portrayed these emotions
monthly meetings and activities at Parkland, whether through helping build sets
through her beautiful singing, which stunned the through the options programs or teachers helping
audience. the actors get caught up with their studies. “It's a
Remember to drop off your The play also followed a few side stories of some quite supportive network and our school really
donations for the of the supporting characters, which added a fair bit supports them,” said Dickson. “It's really fabulous
EDSON FOOD BANK of comic relief to Sophie's significant quest. to be working in a school where we all work so
Grade 9 student Kodah Wilson continuously
at Independent Grocer, Sobeys made the audience laugh through his character of well.”
The money received from the ticket purchases
or the Edson Food Bank Pepper, the flirtatious bartender who has a knack will go directly back into the performing arts
The Food Bank will be open two Thursday evenings, for dance. Wilson, having nine years of experience program, and Dickson hopes to use the money
the second and last Thursday of the Month in dance, was the perfect actor for this role, and from this year's production to purchase some new
6:45-8:00 pm. had the opportunity to show off his amazing moves lighting for the stage area.
Open regular hours every Tuesday from to the audience by directing his own scenes. Overall, the Parkland cast and crew of Mamma
9-11 am. “Normally we only allow grade 11s and 12s [to Mia! enjoyed showcasing their hard work to the
780-723-1350 direct scenes], but Kodah is a very talented dancer audience, and the audience in turn were kept
Sponsored by The Weekly Anchor so he got to direct his scenes, so that's impressive
Hours: Tues 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. entertained and left with bright smiles on their
Last Thursday of the month 6:45 p.m. to 8 p.m. for a grade 9 student,” Dickson said. faces. “Everybody had a great time,” said Dickson.
Food Bank located at 4511 5th Ave., Edson Brandon Dahl portrayed Harry Bright, one of