Page 30 - February 25, 2019
P. 30
he Weekly
he Weekly
Career and Job Opportunities Online: eer and Job Opportunities Online:
Career and Job Opportunities Online: weeklyanchor.comeer and Job Opportunities Online: Car THE WEEKLY ANCHOR MONDAY FEBRUARY 18, 2019 PAGE 31
T he Weekly ANCHOR Compassion House: a place for those in need
Remember to drop off your donations for the Compassion House offers just that: going through the same health concerns as you. ASSIGNMENT WRITER
EDSON FOOD BANK by Deanna Mitchener compassion for those living far away and The Edson Run of Hope will help pay the
On March 5 the Edson Rotary Club is
at Independent Grocer, Sobeys or the Edson Food Bank inviting members of the public to join them at needing treatment. You may arrive as a stranger costs of any guests from the Edson area who Enjoy getting out and meeting people?
but after just a couple of days you create
stay there for treatments. So please help spread
T he Weekly ANCHOR EMPLOYMENT AND CAREERS 12 p.m. at the Galloway Station Museum for incredibly strong bonds with others who are the word. The Weekly Anchor is looking for an assignment Writer!
The Food Bank will be open 2 Thursday evenings,
their lunch meeting as they will be hosting two
the second and last Thursday of the Month 6:45-8:00 pm. Career and Job Opportunities Online: er and Job Opportunities Online: guests from Compassion House, in Edmonton. The Weekly Anchor has an opening for a person with good
writing skills to write about local events
Compassion House is a residential facility,
Open regular hours every Tuesday from 9-11 am. wee spearheaded by the Sorrentino chain of WITH EMPHASIS ON LOCAL SPORTS.
780-723-1350 restaurants, which offers accommodation to Training provided. Great for added income.
women of rural central and northern Alberta
Work from home and/or our office.
When you place Hours: Tues 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. who require treatment for cancer in Edmonton, Grade 12 or Post Secondary Education required.
but who have no family to stay with during
an ad Last Thursday of the month 6:45 p.m. to 8 p.m. treatments.
The Board of Directors for Compassion House
in the Career Food Bank located at 4511 5th Ave., Edson wants to raise its profile in communities such as Resumes should be dropped off at 5040 3rd Avenue
(or sent to the Publisher by email at
Section, Sponsored by The Weekly Anchor When you place an ad in Edson, and will be speaking for approximately
30 minutes. They will be happy to stay longer to
your ad is also the Career Section, answer any questions.
Rotarian Sheila Eaton says, "We are hoping to
placed on our your ad is also placed on publicize this, and have attendees other than
website. our website. Rotarians attend this information session as
there are likely friends and acquaintances you
Contact our sales rep to place your know would be interested. We do ask that if you
Contact our sales Career ad on this page. would like to attend, to please contact Lorraine
Symes through her email at
"Please tell anyone interested that if they wish
to place your Career ad on this to attend for lunch, there will be a $15 charge
page. Phone 780-723-5787; Fax 780-723-5725 and the meal is at 12 p.m. if not interested in photo Cassie Kushniruk
lunch, but would like to attend, our speakers
C email: anchorwk@ will begin their presentation by 12:30 p.m. On February 19, seniors at Parkland Lodge showed off their bean bag toss skills as they played a friendly
Phone 780-723-5787; Fax 780- Please contact Lorraine by 1 p.m. on March 4, the seniors as part of Random Acts of Kindness Week, and seniors alike were lit up with bright smiles as
match against members of Edson's Youth Council. Youth Council enjoyed their time spent mingling with
so lunch can be ordered ahead to ensure we
A 723-5725 have enough," said Eaton. they snacked on treats and played competitively with the youth. Pictured is Youth Councilor Kieran PASSPORT PHOTOS & MORE
Bradbury trying to score the Youth Councilor team with enough points to catch up with the seniors.
email: anchorwk@

ready in minutes while you wait...
When you place R When you place an ad in the T he Weekly ANCHOR Professional Digital Passport System photos
Career Section, your ad is
an ad in the Employment Career and Job Opportunities Online: weeklyanchor.comeer and Job Opportunities Online:
When you place
Career Section, E also placed on our website. C Passport•Citizenship•Rifle Arms Licence•
your ad is also
placed on our an ad in the Contact our sales rep to Permanent Resident•Photos & more
website. E A
Career Section, place your Career ad
Contact our sales on this page. EMPLOYMENT C
rep to place your R your ad is Edson area DROP IN AND SEE!
Career ad on this Are you employed part-time? Retired?
Are you employed part-time? Retired?
page. S also placed Phone 780-723-5787; R Contract Field Operator needed A stay at home parent or just
A stay at home parent or just
looking for a second income?
Phone on our website. Fax 780-723-5725 9 days on/5 off shift A looking for a second income?
780-723-5787; email:
Grande Yellowhead Public School
Fax 780-723-5725 anchorwk@ E 1 year work term Grande Yellowhead Public School
email: Division is recruiting school bus
Division is recruiting school bus
anchorwk@ Need Truck, tools,
drivers in the Edson area! Contact our Wellhead insurance R drivers in the Edson area!
sales rep T he Weekly ANCHOR E Send resumes/relevant information to: School bus driving is a very rewarding part-time 5040 3rd Avenue, Edson
School bus driving is a very rewarding part-time
career and offers many great benefits!
career and offers many great benefits!
* Part-time hours
T he Weekly ANCHOR Employment R FINELINE E * Part-time hours
* Free Class 2 Training
* Free Class 2 Training
* Flexible schedule
* Flexible schedule
Employment S STATIONERY * Summers, weekends and holidays off The Weekly
* Summers, weekends and holidays off
* Parents may take their pre-school child to work
* Parents may take their pre-school child to work
Currently seeking applications for:
with them
with them
* Opportunity for advancement
to place your CUSTOMER SERVICE REP. E * Opportunity for advancement
Duties will also include
Apply to become a professional school bus
Apply to become a professional school bus
Career ad DEADLINE: office supplies and furniture driver today!
driver today!
delivery and setup.
Contact Corey Halabi (780)712-0677
on this page. Tuesdays, R Contact Corey Halabi (780)712-0677
or email
or email
5 p.m.
PASSPORT PHOTOS & MORE A clear driver’s license Applicants must have:
Applicants must have:
is required.
Phone Professional Digital Email resume to A valid class 5 license
A valid class 5 license
Criminal record check
Criminal record check
780-723-5787; Passport System S Family Intervention record Check
Family Intervention record Check
photos ready or drop off in person
in minutes
while you wait...

The Weekly Anchorhe Weekly Anchor

5040 3rd Avenue, Edson
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson
D 780-723-5787
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