Page 21 - February 25, 2019
P. 21
Holy Redeemer Senior High s CHOOL
One-Acts Ready to Begin Times
Audition week at Holy Redeemer is always a and Kirsten Landry.
stressful and long week. The students The second one-act play, entitled You Do Love April 25th to 27th. Holy Redeemer's track record
is extremely impressive at the Festival as they
continuously put their heart and souls into their Me, Don't You?”, tells the story of a young girl have won Best Production eight times and
work for the hope to participate in this year's (grade 11 student Ava Simmons) bringing home Runner Up three times in the past 15 years.
senior high one-acts, and for the opportunity to her boyfriend (grade 11 student Thomas That said, before audiences get to see the final
represent HRH at this year's Zone Drama Pennings) to meet her family (Grade 12 student product, the students must rehearse. Something
Festival. Rena Fakhreddine, and grade 10 students Tyler they are excited to do over the next two months.
And when the dust settled, 18 grade 10 to 12 Ferguson and Morgan Steffler). Rounding out If you would like more information on this
students stood tall and ready to take on their cast the crew will be Sean Fogarty, Ashley Bischke, article please feel free to contact the school at
and crew roles over the next two months. Stephen Domshy and Elias Tobin. 780-723-7437, visit our website at
“It was a crazy time,” says student director and “This experience has been really hard thus far,”
grade 12 student Alaina Furegati. “We were says Kiley Bischke referring to the process of or follow us on social
supposed to have auditions last week (February choosing a script and selecting a cast from the
4th to 6th), but the buses were cancelled and that wide number of talented performers at HRH.
put us into the following week. It was a long “But I know it's only going to get harder. That Kids Make A Difference is sponsored by:
time to wait for sure, but everyone put so much said, I also know I have an amazing cast and
effort into their auditions.” crew and I can't wait to see what they can do.”
Furegati will be directing the one-act play Hello Drama Teacher Peter Taylor is also very excited
Darkness My Old Friend. It tells the story of a to begin the rehearsal process. “Both Alaina and
divorced couple (played by grade 12 students Kiley have proven they are very committed to
Austin Frazer and Jaden Gauchier) and their putting on some amazing shows. I know
relationship with their daughter Jo (grade 10 audiences are really in for a treat.”
student Jayna Fedorak). Both plays are preparing for the school's 16th
“It's very emotional show,” says Furegati, who Annual Dessert Theatre on April 12th and 13th. Sand & Gravel Sales/Hauling
has been a longtime crew member for the HRH Tickets will be $10 each and will go on sale in Quality Work
Program. “I'm looking forward to starting out mid-March.
rehearsal process.” The crew will be made up of In addition, the two plays will represent HRH Serving Edson & District Since 1974
Mekha George, Danielle Bittner, Alexa Bodner at the Zone Drama Festival in Westlock from 780-723-5152
Pink Shirt Day at Parkland School
submitted Trish Day, PCHS engaging with students during
breakfast is just a bonus.
Be kind. It's that simple. If you are bullied, or know of
On Wednesday February 27 someone who is, please reach out to
schools across Canada will wear someone…
pink to support bully prevention. - PCHS Administration Team @
Spreading bullying awareness is 780-723-6035
making a difference. Students are -
not keeping quiet; they are standing / and click on the
up for themselves and for their PSST World: Report It Now link
peers. -
Pink Shirt Day is just one step of -
many where we are showing supports.aspx / Bullying Helpline:
solidarity for the bullied, whether it 1-888-456-2323
be at school, at home, at work, and - 1-800-
on social media platforms. 668-6868
On Wednesday, Parkland - Edson's Community
Composite High School will be Engagement Action Team (CEAT @
holding their annual Pink Pancake
Breakfast. Even more, it's free! We 17/
are proud to be a supportive Kindness IS contagious, try it and Last Year's Assistant Principal (now PGMS Principal) Ms. Erin Murphy - EA
resource for our students by see what a positive difference you Mrs. Rose Dyck - Former PCHS student Emily Orge - Assistant Principal Mr.
building positive relationships… can make! Ryan Hall during last year's Pink Shirt Day at Parkland.
Holy Redeemer
c e l e b r a t e d
National Flag
Day on February
1 5 t h w i t h
s t u d e n t s
r e c e i v i n g a
miniature flag to
c e l e b r a t e
C a n a d a ' s
heritage. Here,
Mr. Fogarty's
Social Studies
20-1 class stops
for a photo to
s h o w t h e i r
Canadian pride
as a part of their
class focus on
n a t i o n a l i s m .
Holy Redeemer Senior High s CHOOL
One-Acts Ready to Begin Times
Audition week at Holy Redeemer is always a and Kirsten Landry.
stressful and long week. The students The second one-act play, entitled You Do Love April 25th to 27th. Holy Redeemer's track record
is extremely impressive at the Festival as they
continuously put their heart and souls into their Me, Don't You?”, tells the story of a young girl have won Best Production eight times and
work for the hope to participate in this year's (grade 11 student Ava Simmons) bringing home Runner Up three times in the past 15 years.
senior high one-acts, and for the opportunity to her boyfriend (grade 11 student Thomas That said, before audiences get to see the final
represent HRH at this year's Zone Drama Pennings) to meet her family (Grade 12 student product, the students must rehearse. Something
Festival. Rena Fakhreddine, and grade 10 students Tyler they are excited to do over the next two months.
And when the dust settled, 18 grade 10 to 12 Ferguson and Morgan Steffler). Rounding out If you would like more information on this
students stood tall and ready to take on their cast the crew will be Sean Fogarty, Ashley Bischke, article please feel free to contact the school at
and crew roles over the next two months. Stephen Domshy and Elias Tobin. 780-723-7437, visit our website at
“It was a crazy time,” says student director and “This experience has been really hard thus far,”
grade 12 student Alaina Furegati. “We were says Kiley Bischke referring to the process of or follow us on social
supposed to have auditions last week (February choosing a script and selecting a cast from the
4th to 6th), but the buses were cancelled and that wide number of talented performers at HRH.
put us into the following week. It was a long “But I know it's only going to get harder. That Kids Make A Difference is sponsored by:
time to wait for sure, but everyone put so much said, I also know I have an amazing cast and
effort into their auditions.” crew and I can't wait to see what they can do.”
Furegati will be directing the one-act play Hello Drama Teacher Peter Taylor is also very excited
Darkness My Old Friend. It tells the story of a to begin the rehearsal process. “Both Alaina and
divorced couple (played by grade 12 students Kiley have proven they are very committed to
Austin Frazer and Jaden Gauchier) and their putting on some amazing shows. I know
relationship with their daughter Jo (grade 10 audiences are really in for a treat.”
student Jayna Fedorak). Both plays are preparing for the school's 16th
“It's very emotional show,” says Furegati, who Annual Dessert Theatre on April 12th and 13th. Sand & Gravel Sales/Hauling
has been a longtime crew member for the HRH Tickets will be $10 each and will go on sale in Quality Work
Program. “I'm looking forward to starting out mid-March.
rehearsal process.” The crew will be made up of In addition, the two plays will represent HRH Serving Edson & District Since 1974
Mekha George, Danielle Bittner, Alexa Bodner at the Zone Drama Festival in Westlock from 780-723-5152
Pink Shirt Day at Parkland School
submitted Trish Day, PCHS engaging with students during
breakfast is just a bonus.
Be kind. It's that simple. If you are bullied, or know of
On Wednesday February 27 someone who is, please reach out to
schools across Canada will wear someone…
pink to support bully prevention. - PCHS Administration Team @
Spreading bullying awareness is 780-723-6035
making a difference. Students are -
not keeping quiet; they are standing / and click on the
up for themselves and for their PSST World: Report It Now link
peers. -
Pink Shirt Day is just one step of -
many where we are showing supports.aspx / Bullying Helpline:
solidarity for the bullied, whether it 1-888-456-2323
be at school, at home, at work, and - 1-800-
on social media platforms. 668-6868
On Wednesday, Parkland - Edson's Community
Composite High School will be Engagement Action Team (CEAT @
holding their annual Pink Pancake
Breakfast. Even more, it's free! We 17/
are proud to be a supportive Kindness IS contagious, try it and Last Year's Assistant Principal (now PGMS Principal) Ms. Erin Murphy - EA
resource for our students by see what a positive difference you Mrs. Rose Dyck - Former PCHS student Emily Orge - Assistant Principal Mr.
building positive relationships… can make! Ryan Hall during last year's Pink Shirt Day at Parkland.
Holy Redeemer
c e l e b r a t e d
National Flag
Day on February
1 5 t h w i t h
s t u d e n t s
r e c e i v i n g a
miniature flag to
c e l e b r a t e
C a n a d a ' s
heritage. Here,
Mr. Fogarty's
Social Studies
20-1 class stops
for a photo to
s h o w t h e i r
Canadian pride
as a part of their
class focus on
n a t i o n a l i s m .