Page 22 - December 2, 2019
P. 22
hat’s happening, when and were in the community -
PAGE 22 MONDAY DECEMBER 2, 2019 for monthly meetings see our classified page
w hat’s happening, when and were in the community - for monthly meetings see our classified page
November 30: The Edson United Church (1214 December 6: Visit Carrot Creek Community Hall at In Your Drawers. For more information call
Edson Drive) presents its annual Dessert Auction at 7 pm for a Yellowhead County mayor forum. Ashley McLeod at 780-723-1586 or Adrienne
from 7-9 pm. Get all your Christmas and lunch Whitnack at 780-723-8085.
baking in one spot, from cookies and squares to December 7: EARS will be hosting their annual
pies and bread and everything in between; all Breakfast with Santa at the Lion’s Den from 9 am December 8: Chautauqua, Edson Arts Council
baked with love and care with you in mind. Many to noon. A pancake breakfast will be served, and will host God is a Scottish Drag Queen: Christmas
other items will also be auctioned off that just Santa will be on site for kid and pet photos. Special at the Red Brick Arts Centre from 7-9 pm.
may suit a gift you have in mind. Auctioneer Doors open at 6:30 pm. $25 tickets are available
Henry Roy will liven the evening with skill and December 7: Parkland Lodge Auxiliary is holding at Thymes Two and the Red Brick.
humour. Join the Church for a family-friendly its annual Christmas tea, bake sale and silent
evening. Free refreshments will be served. All auction. Bake sale starts at 1 pm, tea starts at December 10: Visit the Galloway Station
proceeds will help support community programs 1:30 pm. All the money raised will go to the Museum at 6 pm for an all candidates forum for
including Community Lunch, Food for shut-ins Lodge residents. Baking donations for the bake Yellowhead County mayor. IMAGE 1 – IMAGE 2: Parker Van De Spiegle performed during his Parker's
and homeless people within the community. Call sale are being accepted. For more information Jammin' for the Edson Food Bank concert on November 22. photo submitted
the Edson United Church at 780-723-3418 for call Ivan at 780-723-4020, Carol at 780-723-5518 December 13: Join the Edson United Church
more information. or Ann at 780-723-4522. from 4:30 pm to 6:30 pm to build your very own IMAGE 3: Parker Van De Spiegle (left) and brother Julian proudly showed off a
spectacular gingerbread house. There is no fee, jar of cash donations raised during Parker's Jammin' for the Edson Food Bank
December 6: The Edson Baptist Church December 8: All seniors are welcome to visit the but donations and extra candy are always
welcomes all from 5:30 to 7:30 pm to come Pioneer Cabin from 1-4 pm for their 4th annual welcome. For more information email concert on November 22. photo submitted
watch the Santa Clause parade and keep warm Secret Santa for Seniors. Seniors will have the or call 780-723-3418.
by enjoying free hot chocolate, coffee and opportunity to enjoy refreshments, local IMAGE 4: Michael Lambregts (left) and Parker Van De Spiegle performed during
cookies. Kids Christmas crafts will be offered entertainment, and end the afternoon event December 22: Visit Repsol Place from 3 pm to 6 Parker's Jammin' for the Edson Food Bank concert on November 22. photo
indoors once the parade has finished passing by. with gift giving. The Pioneer Cabin is still in need pm for a free skate with Santa. Free hot submitted
Parking is available in the church parking lot at of new, unused gifts for seniors. Maximum $25 chocolate and music will also be available. All are
4717 9th Ave. per gift (for example: mitts, scarves, gift cards, welcome. IMAGE 5: Parker Van De Spiegle performed during his Parker's Jammin' for the
toiletries). Unwrapped gifts can be dropped off Edson Food Bank concert on November 22. photo submitted
Parker jams for the Edson Food Bank IMAGE 6 – IMAGE 7: Parker Van De Spiegle (left) and brother Julian show off
some of the food raised during Parker's Jammin' for the Edson Food Bank concert
by Shaylyn Thornton on November 22. photo submitted
On November 22, Parker Van De
Spiegle followed through with his
pledge to help the Edson Food Bank.
Holding his second concert of the
year, with the first benefiting the Edson
Animal Rescue Society, Parker was
looking to make a difference to the
people in the community.
Guests were asked to bring along a
donation for the food bank as an “entry
fee” to the concert, and those who
Community Event Supporterter
We Support Community Eventse Support Community Events
attended certainly did their part. W Community Event Suppor
“He raised over $200 and a whole lot
of food!” said Parker's mom, Pam Van
De Spiegle. A table set up for receiving
the food was full, with donations piling
up underneath it as well. E
This time around, some great friends UNBEATABLE
of Parker's stopped by to jam for the
food bank, too. Devon LeBlue and 7440 4th Ave. - Highway 16 780-723-9500
For more info CALL: 1-888-227-0566 or 780-723-3351
Gerry Farmer played drums and bass 1-877-723-9500 For more info CALL: 1-888-227-0566 or 780-723-3351
214 58th Street, EDSON
214 58th Street, EDSON
guitar alongside Parker, and other Edson Chrysler - You drive our way, we’ll deal your way. Putting the Customer Experience First!utting the Customer Experience First!
musical guests like Michael Lambregts
and Greg Templeton stopped by to play
for the crowd as well.
Guests in attendance noted that in Community Event SupporterCommunity Event Supporter We Support Community EventsWe Support Community Events
addition to great music, they also loved
hearing Parker's jokes throughout the
evening. Gelmici Jewellers
As with any great event, there are
308 - 50 St., Edson
many people who help make it 308 - 50 St., Edson
Phone 723-6677
possible. For the Van De Spiegle's, Phone 723-6677 123-50 Street Edson
they come together not only as a family Store Hours: Phone: 780-723-3618
unit comprised of siblings, parents, and Mon. to Wed & Fri.: 10-6; Mon. to Fri. 9:30-6:00
even grandparents, but their friends Thursday: 10-8; Thurs. 9:30 - 8:00; Sat. 9:30 - 4:00
Saturday: 10-5
step up, too. SUNDAY CLOSED Sunday 12:00 - 4:00
Chris and Christene Biernacki
brought in the sound system and the
Community Event Supporterter
We Support Community Eventse Support Community Events
chairs for the event, and Shelley Court W Community Event Suppor
brought in the backdrops to help
transform the Attention to Detail
Consulting shop into a great space for a
Parker and his family are grateful to
the community for their support in
these endeavors to make a difference -
and judging by the truckload of food
donated to the Edson Food Bank, a
difference is certainly being made. Parker Van De Spiegle (left) and brother Julian show off some of the food raised during Parker's Jammin' for the
Edson Food Bank concert on November 22. photo submitted
hat’s happening, when and were in the community -
PAGE 22 MONDAY DECEMBER 2, 2019 for monthly meetings see our classified page
w hat’s happening, when and were in the community - for monthly meetings see our classified page
November 30: The Edson United Church (1214 December 6: Visit Carrot Creek Community Hall at In Your Drawers. For more information call
Edson Drive) presents its annual Dessert Auction at 7 pm for a Yellowhead County mayor forum. Ashley McLeod at 780-723-1586 or Adrienne
from 7-9 pm. Get all your Christmas and lunch Whitnack at 780-723-8085.
baking in one spot, from cookies and squares to December 7: EARS will be hosting their annual
pies and bread and everything in between; all Breakfast with Santa at the Lion’s Den from 9 am December 8: Chautauqua, Edson Arts Council
baked with love and care with you in mind. Many to noon. A pancake breakfast will be served, and will host God is a Scottish Drag Queen: Christmas
other items will also be auctioned off that just Santa will be on site for kid and pet photos. Special at the Red Brick Arts Centre from 7-9 pm.
may suit a gift you have in mind. Auctioneer Doors open at 6:30 pm. $25 tickets are available
Henry Roy will liven the evening with skill and December 7: Parkland Lodge Auxiliary is holding at Thymes Two and the Red Brick.
humour. Join the Church for a family-friendly its annual Christmas tea, bake sale and silent
evening. Free refreshments will be served. All auction. Bake sale starts at 1 pm, tea starts at December 10: Visit the Galloway Station
proceeds will help support community programs 1:30 pm. All the money raised will go to the Museum at 6 pm for an all candidates forum for
including Community Lunch, Food for shut-ins Lodge residents. Baking donations for the bake Yellowhead County mayor. IMAGE 1 – IMAGE 2: Parker Van De Spiegle performed during his Parker's
and homeless people within the community. Call sale are being accepted. For more information Jammin' for the Edson Food Bank concert on November 22. photo submitted
the Edson United Church at 780-723-3418 for call Ivan at 780-723-4020, Carol at 780-723-5518 December 13: Join the Edson United Church
more information. or Ann at 780-723-4522. from 4:30 pm to 6:30 pm to build your very own IMAGE 3: Parker Van De Spiegle (left) and brother Julian proudly showed off a
spectacular gingerbread house. There is no fee, jar of cash donations raised during Parker's Jammin' for the Edson Food Bank
December 6: The Edson Baptist Church December 8: All seniors are welcome to visit the but donations and extra candy are always
welcomes all from 5:30 to 7:30 pm to come Pioneer Cabin from 1-4 pm for their 4th annual welcome. For more information email concert on November 22. photo submitted
watch the Santa Clause parade and keep warm Secret Santa for Seniors. Seniors will have the or call 780-723-3418.
by enjoying free hot chocolate, coffee and opportunity to enjoy refreshments, local IMAGE 4: Michael Lambregts (left) and Parker Van De Spiegle performed during
cookies. Kids Christmas crafts will be offered entertainment, and end the afternoon event December 22: Visit Repsol Place from 3 pm to 6 Parker's Jammin' for the Edson Food Bank concert on November 22. photo
indoors once the parade has finished passing by. with gift giving. The Pioneer Cabin is still in need pm for a free skate with Santa. Free hot submitted
Parking is available in the church parking lot at of new, unused gifts for seniors. Maximum $25 chocolate and music will also be available. All are
4717 9th Ave. per gift (for example: mitts, scarves, gift cards, welcome. IMAGE 5: Parker Van De Spiegle performed during his Parker's Jammin' for the
toiletries). Unwrapped gifts can be dropped off Edson Food Bank concert on November 22. photo submitted
Parker jams for the Edson Food Bank IMAGE 6 – IMAGE 7: Parker Van De Spiegle (left) and brother Julian show off
some of the food raised during Parker's Jammin' for the Edson Food Bank concert
by Shaylyn Thornton on November 22. photo submitted
On November 22, Parker Van De
Spiegle followed through with his
pledge to help the Edson Food Bank.
Holding his second concert of the
year, with the first benefiting the Edson
Animal Rescue Society, Parker was
looking to make a difference to the
people in the community.
Guests were asked to bring along a
donation for the food bank as an “entry
fee” to the concert, and those who
Community Event Supporterter
We Support Community Eventse Support Community Events
attended certainly did their part. W Community Event Suppor
“He raised over $200 and a whole lot
of food!” said Parker's mom, Pam Van
De Spiegle. A table set up for receiving
the food was full, with donations piling
up underneath it as well. E
This time around, some great friends UNBEATABLE
of Parker's stopped by to jam for the
food bank, too. Devon LeBlue and 7440 4th Ave. - Highway 16 780-723-9500
For more info CALL: 1-888-227-0566 or 780-723-3351
Gerry Farmer played drums and bass 1-877-723-9500 For more info CALL: 1-888-227-0566 or 780-723-3351
214 58th Street, EDSON
214 58th Street, EDSON
guitar alongside Parker, and other Edson Chrysler - You drive our way, we’ll deal your way. Putting the Customer Experience First!utting the Customer Experience First!
musical guests like Michael Lambregts
and Greg Templeton stopped by to play
for the crowd as well.
Guests in attendance noted that in Community Event SupporterCommunity Event Supporter We Support Community EventsWe Support Community Events
addition to great music, they also loved
hearing Parker's jokes throughout the
evening. Gelmici Jewellers
As with any great event, there are
308 - 50 St., Edson
many people who help make it 308 - 50 St., Edson
Phone 723-6677
possible. For the Van De Spiegle's, Phone 723-6677 123-50 Street Edson
they come together not only as a family Store Hours: Phone: 780-723-3618
unit comprised of siblings, parents, and Mon. to Wed & Fri.: 10-6; Mon. to Fri. 9:30-6:00
even grandparents, but their friends Thursday: 10-8; Thurs. 9:30 - 8:00; Sat. 9:30 - 4:00
Saturday: 10-5
step up, too. SUNDAY CLOSED Sunday 12:00 - 4:00
Chris and Christene Biernacki
brought in the sound system and the
Community Event Supporterter
We Support Community Eventse Support Community Events
chairs for the event, and Shelley Court W Community Event Suppor
brought in the backdrops to help
transform the Attention to Detail
Consulting shop into a great space for a
Parker and his family are grateful to
the community for their support in
these endeavors to make a difference -
and judging by the truckload of food
donated to the Edson Food Bank, a
difference is certainly being made. Parker Van De Spiegle (left) and brother Julian show off some of the food raised during Parker's Jammin' for the
Edson Food Bank concert on November 22. photo submitted