Page 18 - December 2, 2019
P. 18


Important things to consider when short-term renting your home

Welcoming travellers into your home is a site before you list to ensure you’re covered: — you are being protected by a multi-layer
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71 per cent of Canadians say they wouldn’t machine learning, it is possible for sites to remember that these don’t replace your
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While opening the doors of your home to a happens. insurance policy and what it does or doesn’t
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Professional Digital PASSPORT PHOTOS & MORE protection of both hosts and guests in mind. staying on the site throughout the entire process Learn more about how to protect your home
Professional Digital
Here are some things to look for in a trusted
— from communication, to booking and payment when hosting at
Passport System
Passport System
photos ready
photos ready
in minutes
in minutes Town supports approximate $1.9 million
while you wait...
while you wait... Vision Park facility with water treatment systems

by Cassie Kushniruk million. “It offers a water treatment
system that meets our needs…the
With intent to optimize water extension of time that it could last is
services to Town of Edson residents 80-100 years, it would be heated
and insulated, it would have public
The Weekly Anchorhe Weekly Anchor and recreational user groups of washrooms for 500 people and
Vision Park, Town Council was
change rooms for umpires and
asked to provide input concerning
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson040 3rd Avenue, Edson 5040 3rd Avenue, Edson the design and construction of a minor ball [in smaller operations],”
Hamm said. “Some things that
recreation building with water
we've added on are additional
treatment systems at Vision Park.
780-723-578780-723-5787 The Weekly Anchorhe Weekly Anchor around the hangar and possibly lighting and food truck flexibility.”
“The site we'll be focusing on is
“Our secondary option removes
three water closets and three urinals
north of the hangar, making some
adjustments to the diamonds to fit from the ladies' and mens'
with the infrastructure that's already bathrooms, which reduces the
DROP IN AND SEE!ROP IN AND SEE! existing,” said Capital Projects capacity to 300 people,” said On November 26 during their Committee of the Whole meeting, Town Council
was asked to provide input concerning the design and construction of a
Manager Mitchell Hamm during the Hamm. “It removes the storage
November 26 Committee of the areas and adds a smaller tournament recreation building with water treatment systems at Vision Park. Pictured is
Whole meeting. meeting room. It's insulated and Capital Projects Manager Mitchell Hamm. photo Cassie Kushniruk
“Our priority is going to be water heated only in the water treatment Deputy Mayor Krystal Baier definitely be in support of option
treatment for manganese removal,” facility; the rest would be seasonal suggested approaching the County one if there was County support,
Hamm continued. “We'll see an only.” This option is estimated at for a cost sharing opportunity and if there was no County support,
increase of 11-18% in water approximately $1.3 million. between the washroom and storage then we'll have to look at what kind
production out of the two wells Councillor Troy Sorenson asked, areas of the facility. of funding options there are.”
depending on aquafer overlap and “Are we looking at the same Derricott clarified that this project Councillor Currie also expressed
sustainability.” structure that's there right now or is proposed for the 2020 budget, support for option one, adding, “I
Hamm mentioned that one of the are we starting from scratch?” which has not yet been passed. would like to see some additional
positives of this project in terms of Hamm stated that the current “There is not currently any money funding from other sources to
water production is that it will hangar will stay and that the intent allocated for this project,” he said. support that.”
provide the Town with an easterly is to replace a few of the buildings “It's a proposed capital project for Mayor Zahara suggested that
water distribution system. “Giving outside of the hangar. “We would be next year's budget.” Council proceed with option one to
us water treatment on the east side looking north of the hangar facility, Councillor Troy Sorenson “allow us to get into the tendering
gives us a water supply to the reallocating diamond space, and suggested using solar panels to process so we find out what those
hospital and the east side of town using the green space north and operate the building for electrical costs are”, while at the same time
that otherwise comes, for the where the washrooms and existing needs. pursuing other funding options.
majority, from the west end,” he buildings are for parking space,” he Sorenson added, “I would
said. said.
“We're going to replace the Mayor Kevin Zahara commented,
inoperable washroom facilities in “The number is scary, but if you're PASSPORT PHOTOS & MORE
Vision Park, invigorate interest in talking long term vision for our
the facility and make Vision Park community, I think we're better off
pop,” Hamm stated. “It will require spending the money now than Professional Digital
some additional engineering and saying in 5-10 years down the road
construction costs…however, we that we'll do it then. [Vision Park] Passport System
feel as though when you see this has been a place that put Edson on
project you'll understand why we've the map and we need to continue to photos ready
had a couple add-ons.” do that.”
The consultant for this project, CAO Mike Derricott mentioned, in minutes
MPE Engineering, provided the “When we toured various facilities,
Town with three potential cost every single facility told us that while you wait...
options for the project, which was immediately upon building it they
presented to Council during this regretted one thing: storage.” The Weekly Anchorhe Weekly Anchor
time. Derricott added that while the
The first option, which would Vision Park facility would certainly
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson
complete the Vision Park facility make it more attractive for residents 5040 3rd Avenue, Edson
with amenities to serve large events, visiting the community, the intent of
is estimated at approximately $1.9 the facility is to meet the needs of D 780-723-5787
current residents.
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