Page 24 - December 2, 2019
P. 24


Another successful PCHS

volleyball season

submitted Coach Andrew Visser

Parkland Composite High School wrapped up
its volleyball season this year with the Sr. North
Central Zones Championship and the Jr. Grande
Yellowhead Athletic Conference Championship
on Tuesday November 19.
The Sr. Boys and Girls finished fourth and fifth
respectively in the North Central zone while the
s CHOOL Junior Boys and Girls both managed to take gold Junior Boys Volleyball Team: Seth Steil, Dawson Swobada, Alexander Vick, Cameron Apoll, Austin
and win the GYAC banner in both of the top
Riguidel, Noah Ali, Braeden Paprosky, Jacob Muamba, Colter Huesby, Alex Bell, Tyrone Cardinal, and
divisions. The success at the junior level is
Xander Johnston.
Times promising for PCHS and demonstrates that local businesses in the community that continue of the volleyball season, Parkland's athletic focus
Parkland will be able to continue to offer highly
competitive teams moving into the future.
to support these teams and help them to achieve
turns to Basketball as both Sr. and junior
The Parkland Composite Volleyball program
the highest level of success. With the completion
programs will be commencing this coming week.
would like to thank the parents, coaches, and
French play field trip shocks and informs

submitted Trish Day, PCHS The performer interacted with the Students were shocked when she Noah Ali commented, “It was very
audience as if we were her grade took a gun out of her briefcase! A informative. I learned lots.”
Did you know that you could buy three class. She began by handout that she asked the kids to Jacob Muamba responded, “She
bulletproof backpacks and pencil explaining how to deal with an bring home outlined the different was crazy!”
cases for your child? French emergency, such as a school bulletproof gear that is available for It is incredible to note the listening
Immersion students from Parkland shooting, but her behavior became purchase. After the play, we ate skills of our grade nine and ten
attended a French play at more and more alarming as the play lunch at a Thai restaurant on Whyte students when faced with such a
L'Unithéâtre in Edmonton on Friday, progressed. It soon became Avenue and discussed the issues that challenging subject in a second
November 22. The play was entitled apparent, through her use of dark the performance had raised. language.
“Madame Catherine prépare sa humor and outrageous explanations,
classe de troisième à that the principal had not approved
l`irrémédiable”. her lesson plans.

TLC Graduates: Where are they now?

submitted Barbara Greg is getting the most of
Shepherd, The Learning his post-secondary
Connection experience through being
active in a number of clubs
Students have many and activities. Currently, he
different reasons for is a member of the
attending The Learning Investment Club of NAIT,
Connection. Staff at The which is a student-managed
Learning Connection enjoy endowment fund, and is also
hearing from students who T L C a l u m n i VP of Events for the Real
completed their studies at Greg Lindquist is Estate Club of NAIT.
TLC and are proud of their now studying for Aside from school, Greg
accomplishments. This his Bachelor of works full-time doing Parkland's Grade 9 & 10 French Immersion students attend a play in
series highlights some of Business. business development with Edmonton on dealing with emergencies.
our recent graduates' Turnip Home, having met
accomplishments. the owner at an information
Former TLC Student: Greg session at NAIT. He does a lot of KID’S CORNER
Lindquist charitable work through the Turnip
Meet Ava Simmons who is in grade 12 at Holy
After completing his program at Cares division, which keeps him Meet Ava Simmons who is in grade 12 at Holy
Redeemer. Her favourite subject in school is
Redeemer. Her favourite subject in school is
TLC, Greg researched post-secondary engaged in the community when not Drama. Ava says her favourite activity is Dance
Drama. Ava says her favourite activity is Dance
schools with good Finance programs in the classroom. and drama, “I'm performing as Velma Kelly in
and drama, “I'm performing as Velma Kelly in
and decided to attend NAIT in the fall In his leisure time, Greg enjoys HRH's Chicago from December 4th to 7th.” For
HRH's Chicago from December 4th to 7th.” For
of 2017. Greg chose NAIT for its reading and doing anything active, a career path Ava said, “I just passed my
a career path Ava said, “I just passed my
great relationship with industry and its whether it be weight training or yoga. Canadian Forces aptitude test, as well as my
Canadian Forces aptitude test, as well as my
straightforward process for obtaining Greg says, “The Learning Connection interview and medical. This means that when I
interview and medical. This means that when I
an undergraduate degree. is an amazing resource that you can graduate in June I will be sworn in and trained
graduate in June I will be sworn in and trained
Greg's hard work at TLC opened get a lot out of when utilized, and will in Ontario for the Canadian Armed Forces. My
in Ontario for the Canadian Armed Forces. My
goal is to be a search and rescue pilot as I have
many doors for scholarships and contribute to your future success. I goal is to be a search and rescue pilot as I have
been flying planes since I was 12.”
grants. Now in his third year of am very thankful for all the work they been flying planes since I was 12.”
studies in the Bachelor of Business do, and still am in contact with them
Kid’s Corner is sponsored by:ed by:
program, Greg is eligible to obtain a to date.” Kid’s Corner is sponsor
finance diploma (2 years of study) TLC is very proud of Greg and his
Sand & Gravel Sales/Haulingand & Gravel Sales/Hauling
and is finishing his Canadian accomplishments to date and we look S
Quality W
Securities Course (CSC) designation, forward to hearing from him as he Quality Workork
with plans on obtaining more continues on his learning path.
Serving Edson & District Since 1974
designations before graduation. Congratulations, Greg! Serving Edson & District Since 1974
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