Page 8 - November 9 2020
P. 8
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Early Childhood Matters Coalition thankful for shack adoptions
The Weekly Anchor these amazing individuals a huge thank you for what supplies in the Cook Shack (located at the bottom of
they do, and please help by keeping the shacks tidy the sledding hill) for families to use and enjoy this
The Early Childhood Matters Coalition has been when you use them," said Vander Haeghe.
an active community coalition for Edson and area "We would like to highlight Deanna and Richard “Winter sledding supplies, shovels, and snow gear
since 2013. Mitchener today by thanking them for taking over will be available for families to continue to use.
Anna Vander Haeghe, Chairperson for ECMC in the role of caretaking the Green Shack at Willmore,” Please show respect for the equipment and this
Edson and Area, said, "We are a passionate group of she continued. “Deanna and Richard have been amazing resource at the Willmore Park," said Vander
local people that are keen to support the importance caretakers of the campground for the past five years Haeghe.
of the early years by helping provide opportunities and have helped transform it into a great destination If you are interested in helping the coalition, the
within our community for the early childhood for families to go for day trips or camping.” group is still looking for someone to adopt the
programs to support each other and work together. Vander Haeghe said that the pair personalized the Glenwood 5A park Green Shack and for companies
Additionally, we provide information to your Green Shack with a mural that suits the location, and to partner with local adopters. Supplies donations
community on activities and programs that are that they have added multiple items that are can also be made to the shack adopters listed above.
available for families raising young children.” “relevant to their unique outdoor location.” To help the ECMC and their community partners
One of the projects that the ECMC is proud of is Due to COVID-19, the Willmore Park Green continue to offer this great outdoor option for
the Green Shacks that can be seen around Edson and Shack (located next to the playground) was not able families, contact Anna Vander Haeghe at
Yellowhead County. The group has worked hard to to be opened, but the Mitcheners have put the winter
obtain 12 shacks for the area over the past few years,
and keeps them stocked with summer and winter Edson LEAP Society hosts some Halloween fun
“We have also, mostly on volunteered time,
looked after the town shacks along with the by Deanna Mitchener
incredible support of the Town Parks and Recreation
Department,” said Vander Haeghe. “We thank the It was an exciting event with 'snoopy' being able to clear
county locations of Robb, Marlboro, Peers, MacKay, his calendar in order to make the first annual LEAP into
Event Reminder and soon Carrot Creek for their continued support of The Edson LEAP Society offers supports for children with
Halloween event.
their shacks.”
Vander Haeghe said that much of the coalition's special needs and is a non-profit society in Alberta.
Anna Vander Haeghe said, “We had nine stations of
funding was cut following the change of leadership
May 9: For mental health week, join in Alberta. To continue to keep the Green Shack activities for the kids to do with their families. We have
the Town of Edson for Darkness to project going, they reached out to community about 20 volunteers helping out." She added, "We also had
Light – Mental Health Awareness. Join partners to find those who may be willing to “adopt” incredible support from the community with donations of
supplies and time that went into hosting this event."
the community and place luminaries or a shack. "We are super excited to have 'snoopy' here today, the little
a simple candle outside your home to “We are incredibly thankful to the people who ones really enjoy seeing him. It took us about three hours to
u n i t e f o r a l i g h t a t d a w n have stepped forward to support this ongoing set things up in the park, with this being our first time, it
resource,” said Vander Haeghe, listing the
(approximately 5:10 am). community partners as Deanna and Richard takes a little longer to see how to set things up. Next year we
Mitchener (Willmore Park Shack), Emma Vale will know what worked or what may need some tweaking.
We have had great feedback from families coming through,”
(Hillendale Shack), Jessie Johnston (Tiffin Shack), Haeghe said.
and Kristine Schalm (Westhaven Shack). The society's centre offers comprehensive support to
“Without the support of our amazing community families who are raising amazing children with differing
we would not be able to continue to provide a shack needs. The program offers learning opportunities that enrich Pumpkin toss was a popular game at the
with unlimited outdoor gear for use anytime. Offer lives and allows for more access to community life. LEAP into Halloween event on October 31.
Here’s My Cardere’s My Card
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Includes process colour pages 1,4,5,7,10,11,14,15,18,20,21,24
Early Childhood Matters Coalition thankful for shack adoptions
The Weekly Anchor these amazing individuals a huge thank you for what supplies in the Cook Shack (located at the bottom of
they do, and please help by keeping the shacks tidy the sledding hill) for families to use and enjoy this
The Early Childhood Matters Coalition has been when you use them," said Vander Haeghe.
an active community coalition for Edson and area "We would like to highlight Deanna and Richard “Winter sledding supplies, shovels, and snow gear
since 2013. Mitchener today by thanking them for taking over will be available for families to continue to use.
Anna Vander Haeghe, Chairperson for ECMC in the role of caretaking the Green Shack at Willmore,” Please show respect for the equipment and this
Edson and Area, said, "We are a passionate group of she continued. “Deanna and Richard have been amazing resource at the Willmore Park," said Vander
local people that are keen to support the importance caretakers of the campground for the past five years Haeghe.
of the early years by helping provide opportunities and have helped transform it into a great destination If you are interested in helping the coalition, the
within our community for the early childhood for families to go for day trips or camping.” group is still looking for someone to adopt the
programs to support each other and work together. Vander Haeghe said that the pair personalized the Glenwood 5A park Green Shack and for companies
Additionally, we provide information to your Green Shack with a mural that suits the location, and to partner with local adopters. Supplies donations
community on activities and programs that are that they have added multiple items that are can also be made to the shack adopters listed above.
available for families raising young children.” “relevant to their unique outdoor location.” To help the ECMC and their community partners
One of the projects that the ECMC is proud of is Due to COVID-19, the Willmore Park Green continue to offer this great outdoor option for
the Green Shacks that can be seen around Edson and Shack (located next to the playground) was not able families, contact Anna Vander Haeghe at
Yellowhead County. The group has worked hard to to be opened, but the Mitcheners have put the winter
obtain 12 shacks for the area over the past few years,
and keeps them stocked with summer and winter Edson LEAP Society hosts some Halloween fun
“We have also, mostly on volunteered time,
looked after the town shacks along with the by Deanna Mitchener
incredible support of the Town Parks and Recreation
Department,” said Vander Haeghe. “We thank the It was an exciting event with 'snoopy' being able to clear
county locations of Robb, Marlboro, Peers, MacKay, his calendar in order to make the first annual LEAP into
Event Reminder and soon Carrot Creek for their continued support of The Edson LEAP Society offers supports for children with
Halloween event.
their shacks.”
Vander Haeghe said that much of the coalition's special needs and is a non-profit society in Alberta.
Anna Vander Haeghe said, “We had nine stations of
funding was cut following the change of leadership
May 9: For mental health week, join in Alberta. To continue to keep the Green Shack activities for the kids to do with their families. We have
the Town of Edson for Darkness to project going, they reached out to community about 20 volunteers helping out." She added, "We also had
Light – Mental Health Awareness. Join partners to find those who may be willing to “adopt” incredible support from the community with donations of
supplies and time that went into hosting this event."
the community and place luminaries or a shack. "We are super excited to have 'snoopy' here today, the little
a simple candle outside your home to “We are incredibly thankful to the people who ones really enjoy seeing him. It took us about three hours to
u n i t e f o r a l i g h t a t d a w n have stepped forward to support this ongoing set things up in the park, with this being our first time, it
resource,” said Vander Haeghe, listing the
(approximately 5:10 am). community partners as Deanna and Richard takes a little longer to see how to set things up. Next year we
Mitchener (Willmore Park Shack), Emma Vale will know what worked or what may need some tweaking.
We have had great feedback from families coming through,”
(Hillendale Shack), Jessie Johnston (Tiffin Shack), Haeghe said.
and Kristine Schalm (Westhaven Shack). The society's centre offers comprehensive support to
“Without the support of our amazing community families who are raising amazing children with differing
we would not be able to continue to provide a shack needs. The program offers learning opportunities that enrich Pumpkin toss was a popular game at the
with unlimited outdoor gear for use anytime. Offer lives and allows for more access to community life. LEAP into Halloween event on October 31.
Here’s My Cardere’s My Card
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