Page 3 - November 9 2020
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Edson Clinic up and running,
Helping the world hear better
please need to resume service.
Serving Alberta since 1964
July 22, August 26, September
We are AADL, WCB, HI\\NIHB, CVA provider
23, October 28, November 25
HEARING EVALUATIONS and Temporary For December
THE WEEKLY ANCHOR MONDAY NOVEMBER 9, 2020 PAGE 3 will be the 15th. So Every fourth
Town Council appoints returning officer for 2021 municipal election Edson Clinic Wednesday of the month. Please
Wednesday, October 28* 10:00am-1:00pm send proof so I can proof read
by Jordan Rae Thomas Perry as a Temporary Community Peace Wilkinson commenting, “I really like to see this
Officer/Bylaw Officer for the Town of Edson. where it's a set-amount; otherwise, it's really hard Edson Senior’s Drop In Centre/Pioneer Cabin and then the tear sheet there
At the November 3 Town of Edson Council Thomas is a Level 1 CPO and has been hired to for anyone to really know what's expected of them. 4836-7 Avenue
Meeting, a request for decision was brought forth on cover a medical leave in that department. Questions So it's perfect and I really like that it's a true after.
a recommendation that Council appoint Executive arose on Perry's qualifications, to which Perry and volunteer experience.” BY APPOINTMENT ONLY
Assistant & Legislative Coordinator Kayla Sidoruk Administration answered to the satisfaction of the Council also approved an out-of-scope vacation
as Returning Officer for the 2021 Municipal Council, and the motion carried. pilot project for a two-year period. This change in
Election and have the CAO serve as the substitute Council approved a change in Youth Council policy would move from a service time/earned Attending We provide:
Returning Officer. Policy C-S-7 to adjust the wording regarding vacation day plan to a “use it or lose it” style of Practitioner
Council voted unanimously and welcomed Kayla volunteer time from a minimum of four events, to a vacation policy with a set amount of days (30)
Sidoruk in as Returning Officer for the 2021 minimum of 16 hours. This is meant to be more regardless of service time. The policy also includes * Latest Technology - all
municipal election. The Chief Administrative fairly represent the amount of time put in by each 5 days allowance for “Community Investment digital hearing aid
Officer will serve as the substitute Returning member of Youth Council. Days”. This would allow for approved time to Agnieszka
Officer. Town Councillors were satisfied with the policy volunteer for local community groups. This new models
Another request for decision came to Council change and agreed that under it, Youth Council policy will also remove approximately $300,000 in Lehmann * Repairs to all models
regarding the appointment of a Community Peace would still be eligible for the annual bursary. liability to the Town by removing the earned Registered Hearing
Officer/Bylaw Officer. Councillor Gean Chouinard and Councillor Janet vacation policy. A number of metrics will be tracked Air Practitioner * 30 day trial period
Administration recommended that Council appoint Wilkison noted their support of the change, with during the course of the pilot program for review.
The recorded vote was passed 4-3 with Mayor
Zahara, Councillor Baier, Councillor Currie, and Edmonton
Councillor Sorensen in favour, and Councillor
Bevan, Councillor Chouinard, and Councillor #134-15277 Castledowns Road
Wilkinson opposed.
(with files Town of Edson) Edmonton, AB

Edson Funeral Home

Mrs. Jane Marcoff, Assistant Principal and Ms. Debra Boos, Principal of Westhaven received a generous
Foothills Memorial Chapel
cheque from Mr. Wally Samson, Area Superintendent of Vermilion Energy. The donation was a part of the Foothills Memorial Chapel
Vermilion Ways of Caring program. submitted
and Crematorium
and Crematorium
Town Council looks to create Low-income

A Caring Part of theart of the
Assistance program for recreation in Edson A Caring P
Caring Group Co
Caring Group Corp.rp.
by Jordan Rae swimming lessons from the approved activity list.
PO Box 6358, 5040 6th Ave.,ve.,
Members of Council discussed the matter, PO Box 6358, 5040 6th A
During the Town of Edson's Committee of the debating whether option 1 or 2 for would be most
Whole meeting on October 27, council discussed valuable for the pilot project.
PASSPORT PHOTOS & MORE implementing a low-income assistance program for of a 50% discount, so there is some ownership from 780-723-3575 Summers Drilling Summers Drilling
Councillor Troy Sorenson said, “I am in support
Community Development Programs and Repsol
Place. the user. Maybe we could come up with some kind www
The Weekly Anchor recreational, social and cultural opportunities for of discount code online, so that people can register Water Well DrillingWater Well Drilling
In an effort to improve the accessibility of
online at home, in the privacy of their home, and not
low-income residents, Edson Town Council
Wilkinson agreed, saying, “Ditto to exactly what
Traditional Funeral Services,
requested information on options for providing the have to come into the office.” Councillor Janet Traditional Funeral Services, A proud Alberta business, since 1917,
A proud Alberta business, since 1917,
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson fee assistance program. Troy said.” Graveside Services Summers Drilling specializes in water well
Graveside Services
Summers Drilling specializes in water well
Mayor Kevin Zahara agreed with 50%,
Three different models were proposed with
Administration recommending moving forward with commenting, “Even if you are low-income,
drilling and water well repairs.
drilling and water well repairs.
780-723-5787 the option of introducing a limited fee assistance sometimes it's a challenge there, and there needs to and Cremation Options
and Cremation Options
program as a pilot project funded from the
be some kind of contribution."
with a Crematorium
with a Crematorium
Councillor Krystal Baier weighed in as well.
CALL FOR Y Recreation and Culture Operating Reserve using a “Initially my thoughts were the 50/50, because I feel on site in Edson.
on site in Edson.
lump sum credit approach.
Based on the research there would be around 400 that ownership is necessary, but also, as a pilot
Cemetery Monuments.
households in Edson that would be eligible to access project, I feel that we're not sort of maximizing and Cemetery Monuments.
the program and the Town is targeting 1/3 of those getting a true picture of the people that are in that We also offer Prearrangement Plans.
We also offer Prearrangement Plans.
households with this pilot project. income bracket that would actually use the
Our Commitment Is To You.
Residents with incomes below the pre-determined programs,” she said.“My thoughts are that if we
4405 50 streeteet
low-income cut-off would receive an annual lump went with 100%, we would know, as a pilot project, Our Commitment Is To You. 4405 50 str 780-963-1282
Stony Plain, AB
sum that can be applied to Town of Edson what those numbers really are to get a good base.” Stony Plain, AB www
Community Development programming and Repsol Councillor Jacqui Currie voiced her concerns on it
Place admission fees in the amount of: $150 per being 50/50 at this time. “We know that our
individual; $300 per household with two or more vulnerable section struggles to get there. Some of
members; and $450 per household with three or the things that we're asking for, that 50% is still a
more members. barrier, and I do kind of fall where Councillor Baier
Around 400 households would be eligible for fee [does],” she said. “Really, a pilot project is figuring
assistance. If a third of the potential households out what the need is.”
accessed the program (roughly 133) at an average of “I still thought that I'd rather go with 100%,”
$300 per household then $40,000 would be required agreed Councillor Trevor Bevan. “It is a pilot
to fund the program for one year. Funding would be project, and that's the idea of the pilot project, to
distributed on a first-come, first-serve basis. find out what we need to do moving forward.”
As an alternative to the above, option 2 involved Councillor Gean Chouinard also agreed that with
introducing a limited fee assistance program as a the one-year timeline of the project, trying out a
pilot project funded from the Recreation and Culture lump sum credit rebate would be beneficial. “The
Operating Reserve that uses the 50% discount 100% makes sense,” he said.“We do have money in
model. the reserve, so let's try it.”
Option 3 included introducing a fee assistance Administration will bring the matter to a future
program using either option 1 or 2 but would exempt council meeting for an official vote.
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