Page 24 - January 27 2020
P. 24
he Weekly ANCHOR
T he Weekly ANCHOR
S ports
T he Weekly ANCHOR Getting to know a Pembina hockey family
S ports by Shaylyn Thornton with two kids in different levels of hockey,” said
our hockey schedule for anything, especially
For Jessi Balsillie and her family of four, a Balsillie. “But we wouldn't trade the craziness of
winter without hockey would be unimaginable. when you get to a game and see how pumped the
Balsillie and her husband, Aaron Hofmann, kids are to hit the ice.”
have two kids who have definitely caught the Though kids at the Initiation and Novice levels
hockey bug and have joined the ranks of the do not choose positions yet and are rotated
Pembina Pirates. through the different options, Balsillie's daughter,
Their daughter, Jaidyn, age seven, has been Jaidyn, has found a love of defense. “She can
playing hockey since the age of three and is now often be found protecting her goalie, which I
playing in the Novice level in the Pembina Minor think is adorable because her dad also played
Hockey Association. defense when he played minor hockey,” said
Their son, James, is five and is following in his Balsillie. “James doesn't have any preferred
big sister's footsteps, starting Initiation this year positions yet, but I think he is amazing at all of
and recently scoring his very first goal at an them.”
away-tournament in Spruce Grove. One of the big draws for this family of four is
Hofmann has been involved with hockey since the larger hockey family that is found in their
childhood, whether it be playing or refereeing community. “Evansburg is a small town and
with his dad. Balsillie said his history had a huge most of the kids in the community play hockey,
impact on their decision to have their kids try out which is really cool to see,” said Balsillie.
the sport. “PMHA has such an amazing program for kids in
“Seeing how involved his family was with the community who want to play hockey.”
hockey, and the new friends made within the Balsillie noted that this program would not be James Hofmann (5) poses proudly with the puck
hockey community really influenced my decision successful if not for the adults willing to dedicate from his first goal and a trophy from the Ice Cap
to put my kids into hockey,” she said. “We call their time to making PMHA what it is. “We Tournament 2020 in Spruce Grove. Hofmann
everyone involved and around us at the rink our wouldn't have such a great program if it weren't attended the tournament as a part of the Pembina
hockey family.” for the amazing volunteers who run our Pirates' Initiation team. photo submitted
According to Balsillie, Jaidyn and James fell in association, the board, and, of course, our
love with the sport quickly. “Both my kids say volunteer coaches who are amazing with the
that their favorite part of hockey is the games; players,” she said. “They are the biggest part of a
the excitement before the game and being able to hockey community!”
play on the ice with their friends,” she said. The PMHA is currently hard at work planning
“What we enjoy the most about being a hockey their biggest fundraiser of the year— their Fun
family is the time together,” mentioned Balsillie. Casino—which will be held at the Wildwood
“The road trips to away games have to be my Community Hall on February 8.
absolute favorite part.” Tickets are $30 each, and ticket holders are
Both parents stepped up into larger hockey given $1000 in “Pirates bucks” that can be used
roles to be a bigger part of their kid's teams as to play at the casino tables.
well as the PMHA. Hofmann coaches both of his At the end of the night, players' winnings are
kids' teams, acting as Head Coach for Initiation exchanged for raffle tickets to try and win from a
and Assistant Coach for Novice. Hofmann also variety of raffle baskets and even a travel
encouraged Balsillie to step up as Team Manager voucher.
for the Novice team. “I really enjoy it,” said The event also boasts a live and silent auction,
Balsillie. “It has given me a chance to help out a 50/50, a dance, and a midnight snack. “This
and contribute to our little hockey community fundraiser is one you don't want to miss,” said
that we love so much.” Balsillie.
Hockey weekends can be “a little crazy at Doors open at 6 pm and the casino will run
times” for this family, with “early mornings, cold from 7:30-9:30 pm. The event is 18+, and you
arenas, and of course, lots of coffee”. “At times can contact Carannda at 780-898-6200 for tickets Jaidyn Hofmann (7) was happy to have earned a
we find ourselves heading in different directions or more information. medal in one of her tournaments with her Pembina
Pirates' Novice team. photo submitted
Jaidyn Hofmann (7) dons her goalie gear that she wears when she takes her A group of Pembina Pirates lined up on the ice ahead of a game.
turn in the net as part of her Pembina Pirates' Novice team. photo submitted photo submitted
he Weekly ANCHOR
T he Weekly ANCHOR
S ports
T he Weekly ANCHOR Getting to know a Pembina hockey family
S ports by Shaylyn Thornton with two kids in different levels of hockey,” said
our hockey schedule for anything, especially
For Jessi Balsillie and her family of four, a Balsillie. “But we wouldn't trade the craziness of
winter without hockey would be unimaginable. when you get to a game and see how pumped the
Balsillie and her husband, Aaron Hofmann, kids are to hit the ice.”
have two kids who have definitely caught the Though kids at the Initiation and Novice levels
hockey bug and have joined the ranks of the do not choose positions yet and are rotated
Pembina Pirates. through the different options, Balsillie's daughter,
Their daughter, Jaidyn, age seven, has been Jaidyn, has found a love of defense. “She can
playing hockey since the age of three and is now often be found protecting her goalie, which I
playing in the Novice level in the Pembina Minor think is adorable because her dad also played
Hockey Association. defense when he played minor hockey,” said
Their son, James, is five and is following in his Balsillie. “James doesn't have any preferred
big sister's footsteps, starting Initiation this year positions yet, but I think he is amazing at all of
and recently scoring his very first goal at an them.”
away-tournament in Spruce Grove. One of the big draws for this family of four is
Hofmann has been involved with hockey since the larger hockey family that is found in their
childhood, whether it be playing or refereeing community. “Evansburg is a small town and
with his dad. Balsillie said his history had a huge most of the kids in the community play hockey,
impact on their decision to have their kids try out which is really cool to see,” said Balsillie.
the sport. “PMHA has such an amazing program for kids in
“Seeing how involved his family was with the community who want to play hockey.”
hockey, and the new friends made within the Balsillie noted that this program would not be James Hofmann (5) poses proudly with the puck
hockey community really influenced my decision successful if not for the adults willing to dedicate from his first goal and a trophy from the Ice Cap
to put my kids into hockey,” she said. “We call their time to making PMHA what it is. “We Tournament 2020 in Spruce Grove. Hofmann
everyone involved and around us at the rink our wouldn't have such a great program if it weren't attended the tournament as a part of the Pembina
hockey family.” for the amazing volunteers who run our Pirates' Initiation team. photo submitted
According to Balsillie, Jaidyn and James fell in association, the board, and, of course, our
love with the sport quickly. “Both my kids say volunteer coaches who are amazing with the
that their favorite part of hockey is the games; players,” she said. “They are the biggest part of a
the excitement before the game and being able to hockey community!”
play on the ice with their friends,” she said. The PMHA is currently hard at work planning
“What we enjoy the most about being a hockey their biggest fundraiser of the year— their Fun
family is the time together,” mentioned Balsillie. Casino—which will be held at the Wildwood
“The road trips to away games have to be my Community Hall on February 8.
absolute favorite part.” Tickets are $30 each, and ticket holders are
Both parents stepped up into larger hockey given $1000 in “Pirates bucks” that can be used
roles to be a bigger part of their kid's teams as to play at the casino tables.
well as the PMHA. Hofmann coaches both of his At the end of the night, players' winnings are
kids' teams, acting as Head Coach for Initiation exchanged for raffle tickets to try and win from a
and Assistant Coach for Novice. Hofmann also variety of raffle baskets and even a travel
encouraged Balsillie to step up as Team Manager voucher.
for the Novice team. “I really enjoy it,” said The event also boasts a live and silent auction,
Balsillie. “It has given me a chance to help out a 50/50, a dance, and a midnight snack. “This
and contribute to our little hockey community fundraiser is one you don't want to miss,” said
that we love so much.” Balsillie.
Hockey weekends can be “a little crazy at Doors open at 6 pm and the casino will run
times” for this family, with “early mornings, cold from 7:30-9:30 pm. The event is 18+, and you
arenas, and of course, lots of coffee”. “At times can contact Carannda at 780-898-6200 for tickets Jaidyn Hofmann (7) was happy to have earned a
we find ourselves heading in different directions or more information. medal in one of her tournaments with her Pembina
Pirates' Novice team. photo submitted
Jaidyn Hofmann (7) dons her goalie gear that she wears when she takes her A group of Pembina Pirates lined up on the ice ahead of a game.
turn in the net as part of her Pembina Pirates' Novice team. photo submitted photo submitted