Page 20 - August 5, 2019
P. 20
A rts - Entertainment - Events - and what’s going on
The Scene
Upcoming Events
Upcoming Events Niton Jamboree features
Aug 3: Kate's Kitchen Summer BBQ will over 20 local entertainers
be held at the Holy Trinity by Cassie Kushniruk
Anglican/Lutheran Church from 11:30
am to 1 pm. All are welcome. Area residents were
treated to a delightful
August 7: Youth are ages 11-17 are weekend as the 17th
invited to a Youth-Only Pool Party at A n n u a l N i t o n
Repsol Place pool from 7pm-9pm. Free Junction Jamboree hit
to attend. the stage on July 26-
The Niton Jamboree
Aug 10: A Gospel Jam will be held at is sponsored by the
the Niton Junction Community Hall Niton Community
from 3pm to 8 pm. Everyone is Society, with all
welcome and the event is free to the proceeds from the
community. Concession will be event going towards
available. For more information call Jill maintenance for the
at 780-795-3961. Niton Community
August 16-17: The Wildwood & District “The Jamboree is
Agricultural Society 80th Anniversary just to bring people
together and have a
Fair will feature a pig roast, bench good time, and to
show with new categories, and showcase local people
fireworks on Friday. A parade will be and let them have their
held on Saturday at 11 am. moment in the sun,”
s a i d N i t o n
August 25: The Aircraft & Automobile Community Society
Show 'n' Shine will take place from 11 P r e s i d e n t L o r n a
pm to 3 pm at the Edson Airport. If you Dalueg.
Friday and Saturday
would like to display your aircraft or car night featured music,
in the show, contact Airport Manager food, beer gardens,
Sam Shine at 780-723-4010 or d a n c i n g , a n d Registration is free. s c h e d u l e d
entertainment from
August 28: Youth Interagency Outdoor over 20 different
Movie will present Pirates of the entertainers including
Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl Jim West, Maureen
at RCMP Centennial Park. The movie Ice, Shirley Avery,
will start after sunset and admission is Elmer Riehl, and
free. A cash concession by YIA and Lynee Foley
name a few. The
beverages by Victim Services will be backup band Hank &
provided. Friends–comprised of
Earl Stone, Hank Van
See Classified Page for Dyk, Doug Nielson,
monthly meetings and activities
Ted Ice, and Trudy
V a n D y k –
accompanied a lot of
Remember to drop off your Remember to drop off your the entertainers. “The
donations for the donations for the crowd was blown Residents treated
EDSON FOOD BANK EDSON FOOD BANK away by newcomer Ty to delightful
at Independent Grocer, Sobeys at Independent Grocer, Sobeys Dickson with his weekend
or the Edson Food Bank or the Edson Food Bank version of Folsom
The Food Bank will be open two Thursday evenings, The Food Bank will be open P r i s o n B l u e s , ” Maureen Radcliffe's great granddaughter, Mavis Bauman, loved
helping her grandma sing during the 17th annual Niton Junction
the second and last Thursday of the Month two Thursday evenings, mentioned Dalueg. Jamboree, which took place from July 26-28. submitted
6:45-8:00 pm. The band Wise Choice
Open regular hours every Tuesday from the second and last Thursday of finished off the
9-11 am. the Month 6:45-8:00 pm. S a t u r d a y n i g h t T h e S u n d a y appetites were filled r a i n a n d c h i l l y
780-723-1350 Open regular hours every celebration featured a by the Famers Wife's weather deterred
Sponsored by The Weekly Anchor entertainment with a
Hours: Tues 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. Tuesday from 9-11 am. pancake breakfast at 9 Fabulous Caboose attendance on the
Last Thursday of the month 6:45 p.m. to 8 p.m. bang. am, followed by concession, which Saturday. However,
Food Bank located at 4511 5th Ave., Edson 780-723-1350 During the Saturday Cowboy Church at was available all everyone who did turn
Hours: Tues 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. afternoon, a public 10:30 am, which weekend. out had a wonderful
Last Thursday of the month 6:45 p.m. to 8 p.m. market was available featured a church The Niton Jamboree time listening to the
Food Bank located at from 2 pm until 8 pm, service and singing. was well received on local talent and
4511 5th Ave., Edson but unfortunately it Throughout the the Friday with a good dancing away the
Sponsored by The Weekly Anchor did not generate a jamboree, attendants' turnout, although the weekend.
large response.
A rts - Entertainment - Events - and what’s going on
The Scene
Upcoming Events
Upcoming Events Niton Jamboree features
Aug 3: Kate's Kitchen Summer BBQ will over 20 local entertainers
be held at the Holy Trinity by Cassie Kushniruk
Anglican/Lutheran Church from 11:30
am to 1 pm. All are welcome. Area residents were
treated to a delightful
August 7: Youth are ages 11-17 are weekend as the 17th
invited to a Youth-Only Pool Party at A n n u a l N i t o n
Repsol Place pool from 7pm-9pm. Free Junction Jamboree hit
to attend. the stage on July 26-
The Niton Jamboree
Aug 10: A Gospel Jam will be held at is sponsored by the
the Niton Junction Community Hall Niton Community
from 3pm to 8 pm. Everyone is Society, with all
welcome and the event is free to the proceeds from the
community. Concession will be event going towards
available. For more information call Jill maintenance for the
at 780-795-3961. Niton Community
August 16-17: The Wildwood & District “The Jamboree is
Agricultural Society 80th Anniversary just to bring people
together and have a
Fair will feature a pig roast, bench good time, and to
show with new categories, and showcase local people
fireworks on Friday. A parade will be and let them have their
held on Saturday at 11 am. moment in the sun,”
s a i d N i t o n
August 25: The Aircraft & Automobile Community Society
Show 'n' Shine will take place from 11 P r e s i d e n t L o r n a
pm to 3 pm at the Edson Airport. If you Dalueg.
Friday and Saturday
would like to display your aircraft or car night featured music,
in the show, contact Airport Manager food, beer gardens,
Sam Shine at 780-723-4010 or d a n c i n g , a n d Registration is free. s c h e d u l e d
entertainment from
August 28: Youth Interagency Outdoor over 20 different
Movie will present Pirates of the entertainers including
Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl Jim West, Maureen
at RCMP Centennial Park. The movie Ice, Shirley Avery,
will start after sunset and admission is Elmer Riehl, and
free. A cash concession by YIA and Lynee Foley
name a few. The
beverages by Victim Services will be backup band Hank &
provided. Friends–comprised of
Earl Stone, Hank Van
See Classified Page for Dyk, Doug Nielson,
monthly meetings and activities
Ted Ice, and Trudy
V a n D y k –
accompanied a lot of
Remember to drop off your Remember to drop off your the entertainers. “The
donations for the donations for the crowd was blown Residents treated
EDSON FOOD BANK EDSON FOOD BANK away by newcomer Ty to delightful
at Independent Grocer, Sobeys at Independent Grocer, Sobeys Dickson with his weekend
or the Edson Food Bank or the Edson Food Bank version of Folsom
The Food Bank will be open two Thursday evenings, The Food Bank will be open P r i s o n B l u e s , ” Maureen Radcliffe's great granddaughter, Mavis Bauman, loved
helping her grandma sing during the 17th annual Niton Junction
the second and last Thursday of the Month two Thursday evenings, mentioned Dalueg. Jamboree, which took place from July 26-28. submitted
6:45-8:00 pm. The band Wise Choice
Open regular hours every Tuesday from the second and last Thursday of finished off the
9-11 am. the Month 6:45-8:00 pm. S a t u r d a y n i g h t T h e S u n d a y appetites were filled r a i n a n d c h i l l y
780-723-1350 Open regular hours every celebration featured a by the Famers Wife's weather deterred
Sponsored by The Weekly Anchor entertainment with a
Hours: Tues 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. Tuesday from 9-11 am. pancake breakfast at 9 Fabulous Caboose attendance on the
Last Thursday of the month 6:45 p.m. to 8 p.m. bang. am, followed by concession, which Saturday. However,
Food Bank located at 4511 5th Ave., Edson 780-723-1350 During the Saturday Cowboy Church at was available all everyone who did turn
Hours: Tues 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. afternoon, a public 10:30 am, which weekend. out had a wonderful
Last Thursday of the month 6:45 p.m. to 8 p.m. market was available featured a church The Niton Jamboree time listening to the
Food Bank located at from 2 pm until 8 pm, service and singing. was well received on local talent and
4511 5th Ave., Edson but unfortunately it Throughout the the Friday with a good dancing away the
Sponsored by The Weekly Anchor did not generate a jamboree, attendants' turnout, although the weekend.
large response.