Page 19 - August 5, 2019
P. 19
s CHOOL Fun for kids
Times Over 400 people enjoy Red Brick Kids' Carnival
s UMMER by Lara Felsing this year's event since May. “This was
one of our best years yet!” said
Fun for Kids ages visited the Red Brick Arts Konchakowski. “We saw so many
On July 31, over 400 people of all
happy faces. Thanks to everyone who
came out and supported the carnival!”
Centre & Museum to enjoy their
annual Kids' Carnival.
“We couldn't have had better
The event, which takes place at the weather or a better group of
Red Brick, is hosted by their board volunteers”, added Harrison. “The
members, permanent staff, summer Edson Recycling Depot brought bird
students and much appreciated and bat house supplies for the kids;
volunteers. plus they had fun making smoothies
Children of all ages were treated to with the bike-powered blender. The
a free afternoon of games, prizes, day couldn't have been better!”
crafts and treats. Red Brick President As with every successful event, Red
Betty Stitzenberger, along with board Brick Arts Centre & Museum Office
members Ann Steffes and Gerrie Manager Bobbi-Dawn Drader credits
Cleary, welcomed guests to the the support of the community for
carnival with a bag of tickets that another fantastic carnival. "We are
could be used towards the different very fortunate to have this event grow
games, snacks, crafts and photo so big in just a few years. It really has
booths, as well as to collect their been possible due to the support of
winnings in. “It's always such a our sponsors, volunteers and Volunteer Dana Tattersall hands out prizes at the popular fishing pond during
pleasure to see families enjoy our community participation." the Red Brick Kids' Carnival on July 31. photo Lara Felsing
annual carnival,” said Stitzenberger. While the Red Brick is well known
“Seeing all the smiles makes it all for their museum, art gallery, theatre,
worth it.” dance studios, summer programming
Board members Tien Young and and events such as their Harvest
Heather Simpson were also on hand Bazaar, Strawberry Tea and Festival
and prepared the much anticipated of Trees, their annual Kids Carnival is
caramel apples, which were then very special to staff and board
rolled in the carnival-goer's choice of members for its own reason. "It's for
rainbow sprinkles or Oreo cookie the kids," says Drader. "To be able to
crumbs. With two snack tickets per
host an event for all ages that brings
Need Kids Corner information person, other options included cotton so much joy to our community is so
rewarding. Thank you to everyone
candy, ice cream, giant cookies,
popcorn and potato chips.
a huge success and a special thank
Summer students Morgan who helped make this year's carnival
Konchakowski and Becca Harrison you to everyone who enjoyed the day
have been working hard organizing with us!"
Ivy, Liam and little sister Shay show off their wonderful face painting by
talented artist Kathy Hicks during the Red Brick Kids' Carnival. photo Lara
Red Brick board members Gerrie Cleary and Ann Steffes pass out ticket bags
with President Betty Stitzenberger during the 6 annual Kids' Carnival. photo
Lara Felsing
Meet Avra Daniel! Avra is
nine years old and will be
attending grade four at Meet Avra Daniel! Avra is nine
Mary Bergeron years old and will be attending
Elementary this Fall. She grade four at Mary Bergeron
loves the colours yellow Elementary this Fall. She loves the
and green, and also loves colours yellow and green, and also
butterflies and pineapple. loves butterflies and pineapple.
Avra also has great taste Avra also has great taste in ice
cream... cookie dough is her
Kid’s Corner is sponsor
Kid’s Corner is sponsored by:ed by:
Sand & Gravel Sales/Haulingand & Gravel Sales/Hauling
Quality W
Quality Workork At the 6 annual Red Brick Kids' Carnival on July 31, Emma Fairbank (far
Serving Edson & District Since 1974 right) helps her daughter Florence roll her caramel apple in crushed Oreos
Serving Edson & District Since 1974
and rainbow sprinkles. photo Lara Felsing
s CHOOL Fun for kids
Times Over 400 people enjoy Red Brick Kids' Carnival
s UMMER by Lara Felsing this year's event since May. “This was
one of our best years yet!” said
Fun for Kids ages visited the Red Brick Arts Konchakowski. “We saw so many
On July 31, over 400 people of all
happy faces. Thanks to everyone who
came out and supported the carnival!”
Centre & Museum to enjoy their
annual Kids' Carnival.
“We couldn't have had better
The event, which takes place at the weather or a better group of
Red Brick, is hosted by their board volunteers”, added Harrison. “The
members, permanent staff, summer Edson Recycling Depot brought bird
students and much appreciated and bat house supplies for the kids;
volunteers. plus they had fun making smoothies
Children of all ages were treated to with the bike-powered blender. The
a free afternoon of games, prizes, day couldn't have been better!”
crafts and treats. Red Brick President As with every successful event, Red
Betty Stitzenberger, along with board Brick Arts Centre & Museum Office
members Ann Steffes and Gerrie Manager Bobbi-Dawn Drader credits
Cleary, welcomed guests to the the support of the community for
carnival with a bag of tickets that another fantastic carnival. "We are
could be used towards the different very fortunate to have this event grow
games, snacks, crafts and photo so big in just a few years. It really has
booths, as well as to collect their been possible due to the support of
winnings in. “It's always such a our sponsors, volunteers and Volunteer Dana Tattersall hands out prizes at the popular fishing pond during
pleasure to see families enjoy our community participation." the Red Brick Kids' Carnival on July 31. photo Lara Felsing
annual carnival,” said Stitzenberger. While the Red Brick is well known
“Seeing all the smiles makes it all for their museum, art gallery, theatre,
worth it.” dance studios, summer programming
Board members Tien Young and and events such as their Harvest
Heather Simpson were also on hand Bazaar, Strawberry Tea and Festival
and prepared the much anticipated of Trees, their annual Kids Carnival is
caramel apples, which were then very special to staff and board
rolled in the carnival-goer's choice of members for its own reason. "It's for
rainbow sprinkles or Oreo cookie the kids," says Drader. "To be able to
crumbs. With two snack tickets per
host an event for all ages that brings
Need Kids Corner information person, other options included cotton so much joy to our community is so
rewarding. Thank you to everyone
candy, ice cream, giant cookies,
popcorn and potato chips.
a huge success and a special thank
Summer students Morgan who helped make this year's carnival
Konchakowski and Becca Harrison you to everyone who enjoyed the day
have been working hard organizing with us!"
Ivy, Liam and little sister Shay show off their wonderful face painting by
talented artist Kathy Hicks during the Red Brick Kids' Carnival. photo Lara
Red Brick board members Gerrie Cleary and Ann Steffes pass out ticket bags
with President Betty Stitzenberger during the 6 annual Kids' Carnival. photo
Lara Felsing
Meet Avra Daniel! Avra is
nine years old and will be
attending grade four at Meet Avra Daniel! Avra is nine
Mary Bergeron years old and will be attending
Elementary this Fall. She grade four at Mary Bergeron
loves the colours yellow Elementary this Fall. She loves the
and green, and also loves colours yellow and green, and also
butterflies and pineapple. loves butterflies and pineapple.
Avra also has great taste Avra also has great taste in ice
cream... cookie dough is her
Kid’s Corner is sponsor
Kid’s Corner is sponsored by:ed by:
Sand & Gravel Sales/Haulingand & Gravel Sales/Hauling
Quality W
Quality Workork At the 6 annual Red Brick Kids' Carnival on July 31, Emma Fairbank (far
Serving Edson & District Since 1974 right) helps her daughter Florence roll her caramel apple in crushed Oreos
Serving Edson & District Since 1974
and rainbow sprinkles. photo Lara Felsing