Page 24 - May 13, 2019
P. 24
PAGE 24 MONDAY MAY 13, 2019
“No Show” performed by PCHS at s CHOOL
Jr. Drama Festival delights audience
submitted Trish Day, PCHS Times
Parkland Composite High School couldn't be
more proud of our grade 9 students who performed
in the Jr. Zone 2 West Drama Festival in Barrhead
on May 2 and 3rd. Parkland's Drama Department
strongly believes that ALL students who have an
interest in theatre gets the opportunity to be
involved in a production. Every student who
auditioned for a role was casted and joined together
to perform the play “No Show” by Alan Haehnel.
They first performed the show locally at the Red
Brick Theatre in preparation for the competition,
Kids Make A Difference is sponsored by: the crowd roared with laughter. Students pushed
themselves with extra rehearsals and brought their
A-game to the stage during the Festival.
The show was an absolute crowd pleaser and
even the adjudicator professed to 'laughing a great
deal' while watching the play unroll. Students who
attended the Festival not only got to complete but
also got to watch 10 other plays from schools across
our zone.
Sand & Gravel Sales/Hauling The effort and hard work put in to make the play
Quality Work “No Show” a success is no small task, and our
students performed at their very best ending yet
Serving Edson & District Since 1974 another successful year of one acts for 2019.
The play earned an Honorable Mention for
780-723-5152 Ensemble and received a great deal of praise for a PCHS Drama student's performance of "No Show” delighted the audience at recent Zone Festival in
polished presentation from many of the other drama Barrhead. Pictured are: Breeanna Gillis-Banack, Erika Heise, Miss Servold, Aleya Costall, Cameron
teachers across the zone. PCHS is proud of their Davies, Keira Gomuwka, Shanna-Mae Tong, Skyla Hamborg, Amber Holloway, Chelsy Bishop, Brinn
accomplishments and know that these students have Taylor, and Celeste Boman (missing: Alex Forbes).
a bright theatrical future in years to come.
Congratulations to the other schools who performed
especially Woodhaven who won Overall Best Holy Redeemer Junior Drama
Production, the most prestigious award of the
festival, for their play about the Holocaust youth.
Kids Shine at Festival
School Bus Driver The Holy Redeemer Drama Department continues tradition for the students in all of the plays to
Appreciation Day to produce high quality work. From their main dance the night away in a special dance. “It's a
great way for the students to interact with one
stage productions in December, to their one-act
plays in the spring, audiences are always another,” says Drama Teacher Peter Taylor.
impressed with the high quality of work from the “Unlike sports competitions, we're all here to
students. And this year, the Junior Drama Kids support one another. These students clap and cheer
really impressed audiences at the annual Drama for each other. That's what makes Drama Festival
Festival. so special for so many people.”
The Junior High Zone 2 West Drama Festival After the dance came the Awards Ceremony, and
took place on May 2nd and 3rd in Barrhead and it was obvious that HRH was in the top tier of
featured 11 plays from different schools in Edson, plays. The show won awards Best Backstage
Barrhead, Spruce Grove, Stony Plain, Westlock, Teamwork and Best Stage Crew after the amazing
and Whitecourt. HRH's entry into the Festival was work of their crew: Josina Kennedy, Haley Squire,
the hilarious comedy This Is a Text. Keely Bowman and Emma Kreshewski. The play
The play told the story of Sophia, played by grade also won three Honourable Mentions for Acting to
9 student Katie Blue, who must write the most Blue, Schwitz, and Ethan Toner for his hilarious
important test of her life amid a number of portrayal of Germy – the nerdy kid with lots of
different distractions. medical issues.
The play kicked off the Festival on the first night “All of the students involved in this show put so
and was very well received by both the audience much work into this play, it was great to see them
and the adjudicator. “He (the adjudicator) asked us rewarded for their efforts,” says Taylor. “The bus
a lot of good questions,” says Blue. “And after ride home saw a lot of smiles and few tears now
three months of working on this show, he seemed that the show is over, but that mean that they loved
impressed we had all the answers.” In addition, the it so much.”
audience kept buzzing throughout the two-day With the Junior High Festival now complete, the
Festival about the comedic timing of the cast and 2018-2019 drama season has come to a close.
the numerous jokes that students understand about However, students will now begin preparations for
the stress of writing tests. next year's main stage production: Chicago: High
After they were done showcasing their play, the School Edition, which will run from December 4th
18 members of the cast and crew got to sit back to 7th. Look for tickets to go on sale in early
and watch the other 10 plays. “There were a lot of November.
very good plays,” says grade 9 student Zoe If you would like more information on this article
It's School Bus Driver Appreciation Day - a day in Schwitz who played the role of the teacher Ms. please feel free to contact the school at 780-723-
which we recognize and thank our many dedicated Bropila. “We were all really impressed with so 7437, visit our website at or
school bus drivers for getting our students safely to many plays. We definitely learned a lot.” follow us on our social media pages.
and from school each day. School bus drivers are On the last night of the Festival, it has become
often the first and last smile that students see at the
start and end of each school day. Caring and kind,
school bus drivers are role models for the children Bus Incident near Evansburg
on their routes and a voice of welcome to parents in
our community. On School Bus Driver Appreciation
Day, and every day, GYPSD extends a sincere At approximately 8 a.m. this morning, a families of all students have also been
thank you to all its school bus drivers for their school bus in Yellowhead County was involved contacted.
service, support, and dedication. Please join us in in an incident with another vehicle on its The incident is under investigation by local
recognizing these fabulous team members - like regular route to Evansburg schools. There were police and Grande Yellowhead Public School
the students at Sheldon Coates Elementary in no reported injuries and students were safely Division.
Grande Cache welcomed their driver this morning - transported to their respective schools. The
happy smiles all around! submitted GYPSD
PAGE 24 MONDAY MAY 13, 2019
“No Show” performed by PCHS at s CHOOL
Jr. Drama Festival delights audience
submitted Trish Day, PCHS Times
Parkland Composite High School couldn't be
more proud of our grade 9 students who performed
in the Jr. Zone 2 West Drama Festival in Barrhead
on May 2 and 3rd. Parkland's Drama Department
strongly believes that ALL students who have an
interest in theatre gets the opportunity to be
involved in a production. Every student who
auditioned for a role was casted and joined together
to perform the play “No Show” by Alan Haehnel.
They first performed the show locally at the Red
Brick Theatre in preparation for the competition,
Kids Make A Difference is sponsored by: the crowd roared with laughter. Students pushed
themselves with extra rehearsals and brought their
A-game to the stage during the Festival.
The show was an absolute crowd pleaser and
even the adjudicator professed to 'laughing a great
deal' while watching the play unroll. Students who
attended the Festival not only got to complete but
also got to watch 10 other plays from schools across
our zone.
Sand & Gravel Sales/Hauling The effort and hard work put in to make the play
Quality Work “No Show” a success is no small task, and our
students performed at their very best ending yet
Serving Edson & District Since 1974 another successful year of one acts for 2019.
The play earned an Honorable Mention for
780-723-5152 Ensemble and received a great deal of praise for a PCHS Drama student's performance of "No Show” delighted the audience at recent Zone Festival in
polished presentation from many of the other drama Barrhead. Pictured are: Breeanna Gillis-Banack, Erika Heise, Miss Servold, Aleya Costall, Cameron
teachers across the zone. PCHS is proud of their Davies, Keira Gomuwka, Shanna-Mae Tong, Skyla Hamborg, Amber Holloway, Chelsy Bishop, Brinn
accomplishments and know that these students have Taylor, and Celeste Boman (missing: Alex Forbes).
a bright theatrical future in years to come.
Congratulations to the other schools who performed
especially Woodhaven who won Overall Best Holy Redeemer Junior Drama
Production, the most prestigious award of the
festival, for their play about the Holocaust youth.
Kids Shine at Festival
School Bus Driver The Holy Redeemer Drama Department continues tradition for the students in all of the plays to
Appreciation Day to produce high quality work. From their main dance the night away in a special dance. “It's a
great way for the students to interact with one
stage productions in December, to their one-act
plays in the spring, audiences are always another,” says Drama Teacher Peter Taylor.
impressed with the high quality of work from the “Unlike sports competitions, we're all here to
students. And this year, the Junior Drama Kids support one another. These students clap and cheer
really impressed audiences at the annual Drama for each other. That's what makes Drama Festival
Festival. so special for so many people.”
The Junior High Zone 2 West Drama Festival After the dance came the Awards Ceremony, and
took place on May 2nd and 3rd in Barrhead and it was obvious that HRH was in the top tier of
featured 11 plays from different schools in Edson, plays. The show won awards Best Backstage
Barrhead, Spruce Grove, Stony Plain, Westlock, Teamwork and Best Stage Crew after the amazing
and Whitecourt. HRH's entry into the Festival was work of their crew: Josina Kennedy, Haley Squire,
the hilarious comedy This Is a Text. Keely Bowman and Emma Kreshewski. The play
The play told the story of Sophia, played by grade also won three Honourable Mentions for Acting to
9 student Katie Blue, who must write the most Blue, Schwitz, and Ethan Toner for his hilarious
important test of her life amid a number of portrayal of Germy – the nerdy kid with lots of
different distractions. medical issues.
The play kicked off the Festival on the first night “All of the students involved in this show put so
and was very well received by both the audience much work into this play, it was great to see them
and the adjudicator. “He (the adjudicator) asked us rewarded for their efforts,” says Taylor. “The bus
a lot of good questions,” says Blue. “And after ride home saw a lot of smiles and few tears now
three months of working on this show, he seemed that the show is over, but that mean that they loved
impressed we had all the answers.” In addition, the it so much.”
audience kept buzzing throughout the two-day With the Junior High Festival now complete, the
Festival about the comedic timing of the cast and 2018-2019 drama season has come to a close.
the numerous jokes that students understand about However, students will now begin preparations for
the stress of writing tests. next year's main stage production: Chicago: High
After they were done showcasing their play, the School Edition, which will run from December 4th
18 members of the cast and crew got to sit back to 7th. Look for tickets to go on sale in early
and watch the other 10 plays. “There were a lot of November.
very good plays,” says grade 9 student Zoe If you would like more information on this article
It's School Bus Driver Appreciation Day - a day in Schwitz who played the role of the teacher Ms. please feel free to contact the school at 780-723-
which we recognize and thank our many dedicated Bropila. “We were all really impressed with so 7437, visit our website at or
school bus drivers for getting our students safely to many plays. We definitely learned a lot.” follow us on our social media pages.
and from school each day. School bus drivers are On the last night of the Festival, it has become
often the first and last smile that students see at the
start and end of each school day. Caring and kind,
school bus drivers are role models for the children Bus Incident near Evansburg
on their routes and a voice of welcome to parents in
our community. On School Bus Driver Appreciation
Day, and every day, GYPSD extends a sincere At approximately 8 a.m. this morning, a families of all students have also been
thank you to all its school bus drivers for their school bus in Yellowhead County was involved contacted.
service, support, and dedication. Please join us in in an incident with another vehicle on its The incident is under investigation by local
recognizing these fabulous team members - like regular route to Evansburg schools. There were police and Grande Yellowhead Public School
the students at Sheldon Coates Elementary in no reported injuries and students were safely Division.
Grande Cache welcomed their driver this morning - transported to their respective schools. The
happy smiles all around! submitted GYPSD