Page 3 - June 1 2020
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Real estate/home story
Check News Canada
Heavy rains cause delays for farmers and damage to County infrastructure
Heavy rains cause delays for farmers
Newspaper readership is and damage to County infrastructure
truly multi-platform Felsing estimates that
about half to three
quarters of this damage
The 2019 report found that 83% of newspaper readers are accessing may have been caused by
l a s t y e a r ' s m a j o r
at least some of their newspaper content online. Interestingly, rainstorms that caused
however, the severe flooding in the
spring of 2019. "There
majority of these was still lots of water in
readers are using that the ground that likely
caused a lot of this recent
digital content to These mailboxes near Edson damage due to the freeze
supplement—not were flooded due to the recent and thaw that happens
heavy rains in the region. photo
over the winter and into
replace—readership the warmer spring
of a print edition of weather," he explained.
"You'll get pockets of frost
the newspaper. in the ground caused by
underground holes caused
by last year's flooding,
In total, more than and then when they thaw,
half (52%) of the road or ground will
newspaper readers Felsing noted that some
access newspaper A road right-of-way washes out near the top of hill County residents were
even stranded on their
content from both on a local Yellowhead County Road due to the property as a result of the
heavy rainfall received last week. photo submitted
print and online recent heavy rains. "After
contacting the County, YC
sources. by Cassie Kushniruk A c c o r d i n g t o transportation crews were
Yellowhead County able to able to fix the issue
Recently, Yellowhead Senior Communications enough so they were able
All platforms (print, desktop/laptop computer, phone and tablet) County has been dealing Coordinator Stefan to get out, after several
continue to be used across demographics to access newspaper with "widespread water Felsing, excess moisture hours of working to fix the
issues" as a result of the in the ground left over
road or property access,"
content. Most print reading happens early in the day, while digital heavy rainfall that from the previous year's he said.
Summers Drilling
Although some of the
reading is more consistent from morning to night. Summers Drilling occurred last week, rain, as well as this year's r e p a i r s t o C o u n t y
causing delays for farmers snow melt, significantly
W and damage to County impacted some areas infrastructure will be able
Water Well Drillingater Well Drilling
when the County was hit
to be done in a shorter
The research specifically looked at the newspaper reading habits of According to Alberta by the severe rainfall in period of time, Felsing
younger Canadians. 88% of Millennials read newspapers weekly, Agriculture, the North the past week. "We have stated that others may take
A proud Alberta business, since 1917, oud Alberta business, since 1917,
accessing newspaper content primarily through their mobile phones. A pr West Region, which had some more severe substantially longer due to
includes Yellowhead issues, such as damage to
b o t h e n g i n e e r i n g
Summers Drilling specializes in water well
Summers Drilling specializes in water well County, received between roads, as well as lots of a s s e s s m e n t s a n d
drilling and water well repairs. epairs.
drilling and water well r 60-80 mm of rain from excess water and drainage environmental approvals.
April 20 to May 19, with issues across the County," "Some of the larger
some areas reporting he said. "There was lots of projects that may cost into
upwards of 90 mm. Other damage to culverts the hundreds of thousands
areas of Alberta, including everywhere. Although of dollars need to meet all
the North East, Central, their job is to move the the legal and safety
and South Regions, only water, they can only requirements," he said.
reported between 10-20 sustain so much force at a In addition to County
mm of rain over the same time and unfortunately are infrastructure damage,
time period, with some damaged once they reach Yellowhead County's
4405 50 str 780-963-1282 areas only reporting as the capacity that they can Agriculture department
4405 50 streeteet
Stony Plain, AB much as 20-30 mm. deal with." reported that seeding has
Stony Plain, AB
been delayed because of
all the rain. Additionally,
"access into some fields is
difficult and machinery is
getting stuck due to all the
moisture," Felsing said.
According to Alberta
Agriculture, seeding
progress was the lowest in
the North West and Peace
Regions from April 20 to
May 19, with only 2-4%
of progress reported,
while the Central Region
FOR RENT had a progress of 32%,
and the North and South
NEW MOBILE regions had a progress of
2 3 % a n d 1 4 % ,
A l t h o u g h s e e d i n g
2 bedroom, complete
2 bedroom, complete progress is ahead of the 5-
year average in the
with new furnishings.
with new furnishings. Central, North East, and
Southern Regions, it is
behind in the North West
$1,800 Region by 10%.
$1,800 a month a month
As of May 19, the
percentage of all crops
$1,800 Security DepositSecurity Deposit seeded in the North West
region sits at 40.2%, while
the South, Central, and
CALL LEXIE 780-723-3110 North East Regions sits at We are a Patient-Centered and Caring Community Pharmacy
81.8%, 71.5%, and
*Some conditions apply 54.5%, respectively.
Locally Owned, Locally Operated and Locally Committed
Due to COVID 19 there is a growing need for self isolation. We are offering free delivery of
medications to your doorstep during this period. We can access you over the phone and prescribe
and renew medications. Avoid unnecessary visits to hospitals and clinics and stay healthy.
Give us a call today 780-725-0282
Address: 4924 – 4 Avenue, Edson, AB (Just beside Subway) Hours: Monday to Friday: 9am - 7pm
Owners: Sabia Saincher and Himmat Panwar Weekends and Holidays: 10am - 3pm
Check News Canada
Heavy rains cause delays for farmers and damage to County infrastructure
Heavy rains cause delays for farmers
Newspaper readership is and damage to County infrastructure
truly multi-platform Felsing estimates that
about half to three
quarters of this damage
The 2019 report found that 83% of newspaper readers are accessing may have been caused by
l a s t y e a r ' s m a j o r
at least some of their newspaper content online. Interestingly, rainstorms that caused
however, the severe flooding in the
spring of 2019. "There
majority of these was still lots of water in
readers are using that the ground that likely
caused a lot of this recent
digital content to These mailboxes near Edson damage due to the freeze
supplement—not were flooded due to the recent and thaw that happens
heavy rains in the region. photo
over the winter and into
replace—readership the warmer spring
of a print edition of weather," he explained.
"You'll get pockets of frost
the newspaper. in the ground caused by
underground holes caused
by last year's flooding,
In total, more than and then when they thaw,
half (52%) of the road or ground will
newspaper readers Felsing noted that some
access newspaper A road right-of-way washes out near the top of hill County residents were
even stranded on their
content from both on a local Yellowhead County Road due to the property as a result of the
heavy rainfall received last week. photo submitted
print and online recent heavy rains. "After
contacting the County, YC
sources. by Cassie Kushniruk A c c o r d i n g t o transportation crews were
Yellowhead County able to able to fix the issue
Recently, Yellowhead Senior Communications enough so they were able
All platforms (print, desktop/laptop computer, phone and tablet) County has been dealing Coordinator Stefan to get out, after several
continue to be used across demographics to access newspaper with "widespread water Felsing, excess moisture hours of working to fix the
issues" as a result of the in the ground left over
road or property access,"
content. Most print reading happens early in the day, while digital heavy rainfall that from the previous year's he said.
Summers Drilling
Although some of the
reading is more consistent from morning to night. Summers Drilling occurred last week, rain, as well as this year's r e p a i r s t o C o u n t y
causing delays for farmers snow melt, significantly
W and damage to County impacted some areas infrastructure will be able
Water Well Drillingater Well Drilling
when the County was hit
to be done in a shorter
The research specifically looked at the newspaper reading habits of According to Alberta by the severe rainfall in period of time, Felsing
younger Canadians. 88% of Millennials read newspapers weekly, Agriculture, the North the past week. "We have stated that others may take
A proud Alberta business, since 1917, oud Alberta business, since 1917,
accessing newspaper content primarily through their mobile phones. A pr West Region, which had some more severe substantially longer due to
includes Yellowhead issues, such as damage to
b o t h e n g i n e e r i n g
Summers Drilling specializes in water well
Summers Drilling specializes in water well County, received between roads, as well as lots of a s s e s s m e n t s a n d
drilling and water well repairs. epairs.
drilling and water well r 60-80 mm of rain from excess water and drainage environmental approvals.
April 20 to May 19, with issues across the County," "Some of the larger
some areas reporting he said. "There was lots of projects that may cost into
upwards of 90 mm. Other damage to culverts the hundreds of thousands
areas of Alberta, including everywhere. Although of dollars need to meet all
the North East, Central, their job is to move the the legal and safety
and South Regions, only water, they can only requirements," he said.
reported between 10-20 sustain so much force at a In addition to County
mm of rain over the same time and unfortunately are infrastructure damage,
time period, with some damaged once they reach Yellowhead County's
4405 50 str 780-963-1282 areas only reporting as the capacity that they can Agriculture department
4405 50 streeteet
Stony Plain, AB much as 20-30 mm. deal with." reported that seeding has
Stony Plain, AB
been delayed because of
all the rain. Additionally,
"access into some fields is
difficult and machinery is
getting stuck due to all the
moisture," Felsing said.
According to Alberta
Agriculture, seeding
progress was the lowest in
the North West and Peace
Regions from April 20 to
May 19, with only 2-4%
of progress reported,
while the Central Region
FOR RENT had a progress of 32%,
and the North and South
NEW MOBILE regions had a progress of
2 3 % a n d 1 4 % ,
A l t h o u g h s e e d i n g
2 bedroom, complete
2 bedroom, complete progress is ahead of the 5-
year average in the
with new furnishings.
with new furnishings. Central, North East, and
Southern Regions, it is
behind in the North West
$1,800 Region by 10%.
$1,800 a month a month
As of May 19, the
percentage of all crops
$1,800 Security DepositSecurity Deposit seeded in the North West
region sits at 40.2%, while
the South, Central, and
CALL LEXIE 780-723-3110 North East Regions sits at We are a Patient-Centered and Caring Community Pharmacy
81.8%, 71.5%, and
*Some conditions apply 54.5%, respectively.
Locally Owned, Locally Operated and Locally Committed
Due to COVID 19 there is a growing need for self isolation. We are offering free delivery of
medications to your doorstep during this period. We can access you over the phone and prescribe
and renew medications. Avoid unnecessary visits to hospitals and clinics and stay healthy.
Give us a call today 780-725-0282
Address: 4924 – 4 Avenue, Edson, AB (Just beside Subway) Hours: Monday to Friday: 9am - 7pm
Owners: Sabia Saincher and Himmat Panwar Weekends and Holidays: 10am - 3pm