Page 27 - February 18, 2019
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T he Weekly ANCHOR

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Cattle and cold temperatures

The recent cold snap across the province
has been a concern for humans and livestock.
Barry Yaremcio, beef and forage specialist at
the Alberta Ag-Info Centre, looks at ways to
lessen the stress on cattle created by cold DROP IN AND SEE!ROP IN AND SEE!
Yaremcio says to start by adjusting rations
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson
to meet requirements, as there is a limit to 5040 3rd Avenue, Edson
the amount of heat cattle can produce by
digesting feed.
“You can’t just let them pick extra hay or 780-723-5787
pick straw off the bedding pack to make up
the intake differential. Straw is a low protein,
The Weekly Anchorhe Weekly Anchor
high fibre, low energy feed that takes a long T
time for the animals to digest. If they eat
extra straw, the total protein content in the
ration goes down, and bacteria can’t digest
the fibre. In reality, their feed intake in
reality may drop two, three or four pounds a
day, and you’re just going backwards by
letting them have the extra straw.”
“I am referring specifically to cattle, but
these principles apply to other animals
Grain dryer components and the FEAP Program staying outside right now,” he says. “Cattle The recent cold snap across the province has been a concern for humans and livestock. photo Dana McArthur
can stay warm down to -20 C without wind
chill, and the heat from digestion when they accordingly, and watch the manure. If the muscles are not as strong as they should be.
The Farm Energy and Agri-Processors (FEAP) Program continues to share costs with producers who are upgrading consume their feed will keep them warm.” manure looks normal, you can see that your Nutrient requirements for a lactating cow
components of their grain dryers to high-efficiency models. Katherine Rogers, energy extension coordinator with Alberta It is a natural response for animals to eat ration is providing an adequate amount of increase by 25 per cent compared to one in
Agriculture and Forestry, clarifies what is eligible for funding through this program. more feed when it gets cold. Provide extra protein.” late pregnancy. That is when the large weight
The program includes sharing costs for components of a new dryer or when retrofitting components of an existing dryer. hay or silage but extra grain is needed as He adds that providing shelter behind a losses can occur.”
“For retro-fit grain dryer components,” says Rogers, “Eligibility is determined on a case-by-case basis. You must include well. Feed intake changes when the wind fence and providing a lot of bedding “Colostrum quantity – and possibly quality
detailed quotes, specifications, and if possible, calculations showing the energy savings of the upgrade.” temperature drops below -20 C. helps reduce the amount of energy needed - will be compromised if the cow is losing
Eligible retrofits may include: “At -30 C, increase grain intake by an extra for an animal to keep warm. If possible, weight prior to calving. The calf may not be
-Hopper covers. two lb. of grain per head per day over and move the thinnest animals into a barn to as healthy, and get up rapidly after birth if
- Automatic moisture controllers. above what was previously being fed at -20 protect them from the weather. the cow has lost weight in the cold weather.
- New high-efficiency burners. C. If temperatures drop to -40 C, four lb. of “A cow laying on snow could potentially You could have a little more problems with
- Variable speed drives (VSD) for electric motors. extra grain per head per day needs to be lose 25 per cent of her body heat, especially disease. A cow with very little fat reserve
- PTO to electric motor conversion. added,” says Yaremcio. if that snow is wet or dirty.” will not be able to produce as much milk as
- Insulated plenums. Thin animals get colder faster than those The implications of not lessening the stress one that is in good condition. The growth
- Exhaust air recirculation systems or secondary heat exchangers. that are in good shape, as they do not have from cold temperatures could compromise rate of the calf is probably going to be
- Gravity-fill roofs that replace powered leveling augers. the fat layer that provides insulation. the animals, says Yaremcio. “During cold reduced as well. Long term, if that cow stays
As for new grain dryer components, Rogers explains what funding may cover. “Upgrade options on new dryers are “That four lb. of additional grain during the weather, cows can lose anywhere between skinny all the way through lactation, it can
considered if they are an optional upgrade from the standard new dryer configuration. Only cost of the options is eligible, not cold weather might have to be stepped up to one to three pounds a day. If the cow is reduce reproductive efficiency by 20 to 30
the cost of the standard dryer. The application must include detailed quotes or invoices, specifications or calculations six or seven lb. to maintain their body weight losing weight in the last trimester of per cent.”
demonstrating energy savings.” or hopefully get them to gain a little bit,” pregnancy, it is possible there will be more For more information, contact the Alberta
Eligible new components may include upgrade options such as: explains Yaremcio. “It is difficult to do in calving difficulties because the cow’s Ag-Info Centre at 310-FARM (3276).
- Heat exchangers. cold weather but it is a possibility. Judge
- Preheat systems utilizing exhaust air.
- Optional high-efficiency burners.
- Variable speed drives (VSD) for electric motors. Weevils: an alternative to herbicide
- Optional automated moisture controllers.
- Gravity-fill roofs used in place of powered leveling augers.
Rogers adds that components considered "business as usual," are not covered, including bins, conveyors, legs and aeration If you're looking for an option to control West Central Forage Association has been
fans. Canada thistle besides using herbicides, hand working with local producers on the release of
The program is retroactive to April 1, 2016, so any upgrades or new construction projects done since that date may be picking or mowing, this biological control agent these weevils for years. Sites where weevils have
eligible for funding. Go to to see the full funding list, application form and other eligibility may be right for you. The Canada thistle Stem been released have generally shown decreased
stand vigour and patches thin out over time. In
requirements. Mining Weevil (Hadroplontus litura) was 2012, 50 dishes (each containing 105 weevils)
introduced from Europe to Canada in 1965 and
Outreach officers are available to answer questions about the program and can provide assistance with the application to the USA in the early 1970's to feed on Canada were brought up from Montana for producers in
process: thistle. the West Central Region who were interested in
- Northern Alberta - Amber Kenyon, 780-307-7849. The weevil restricts its feeding to this weed and the purchase and release them in thistle patches.
For further information, call the Alberta Ag-Info Centre at 310-FARM (3276). a few close relatives. Weevil feeding may allow a Added to this were 58 dishes for a regional trial
variety of other micro-organisms to enter the set up by the Agricultural Research and
thistle stem, with adverse consequences for the Extension Council of Alberta. Yellowhead
thistle: field studies in Montana indicated that County releases these weevils as well along the
underground parts of stems are much more edges of rivers, lakes and streams in or near
subject to winter kill if the aboveground stem is Right of Ways where herbicide application is
attacked by weevils during the growing season. prohibited.
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