Page 7 - The Weekly Anchor Newspaper
P. 7
Includes process colour pages 1,4,5,7,10,11,14,15,18,20,21,24
Edson Lions helps repurpose
used eyeglasses for those in need
by Deanna Mitchener packing boxes full of used eyeglasses
per year from the Edson area," says
If you have eyeglasses you no longer Lohner.
use please consider dropping them off to Eyeglasses from the Hinton area have
one of the Edson Lion's local drop off been dropped off in Edson for the last
locations in Edson. couple of years since the Hinton Lions
The Canadian Lions Eyeglass disbanded.
Recycling Centre (CLERC) has been All types of glasses in good frames are
collecting used eye glasses and accepted including sunglasses (cases and
repurposing them for less fortunate loose lenses can't be accepted). "We are
individuals. now accepting hearing aids put in a
Arden Lohner with the Edson Lions baggie and dropped in the collection
Club, say, “We have collection boxes at boxes," Lohner says.
all of the eyeglass shops in Edson, the “The glasses are sanitized and the
hospital, the Edson Funeral Home, and prescriptions read then sorted to be
the Legion. They can also be dropped given at no cost to recipients in countries
off at the Lions Campground during that would otherwise go without,” said
camping season.” Arden.
Lifetime member Larry Williams Eye glasses we no longer have use for
collects the glasses and takes them to the can make a big difference in another
The Edson Lions Club collects used eye glasses and repurposes them for recycling centre. "We collect about 218 person's life.
less fortunate individuals.
Element Zone 13 rounds up
Bringing craft lessons 2024 with supper and dance PASSPORT PHOTOS
Please rememberemember
Please remember
and ideas to life by Deanna Mitchener Little Kitchen. It was a good hearty Please r Mon to Thurs 9am to Noon
meal for everyone that attended and
Element Zone 13, held a supper
After supper, they watched the
and dance out at the Pine Grove brought lot of positive comments. Photos for
to shop local
Hall before Christmas. The event National Finals Rodeo together.
was in recognition of all the 2024 That was followed with dancing the to shop localto shop local Firearms,
season leaders that were presented night away with DJ Lifter. A 50/50 Visas, and more
t t
buckles. draw brought one lucky winner
110 people attended the event on $452. this holidayhis holidayhis holiday
December 7. For supper they It was a great way to end the
enjoyed prime rib and racks of ribs season of rodeo events at Element The
season. Weekly
that were prepared by Kendlyn's Zone 13.
Edson Funeral Home
Serving Edson, Hinton, Jasper, Grande Cache,Whitecourt and the surrounding areas FROM THE 780-723-5787 5010 3rd Ave, Edson
Foothills Memorial Chapel
Foothills Memorial Chapel
Foothills Memorial Chapel
and Crematoriumematoriumematorium
and Cr
The Crafty Lady held an acrylic class with 20 participants before Christmas at the
Creative Crossroads in the Farmer's Daughter building in Edson. THANK-YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!
by Deanna Mitchener with everyone.
So back in March [2024] I rented a Taking care of your family
'Crafty Lady' Christine Handford location in the same building as in your time of need for over 40 years.
has been crafting for over 50 years. "I Farmer's Daughter and the Little
jump from craft to craft driving my Book Store. With a lot of help and
family crazy, but I love to learn new elbow grease from my family, we Traditional Funeral Services,
creative things," said Handford. created a cozy little place for all ages Graveside Services,
“I have been doing paint parties and to get creative,” said Handford.
other crafts at the bars and private “So far we have had many paint Cemetery Monuments, THANK-YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!
events for a few years," said parties, as well some resin classes
Handford. with Jan Underhill. All natural soaps Prearrangement Plans Merry Christmasry Christmasry Christmas
"I have done a wide variety of and other products with Cheryl and Cremation Options with a
classes including paint parties, alpaca Whitesell, and watercolor lessons
and a
and a
fibre art, creating scenes with with Karen Shilka," Handford said. Crematorium on Site in Edson. and a
assorted colors of alpaca fibres and "Coming up in the new year we will
sheep wool, Swedish weaving place also be having kids sewing classes, HAPPY NEW YEAR
mats with monk's cloth and yarn, tie-dye classes, screen painting, Respectfully honouring your Traditions
mixed media on barn board, braided mosaics, mixed media, paper crafts, Edson Funeral Home; Foothills Memorial Chapel and Crematorium
rugs with leftover t-shirts and fabrics, polymer clay, cement art in the are a caring Division of the Caring Group Corp.
macramé, and more. I am self-taught spring, and so much more," said *A member of the Alberta Funeral Association; Funeral Service Association of Canada FROM THE WEEKLY ANCHOR
and love to share what I know, and Handford. "We have had so many
also to learn from guests,” Handford great classes so far and I am so Ph: 780.723.3575 Toll Free: 800.238.3462
added. excited for the new instructors and Please note, there will be no issue for Dec 30, 2024
“I decided the Edson area needs a mediums coming in 2025.” 5040—6 Ave., Edson, AB T7E 1T8 (P.O. Box 6358) - Fax:780.723.2021 due to our staff holiday break. We'll be back to our
place where creativity can be shared
weekly schedule with our January 6 issue.
Office will be closed Dec 23 reopening Dec 30 (closed New Years Day).
*We will be checking emails and messages
email: 780-723-5787
Edson Lions helps repurpose
used eyeglasses for those in need
by Deanna Mitchener packing boxes full of used eyeglasses
per year from the Edson area," says
If you have eyeglasses you no longer Lohner.
use please consider dropping them off to Eyeglasses from the Hinton area have
one of the Edson Lion's local drop off been dropped off in Edson for the last
locations in Edson. couple of years since the Hinton Lions
The Canadian Lions Eyeglass disbanded.
Recycling Centre (CLERC) has been All types of glasses in good frames are
collecting used eye glasses and accepted including sunglasses (cases and
repurposing them for less fortunate loose lenses can't be accepted). "We are
individuals. now accepting hearing aids put in a
Arden Lohner with the Edson Lions baggie and dropped in the collection
Club, say, “We have collection boxes at boxes," Lohner says.
all of the eyeglass shops in Edson, the “The glasses are sanitized and the
hospital, the Edson Funeral Home, and prescriptions read then sorted to be
the Legion. They can also be dropped given at no cost to recipients in countries
off at the Lions Campground during that would otherwise go without,” said
camping season.” Arden.
Lifetime member Larry Williams Eye glasses we no longer have use for
collects the glasses and takes them to the can make a big difference in another
The Edson Lions Club collects used eye glasses and repurposes them for recycling centre. "We collect about 218 person's life.
less fortunate individuals.
Element Zone 13 rounds up
Bringing craft lessons 2024 with supper and dance PASSPORT PHOTOS
Please rememberemember
Please remember
and ideas to life by Deanna Mitchener Little Kitchen. It was a good hearty Please r Mon to Thurs 9am to Noon
meal for everyone that attended and
Element Zone 13, held a supper
After supper, they watched the
and dance out at the Pine Grove brought lot of positive comments. Photos for
to shop local
Hall before Christmas. The event National Finals Rodeo together.
was in recognition of all the 2024 That was followed with dancing the to shop localto shop local Firearms,
season leaders that were presented night away with DJ Lifter. A 50/50 Visas, and more
t t
buckles. draw brought one lucky winner
110 people attended the event on $452. this holidayhis holidayhis holiday
December 7. For supper they It was a great way to end the
enjoyed prime rib and racks of ribs season of rodeo events at Element The
season. Weekly
that were prepared by Kendlyn's Zone 13.
Edson Funeral Home
Serving Edson, Hinton, Jasper, Grande Cache,Whitecourt and the surrounding areas FROM THE 780-723-5787 5010 3rd Ave, Edson
Foothills Memorial Chapel
Foothills Memorial Chapel
Foothills Memorial Chapel
and Crematoriumematoriumematorium
and Cr
The Crafty Lady held an acrylic class with 20 participants before Christmas at the
Creative Crossroads in the Farmer's Daughter building in Edson. THANK-YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!
by Deanna Mitchener with everyone.
So back in March [2024] I rented a Taking care of your family
'Crafty Lady' Christine Handford location in the same building as in your time of need for over 40 years.
has been crafting for over 50 years. "I Farmer's Daughter and the Little
jump from craft to craft driving my Book Store. With a lot of help and
family crazy, but I love to learn new elbow grease from my family, we Traditional Funeral Services,
creative things," said Handford. created a cozy little place for all ages Graveside Services,
“I have been doing paint parties and to get creative,” said Handford.
other crafts at the bars and private “So far we have had many paint Cemetery Monuments, THANK-YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!
events for a few years," said parties, as well some resin classes
Handford. with Jan Underhill. All natural soaps Prearrangement Plans Merry Christmasry Christmasry Christmas
"I have done a wide variety of and other products with Cheryl and Cremation Options with a
classes including paint parties, alpaca Whitesell, and watercolor lessons
and a
and a
fibre art, creating scenes with with Karen Shilka," Handford said. Crematorium on Site in Edson. and a
assorted colors of alpaca fibres and "Coming up in the new year we will
sheep wool, Swedish weaving place also be having kids sewing classes, HAPPY NEW YEAR
mats with monk's cloth and yarn, tie-dye classes, screen painting, Respectfully honouring your Traditions
mixed media on barn board, braided mosaics, mixed media, paper crafts, Edson Funeral Home; Foothills Memorial Chapel and Crematorium
rugs with leftover t-shirts and fabrics, polymer clay, cement art in the are a caring Division of the Caring Group Corp.
macramé, and more. I am self-taught spring, and so much more," said *A member of the Alberta Funeral Association; Funeral Service Association of Canada FROM THE WEEKLY ANCHOR
and love to share what I know, and Handford. "We have had so many
also to learn from guests,” Handford great classes so far and I am so Ph: 780.723.3575 Toll Free: 800.238.3462
added. excited for the new instructors and Please note, there will be no issue for Dec 30, 2024
“I decided the Edson area needs a mediums coming in 2025.” 5040—6 Ave., Edson, AB T7E 1T8 (P.O. Box 6358) - Fax:780.723.2021 due to our staff holiday break. We'll be back to our
place where creativity can be shared
weekly schedule with our January 6 issue.
Office will be closed Dec 23 reopening Dec 30 (closed New Years Day).
*We will be checking emails and messages
email: 780-723-5787