Page 12 - The Weekly Anchor Newspaper
P. 12
Includes process colour pages 1,4,5,7,10,11,14,15,18,20,21,24
MONDAY, JUNE 5, 2023 PAGE 13
June1: Firesmart Preparedness Day 11am-
2pm Rotary Skate Park (54 street 5 ave)
Join for a free BBQ and learn how to
PAGE 12 MONDAY, JANUARY 6, 2025 THE WEEKLY ANCHOR firesmart your property.
June8: Drostan Community Hall Garage
A Monthly update on the Oil & Gas and Energy Industry Sale. 9am-3pm(54415 Rge Rd 161)
June22: Eddies Big Run. Register Now at or running or in person at
Edson District Leisure centre. 1021 49 st
Views & News Edson.
Views & News More energy production using less water · ADD Awesome Adventure Camps (5x10)
by Deanna Mitchener
West Yellowhead MLA Alberta’s government is investing $2.7 million Solutions. An additional $1.2 million will go to water recycling in the oil and gas industry. This · ADD Adventure Play Camps (5x10)
Martin Long in new technologies that will help oil and gas helping Canadian Natural Resources Limited test a technology can remove 99.9 per cent of · ADD Crack Sealing of Local Roads (5x5)
companies reduce water use while creating jobs new chemical developed by ChampionX that contaminants from water.
OBITUARIES and powering the world. makes heavy oil and bitumen flow faster and more system to help make oil and gas operations more 30
Funding will also support a self-cleaning
easily toward the production well, reducing the
As global energy demands continue to rise,
jurisdictions around the world are looking for demand for steam. efficient, helping companies find ways to reduce
responsible, reliable and secure energy. At the “These projects have already shown great costs and improve productivity. The project will
same time, many companies and countries are also promise with support from our partners, and we’re be demonstrated in Three Hills. Move Brain Link to Top Left on page 1
looking for ways to reduce water use and manage excited to see how provincial funding through Eximius Environmental Solutions will
water more efficiently while also meeting this Emissions Reduction Alberta can help take them to advance its VelRay X™ system, which filters REVISED Heritage Tour on page 5X7
soaring demand. the next level. What is especially exciting is their tiny particles from water used in oil extraction,
Alberta’s oil and gas operators are leading the potential to be commercialized in the near future, making it cleaner for reuse and reducing the need
VISIT OUR FREE E-EDITION world in responsible water management, with offering the oil and gas industry practical solutions for freshwater. Cleaner water prevents blockages, Move REVISED Grizzly fRI to page 4 Bottom
(Digital version identical operators already having reduced their overall to lower emissions, save water, and reduce costs. - protects equipment, extends its life, lowers
Justin Riemer, CEO, Emissions Reduction Alberta
water use by 25 per cent to date. Alberta
pollution risks, and cuts wastewater disposal
to our print version) companies now recycle about 80 per cent of the “The significant financial backing received from costs. Move Crack Sealing on page 4 to bottom
water used in their operations, reducing the need the Government of Alberta and Emissions The system uses durable stainless-steel filters
Move both Camps on page 4 to top
for freshwater, and using advanced filtration Reduction Alberta will accelerate the progress and instead of emissions-intensive bag filters, WALK-IN PASSPORT The views, opinions and positions expressed here systems to treat wastewater. commercialization of Aqua Pure Technologies’ reducing waste and landfill emissions. Test sites FRIREARMS
are the author's alone. They do not inherently or
To keep this momentum going, Alberta’s
PROH2O® Technology. This funding is crucial for will be announced soon.
Canadian Natural Resources Limited:
Current Flip issue or expressly reflect the views, opinions and/or government is investing nearly $2.7 million from improving the company’s ability to deliver clean chemical additive for heavy oil and bitumen VISA PHOTOS
positions of The Weekly Anchor, it's advertisers, or
the industry-funded Technology Innovation and
technology developed in Alberta to both domestic
Troy Media.
downloadable PDF Emissions Reduction (TIER) program into three and global markets while highlighting Alberta's Canadian Natural Resources Limited is using AND MORE
new projects that are developing technologies to
leadership in oil and gas water reuse and emissions $1.2 million in provincial funding to test a
Years of back issues available! help reduce water use while growing responsible reduction initiatives.” - Daniel Nelson, CEO, Aqua chemical additive that improves the flow of $15.95! (Digital version identical
energy production. Pure Technologies heavy oil and bitumen in its steam-assisted to our print version)
“Global energy demand is rising and "Funding from the Government of Alberta gravity drainage operations. The additive helps for purchasing the steer Mon to Thurs
Weekly Anchor Newspaper jurisdictions around the world are looking to us through Emissions Reduction Alberta is essential oil flow faster, prevents blockages, and reduces © Troy Media 9am to Noon
for ways to grow production while maximizing
to the commercialization of the VelRay X™ and its the need for steam, thereby lowering water use.
water efficiency. This funding will help test and application in mobile filtration operations, bridging Testing will occur at the Kirby North plant in Lac
advance three new technologies designed to help the gap between prototype validation and market La Biche. Note: The views, opinions, and positions expressed in
The Weekly Anchor
the column are the author's alone. They do not
readiness. This support enables critical testing,
companies reduce water use and increase energy
Gerald Soroka production at the same time. It’s a win for the stakeholder engagement, and deployment, ensuring Quick facts inherently or expressly reflect the views, opinions Current Flip issue or
and/or positions of The Weekly Anchor, its staff, or
environment, the energy sector and the economy. - the technology’s scalability and positioning it to set
- The three projects were selected through
Troy Media.
5010 3rd Ave, Edson
MP Yellowhead Rebecca Schulz, Minister of Environment and new standards for sustainable water management Emissions Reduction Alberta’s Continuous downloadable PDF
in Alberta and beyond." - Jeff Wollin, vice
Protected Areas
Intake Programs and combined, are worth a total
PASSPORT province will invest $1.47 million into two new president of sales and operations, Eximius of $6.1 million in public and private investments. © Troy Media Years of back issues available!
Through Emissions Reduction Alberta, the
Environmental Solutions
- Drilling and fracturing operations currently
The views, opinions and
© Troy Media
PHOTOS VISIT OUR FREE water filtration technologies led by Aqua Pure PROH2O® ultra-filtration technology to improve require 0.17 per cent of all allocated water in positions expressed here
Aqua Pure Technologies will test its innovative
Technologies and Eximius Environmental
are the author's alone.
Note: The views, opinions, and
FIREARM West Yellowhead E-EDITION expressly reflect the views, Weekly Anchor Newspaper
They do not inherently or
positions expressed in the column are
the author's alone. They do not
PHOTOS The Weekly Anchor 2024 (Digital version identical opinions and/or positions
inherently or expressly reflect the
Visitor's Guide
of The Weekly Anchor, it's
to our print version)
views, opinions and/or positions of The
& MORE Industry supporters of responsible energy advertisers, or Troy Media.
Weekly Anchor, its staff, or Troy Media.
Mon to Thurs
9am to noon Coming soon! Current Flip issue or
downloadable PDF
Call or Email to Book Years of back issues available!
your Weekly Anchor Newspaper
AD Space
Office: 780-723-5787
Office: 780-723-5787
The Office: 780-723-5787
Sue Ann cell: 780- 280-0213
Sue Ann cell: 780- 280-0213
Sue Ann cell: 780- 280-0213
5010 3rd Ave YELLOWHEAD
Photos for
and more ...AND MORE
Mon to Thurs 9am to Noon
Weekly $15.95! PER SET OF 2
780-723-5787 5010 3rd Ave, Edson
visit us at
MONDAY, JUNE 5, 2023 PAGE 13
June1: Firesmart Preparedness Day 11am-
2pm Rotary Skate Park (54 street 5 ave)
Join for a free BBQ and learn how to
PAGE 12 MONDAY, JANUARY 6, 2025 THE WEEKLY ANCHOR firesmart your property.
June8: Drostan Community Hall Garage
A Monthly update on the Oil & Gas and Energy Industry Sale. 9am-3pm(54415 Rge Rd 161)
June22: Eddies Big Run. Register Now at or running or in person at
Edson District Leisure centre. 1021 49 st
Views & News Edson.
Views & News More energy production using less water · ADD Awesome Adventure Camps (5x10)
by Deanna Mitchener
West Yellowhead MLA Alberta’s government is investing $2.7 million Solutions. An additional $1.2 million will go to water recycling in the oil and gas industry. This · ADD Adventure Play Camps (5x10)
Martin Long in new technologies that will help oil and gas helping Canadian Natural Resources Limited test a technology can remove 99.9 per cent of · ADD Crack Sealing of Local Roads (5x5)
companies reduce water use while creating jobs new chemical developed by ChampionX that contaminants from water.
OBITUARIES and powering the world. makes heavy oil and bitumen flow faster and more system to help make oil and gas operations more 30
Funding will also support a self-cleaning
easily toward the production well, reducing the
As global energy demands continue to rise,
jurisdictions around the world are looking for demand for steam. efficient, helping companies find ways to reduce
responsible, reliable and secure energy. At the “These projects have already shown great costs and improve productivity. The project will
same time, many companies and countries are also promise with support from our partners, and we’re be demonstrated in Three Hills. Move Brain Link to Top Left on page 1
looking for ways to reduce water use and manage excited to see how provincial funding through Eximius Environmental Solutions will
water more efficiently while also meeting this Emissions Reduction Alberta can help take them to advance its VelRay X™ system, which filters REVISED Heritage Tour on page 5X7
soaring demand. the next level. What is especially exciting is their tiny particles from water used in oil extraction,
Alberta’s oil and gas operators are leading the potential to be commercialized in the near future, making it cleaner for reuse and reducing the need
VISIT OUR FREE E-EDITION world in responsible water management, with offering the oil and gas industry practical solutions for freshwater. Cleaner water prevents blockages, Move REVISED Grizzly fRI to page 4 Bottom
(Digital version identical operators already having reduced their overall to lower emissions, save water, and reduce costs. - protects equipment, extends its life, lowers
Justin Riemer, CEO, Emissions Reduction Alberta
water use by 25 per cent to date. Alberta
pollution risks, and cuts wastewater disposal
to our print version) companies now recycle about 80 per cent of the “The significant financial backing received from costs. Move Crack Sealing on page 4 to bottom
water used in their operations, reducing the need the Government of Alberta and Emissions The system uses durable stainless-steel filters
Move both Camps on page 4 to top
for freshwater, and using advanced filtration Reduction Alberta will accelerate the progress and instead of emissions-intensive bag filters, WALK-IN PASSPORT The views, opinions and positions expressed here systems to treat wastewater. commercialization of Aqua Pure Technologies’ reducing waste and landfill emissions. Test sites FRIREARMS
are the author's alone. They do not inherently or
To keep this momentum going, Alberta’s
PROH2O® Technology. This funding is crucial for will be announced soon.
Canadian Natural Resources Limited:
Current Flip issue or expressly reflect the views, opinions and/or government is investing nearly $2.7 million from improving the company’s ability to deliver clean chemical additive for heavy oil and bitumen VISA PHOTOS
positions of The Weekly Anchor, it's advertisers, or
the industry-funded Technology Innovation and
technology developed in Alberta to both domestic
Troy Media.
downloadable PDF Emissions Reduction (TIER) program into three and global markets while highlighting Alberta's Canadian Natural Resources Limited is using AND MORE
new projects that are developing technologies to
leadership in oil and gas water reuse and emissions $1.2 million in provincial funding to test a
Years of back issues available! help reduce water use while growing responsible reduction initiatives.” - Daniel Nelson, CEO, Aqua chemical additive that improves the flow of $15.95! (Digital version identical
energy production. Pure Technologies heavy oil and bitumen in its steam-assisted to our print version)
“Global energy demand is rising and "Funding from the Government of Alberta gravity drainage operations. The additive helps for purchasing the steer Mon to Thurs
Weekly Anchor Newspaper jurisdictions around the world are looking to us through Emissions Reduction Alberta is essential oil flow faster, prevents blockages, and reduces © Troy Media 9am to Noon
for ways to grow production while maximizing
to the commercialization of the VelRay X™ and its the need for steam, thereby lowering water use.
water efficiency. This funding will help test and application in mobile filtration operations, bridging Testing will occur at the Kirby North plant in Lac
advance three new technologies designed to help the gap between prototype validation and market La Biche. Note: The views, opinions, and positions expressed in
The Weekly Anchor
the column are the author's alone. They do not
readiness. This support enables critical testing,
companies reduce water use and increase energy
Gerald Soroka production at the same time. It’s a win for the stakeholder engagement, and deployment, ensuring Quick facts inherently or expressly reflect the views, opinions Current Flip issue or
and/or positions of The Weekly Anchor, its staff, or
environment, the energy sector and the economy. - the technology’s scalability and positioning it to set
- The three projects were selected through
Troy Media.
5010 3rd Ave, Edson
MP Yellowhead Rebecca Schulz, Minister of Environment and new standards for sustainable water management Emissions Reduction Alberta’s Continuous downloadable PDF
in Alberta and beyond." - Jeff Wollin, vice
Protected Areas
Intake Programs and combined, are worth a total
PASSPORT province will invest $1.47 million into two new president of sales and operations, Eximius of $6.1 million in public and private investments. © Troy Media Years of back issues available!
Through Emissions Reduction Alberta, the
Environmental Solutions
- Drilling and fracturing operations currently
The views, opinions and
© Troy Media
PHOTOS VISIT OUR FREE water filtration technologies led by Aqua Pure PROH2O® ultra-filtration technology to improve require 0.17 per cent of all allocated water in positions expressed here
Aqua Pure Technologies will test its innovative
Technologies and Eximius Environmental
are the author's alone.
Note: The views, opinions, and
FIREARM West Yellowhead E-EDITION expressly reflect the views, Weekly Anchor Newspaper
They do not inherently or
positions expressed in the column are
the author's alone. They do not
PHOTOS The Weekly Anchor 2024 (Digital version identical opinions and/or positions
inherently or expressly reflect the
Visitor's Guide
of The Weekly Anchor, it's
to our print version)
views, opinions and/or positions of The
& MORE Industry supporters of responsible energy advertisers, or Troy Media.
Weekly Anchor, its staff, or Troy Media.
Mon to Thurs
9am to noon Coming soon! Current Flip issue or
downloadable PDF
Call or Email to Book Years of back issues available!
your Weekly Anchor Newspaper
AD Space
Office: 780-723-5787
Office: 780-723-5787
The Office: 780-723-5787
Sue Ann cell: 780- 280-0213
Sue Ann cell: 780- 280-0213
Sue Ann cell: 780- 280-0213
5010 3rd Ave YELLOWHEAD
Photos for
and more ...AND MORE
Mon to Thurs 9am to Noon
Weekly $15.95! PER SET OF 2
780-723-5787 5010 3rd Ave, Edson
visit us at