Page 22 - May11 2020
P. 22
he Weekly ANCHOR
he Weekly ANCHOR
he Weekly ANCHOR
PAGE 22 MONDAY MAY 11, 2020 MONDAY MAY 4, 2020 PAGE 15
Remember to drop off your donations for the
at Independent Grocer, Sobeys or the Edson Food Bank
The Food Bank will be open 2 Thursday evenings, Faith
the second and last Thursday of the Month 6:45-8:00 pm.
Open regular hours every Tuesday from 9-11 am. Bryan Walter Mother's Day
Hours: Tues 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. This being the done for us. dreams of their own that may include, and yet go
weekend of Mother's
far beyond, the years of effort they have put into
Sometimes it can be hard to remember that our
Last Thursday of the month 6:45 p.m. to 8 p.m. Day, I've been thinking a moms were also lovingly designed and given parenting. To us, they are special because they are Pastor
Food Bank located at 4511 5th Ave., Edson Pastor lot about moms in the purpose by the creator- that they have hopes and our moms, but to God they are special because they Aaron Kauffman
are also, like you, his beloved master-piece.
Bible. In Psalm 139:13-
Sponsored by The Weekly Anchor Aaron Kauffman 16 David famously
For you created my CHURCH DIRECTORY
Remember to drop off your inmost being; BETHEL PENTECOSTAL FAMILY WORSHIP CENTRE HOLY TRINITY (An Anglican/Lutheran Faith Community)
Rev. Johnny Pooten 780-723-4366
you knit me together
6350 - 13th Ave., Edson. Phone 723-3007
donations for the in my mother's womb. Pastors John & Roberta Greiner WORSHIP SCHEDULE (All services at 10 am Sunday mornings): ~ Obituary ~
1st & 2nd Sunday at St. Catherine’s Building 623 50th St.; 3rd and 4th
Sunday service: 10:30 am Morning worship,
EDSON FOOD BANK Bryan Walter I praise you because I BIBLE TALKS Sundays at Grace Building 407-7th Ave.; Elske Folkinga
5th Sunday - call for location. Please phone for other information.
Pastor am fearfully and Sunday at 3:30, Lions Hall Edson. THE NEW JOSHUA GENERATION FELLOWSHIP INTERNATIONAL August 11, 1919 - March 20, 2020 for Edson & Area
wonderfully made;
Ken Douma at Independent Grocer, Sobeys A. Farought and R. Priebe 780-667-1747 4911 B 3rd Avenue, Edson, AB
or the Edson Food Bank your works are wonderful, EDSON ALLIANCE CHURCH Sunday Worship at 2:30 p.m.; Fellowship after service. Elske Folkinga, of Edson, Alberta,
I know that full well.
Rev. Noemi Sogocio, Senior Pastor, 780-600-0050;
5525-2nd Ave., Edson Ph: 723-5776 Pastor Bryan Walter
The Food Bank will be open two Thursday evenings, My frame was not hidden from you 9:30 a.m. Sunday School 10:45 a.m. Worship Service passed away March 20, 2020 at the EDSON EDSON MENNONITE CHURCH THE NEW JOSHUA GENERATION FELLOWSHIP INTERNATIONAL
Wednesday: 7 p.m. Prayer Meeting;
Edson Continuing Care Centre.
when I was made in the secret place,
She was born in Franeker, Friesland,
when I was woven together in the depths of the
the second and last earth. EDSON BAPTIST CHURCH 4803 - 6th Avenue, Edson Telephone: 723-3661. in the Netherlands in 1919, coming to BETHEL PENTECOSTAL FAMILY WORSHIP CENTRE 6212 - 13th Ave., Edson Telephone: 723-4922 (office)/728-8988 4911 B 3rd Avenue, Edson, AB
Sunday Worship at 2:30 p.m.; Fellowship after service.
4719 - 9th Ave., Ph: 723-3982 Sunday Services: 10:45 a.m.
Pastor Father Thomas Basani (SAC)
Pastor Aaron Kauffman
Adult Sunday School 9:30 - 10:30 a.m.
Thursday of the Month 6:45-8:00 pm. Your eyes saw my unformed body; Children Sunday School offered during 10:45 service. Mass: Saturday: 5:00 p.m. Sunday: 10:00 a.m. Edson in 1951 with her husband and 6350 - 13th Ave., Edson. Phone 723-3007 Office Hours - 10:00 am to 12:00 pm Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday. Rev. Noemi Sogocio, Senior Pastor, 780-600-0050;
Call office for weekday Mass times.
(Office Hours: Tuesday to Friday, 9:00 am to 1:00 pm)
Sunday Worship Service at 9:45 am. Sunday School at 11:00 a.m.
all the days ordained for me were written in
Open regular hours every Tuesday from 9-11 am. your book EDSON BREAD OF LIFE CHURCH WITH A MISSION CARROT CREEK CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP four children. Two more children were Pastors John & Roberta Greiner For additional information regarding Youth and Family events or other SACRED HEART CATHOLIC CHURCH
5325 4th Avenue. Sunday Service 11 am with lunch to follow
Sunday service: 10:30 am Morning worship,
activities contact Pastor Aaron.
before one of them came to be. Pastor Jim Findlay 780-725-3743; Pastor Vinnie Frymire 780-728-8606 Pastor George Stone - Ph: 795-2132 Church in Peers, Alberta later born in Edson. Awana Kid’s club Wed. 6:15 to 8:15 pm. Ages 3 to 12 years. 4803 - 6th Avenue, Edson Telephone: 723-3661.
Pastor Father Thomas Basani (SAC)
Adult Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Worship Service: 10:30 a.m.
Remember to drop off your donations for the Sponsored by The Weekly Anchor 780-723-1350 EDSON MENNONITE CHURCH Non-denominational - Everybody Welcome! Els enjoyed travelling throughout Canada, the United States Youth: Fridays, Gr. 6 to 12 at 7:00 pm. Various mid week small group EDSON-PEERS CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Mass: Saturday: 5:00 p.m. Sunday: 10:00 a.m.
EDSON FOOD BANK This is one of only a handful of mentions of King 6212 - 13th Ave., Edson Telephone: 723-4922 (office)/728-8988 COMMUNITY COWBOY CHURCH and around the world. She visited Mexico, Australia, New studies available. 4633-7th Ave., Edson - Ph: 723-5242 Call office for weekday Mass times.
Pastor Aaron Kauffman Sunday Worship 9:45 am. Sunday School 11a.m.
Pastor Dan Meyer
at Independent Grocer, Sobeys or the Edson Food Bank Hours: Tues 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. David's mother in the Bible. Although Jewish EDSON-PEERS CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Niton Junction Hall Tuesdays, 7 p.m. 780-712-3502 Zealand, Indonesia, Yemen, Spain, Portugal and the BIBLE TALKS Worship: 10:30 a.m. Edson - Nursery provided CARROT CREEK, NITON JUNCTION & PEERS
Bible Talks every Sunday at 3:30, Lions Hall Edson.
The Food Bank will be open 2 Thursday evenings, Last Thursday of the month 6:45 p.m. to 8 p.m. tradition names her as “Nitzevet,” the Biblical text 4633-7th Ave., Edson - Ph: 723-5242 Pastor Dan Meyer GREEN GROVE UNITED CHURCH Netherlands. In the United States she visited Texas, Nevada, Simple teachings of Jesus. No obligations whatsoever. Sunday School: K through Grade 6 during a.m. service; CARROT CREEK CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP
Worship: 10:30 a.m. Edson - Nursery provided Sunday School
Niton Junction - Ph: 795-2568 Sunday Services
hardly mentions her at all. We know that David's
Food Bank located at 4511 5th Ave., Edson
Louisiana, Mississippi and Hawaii.
the second and last Thursday of the Month 6:45-8:00 pm. father was Jesse, and together they had 7 sons and 2 EDSON SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH EVANSBURG/ENTWISTLE/WILDWOOD Mom was an expert seamstress and sewed her last dress for a Come & listen. EDSON SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH Pastor George Stone - Ph: 795-2132
A. Farought and R. Priebe 780-667-1747
1133-55 St. Edson - Ph: 723-5490.
Open regular hours every Tuesday from 9-11 am. daughters. 1133-55 St. Edson - Ph: 723-5490. ENTWISTLE COMMUNITY CHURCH grandson’s wedding, at age 92. Her beautiful needlework EDSON ALLIANCE CHURCH Saturday Morning Service at 11:30 a.m. Sabbath School at 10:00 a.m. Church in Peers, Alberta
Saturday Morning Service at 11:30 a.m. Sabbath School at 10:00 a.m.
Adult Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Worship Service: 10:30 a.m.
Pastor - Micah Brookhart Office: 780-727-2829
I think this passage is interesting because it
780-723-1350 Remember to drop off reflects the way that we often think of our own EDSON UNITED CHURCH Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Sunday Worship Service: 10:30 a.m. adorns the homes of many families and friends. She always 5525-2nd Ave., Edson Ph: 723-5776 Pastor Bryan Walter EDSON UNITED CHURCH Non-denominational - Everybody Welcome!
Sunday Worship & Sunday School: 10:30 a.m. Rev. Kimberly Roy
Hours: Tues 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. your donations for the moms- in terms of the role they have played in our 1214 Edson Drive, Edson, AB Phone: 723-3418 4820 54 Avenue, Wildwood Alberta, Phone 780-325-3999 looked ahead and was so determined to overcome life’s 9:30 a.m. Sunday School 10:45 a.m. Worship Service Sunday Worship & Sunday School: 10:30 a.m. Rev. Kimberly Roy COMMUNITY COWBOY CHURCH
Wednesday: 7 p.m. Prayer Meeting;
Regular Office Hours: Wednesday-Friday 10 am - 2 pm
challenges. She loved stimulating conversations on politics and
Pastors: Bjorn & Karin Bidell
Niton Junction Hall
own lives. I'm not saying it's wrong to do that,

Last Thursday of the month 6:45 p.m. to 8 p.m. EDSON FOOD BANK moms are important to us, and we love them for FAMILY OF FAITH CHURCH Sunday Service: 10:30 a.m.; Mid-Week Prayer: Thursday 7:30 p.m.. religion and took pride in keeping up with current affairs Thursday: 6:30 p.m. AWANA Boys and Girls 1214 Edson Drive, Edson, AB Phone: 723-3418 Tuesdays, 7 p.m. 780-712-3502
463 72 St., Edson (formerly Glenwood Hall), Telephone: 780-517-7558
Club; Ladies Ministry 2nd and last Tuesdays of the month.
Food Bank located at 4511 5th Ave., Edson at Independent Grocer, loving and raising us; but I think we can sometimes Sunday: 10:00 am - Coffee and Donuts; 10:30 am - Morning Service worldwide. Please call for Youth Events. GREEN GROVE UNITED CHURCH
Pastors: Ron and Bev Swanson.
Sponsored by The Weekly Anchor forget to appreciate them outside of what they have She is survived by her children Peter Folkinga, Rinske Schalm EDSON BAPTIST CHURCH FAMILY OF FAITH CHURCH Niton Junction - Ph: 795-2568 Sunday Services
463 72 St., Edson (formerly Glenwood Hall), Telephone: 780-517-7558
Sobeys or the Edson Food Bank (Ed), Tina Berry (Shawn), Jack Folkinga (Charlene), and Charles 4719 - 9th Ave., Ph: 723-3982 Sunday Services: 10:45 a.m. Sunday: 10:00 am - Coffee and Donuts; 10:30 am - Morning Service
Folkinga (Heather). Her 15 grandchildren and 22 great Adult Sunday School 9:30 - 10:30 a.m. Pastors: Ron and Bev Swanson EVANSBURG/ENTWISTLE/WILDWOOD
Children Sunday School offered during 10:45 service.
The Food Bank will be open grandchildren knew her as “Oma” and “Super Oma.” Various Mid-week small group studies available ENTWISTLE COMMUNITY CHURCH
2 Thursday evenings, Els was predeceased by her husband, Jack Folkinga, her Visit our website for addition info HOLY TRINITY (An Anglican/Lutheran Faith Community) Pastor - Micah Brookhart
Rev. Johnny Pooten 780-723-4366
Office: 780-727-2829
PASSPORT PHOTOS & MORE the second and last Thursday daughter Jikki Folkinga, and daughter-in-law Linda Folkinga. EDSON BREAD OF LIFE CHURCH WITH A MISSION WORSHIP SCHEDULE (All services at 10 am Sunday mornings): Sunday School for all ages 9:30 a.m.
She is also predeceased by all five of her siblings: Willem van
We are open and going strong - 5325 4th Avenue
1st & 2nd Sunday at St. Catherine’s Building 623 50th St.; 3rd and 4th
Sunday Worship Service: 10:30 a.m.
Professional Digital Passport System photos of the Month 6:45-8:00 pm. Gunst, Saakje Lubbers, Hendrik van Gunst, Joop Nolkamper Sunday Service 11 am with lunch to follow Sundays at Grace Building 407-7th Ave.; WILDWOOD CHAPEL
Pastor Jim Findlay 780-725-3743; \
5th Sunday - call for location.
ready in minutes while you wait... Open regular hours and Wil van den born. Pastor Vinnie Frymire 780-728-8606 Please phone for other information. 4820 54 Avenue, Wildwood Alberta, Phone 780-325-3999
every Tuesday from 9-11 am. A Celebration of Life will be held at a later date. Edson Funeral ALL ARE WELCOME. Pastors: Bjorn & Karin Bidell
Home is in charge of the arrangements. Memorial donations in Sunday Service: 10:30 a.m.; Mid-Week Prayer: Thursday 7:30 p.m..
memory of Els can be made to the Furniture Fund at the new
780-723-1350 Parkland Lodge.
Hours: Tues 9 a.m. to 11 a.m.
Last Thursday of the month
6:45 p.m. to 8 p.m. ~Obituary ~
Food Bank located at Elizabeth Julia
4511 5th Ave., Edson Alida Ripley
Sponsored by The Weekly Anchor nee (Gorloo)
DROP IN AND SEE!ROP IN AND SEE! January 14, 1928 - March 18, 2020
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson Elizabeth Julia Alida Ripley nee
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson
780-723-5787 (Gorloo) was born in Pecq, Belgium and
The Weekly Anchorhe Weekly Anchor came to Canada in 1945 as a war bride.
She worked at Edson IGA and later had
a booth at the Edson Farmers’ Market.
Remember to drop off your donations for the Elizabeth is survived by her husband,
EDSON FOOD BANK Owen Ripley; sons Doug and Reg
at Independent Grocer, Sobeys or the Edson Food Bank Ripley and daughter Vicky Boyle
(Blaine) as well as numerous
The Food Bank will be open 2 Thursday evenings, grandchildren and great grandchildren.
the second and last Thursday of the Month 6:45-8:00 pm.
She knew lots of Edson people and
Open regular hours every Tuesday from 9-11 am. May 4 is School Bus Driver Appreciation Day, a day in which we recognize and thank our many dedicated school bus drivers for getting our was well like by all.
780-723-1350 students safely to and from school. Our school bus drivers are often the first and last smile that students see at the start and end of each school We loved her dearly and will miss her
day - a role they take on proudly as a member of the GYPSD team. From our families to yours, thank you for your service, support, and dedication
Hours: Tues 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. to the students across the Grande Yellowhead Public School Division! forever.
Last Thursday of the month 6:45 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Food Bank located at 4511 5th Ave., Edson
Sponsored by The Weekly Anchor
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