Page 13 - June 1 2020
P. 13
PAGE 16 MONDAY MAY 18, 2020
PAGE 16 MONDAY MAY 25, 2020
Edson Minor Hockey still hoping for 2020 season
by Shaylyn Thornton If the season is able to move forward, there will registration for a season we know nothing about."
almost surely be some changes headed their way. For the second reason, Kehler said, "We do not
It is no secret that COVID-19 has had a "Given the abrupt end to the season and the know what the season will look like or the
devastating impact on sports and leisure activities uncharted waters we are all navigating through timeline, [so] with it we have no way to calculate
around the world. So many sports leagues have today, we anticipate changes as the Leagues and what the cost will be to our members."
seen their seasons cancelled as a result of the governing bodies will work together to get If and when registration can open, the group
virus. everyone back on the ice," said Kehler. plans to offer their AGM discount that they have
In Edson, this most recently includes the Edson "Changes are 99% driven by Hockey every year. They are also hoping to be able to
Minor Ball leagues and Edson Minor Soccer Canada/Hockey Alberta and/or the Leagues we offer payment plan options to their members.
leagues. Both groups have had to issue refunds to play in," Kehler continued. "Our role as an "Our members are very important to us and we
all of their disappointed registrants following the association and executives is to provide a vote want to do our best to have an accurate cost for
news of their season cancellations. and comments on the changes and then bring them and make the transition back to hockey as
With a few months to go until hockey season them to our members." smooth as possible for everyone," said Kehler.
would start up, Edson Minor Hockey and its For now, no specific directives have been given, "Registration, when open, will continue to be
players and parents are hoping that a season but once EMH has some idea of what is to come conducted online as it has been over the past
could still happen. Unfortunately, there is so they will open registration. Currently, registration number of years."
much up in the air that it is impossible at this will remain closed. Lastly, Kehler had a message for the
point to know for sure. "There are a couple reasons for this," said community on behalf of EMH. "We would like to
"Hockey Alberta has been in contact with all Kehler. First, "Current economic stress on thank everyone for their cooperation through this.
associations through this time," said EMH families. Finances have always been important to Thank you to the medical staff that supports the
community and our first responders. Please
T he Weekly ANCHOR President JD Kehler. "But no direction has been our association and members, and as we strive to everyone stay safe, and we look forward to seeing
provided on the return to play as there are too
do our part today, we don't want to add to the
you at the arena once we get through this!"
daily stresses with are all faced with by adding
many variables to speculate at this time."
Faith w hat’s happening, when and where in the community - for monthly meetings see our classified page
May 30: Parents of the 2020 graduating class of Holy Service's social media page to see what Eddie is up to FCSS Senior Focus Bag: Activity and mental wellness
Redeemer High School invite you to decorate your (he will post two challenges a week). Complete the bags designed for Edson seniors ages 60+ are available
vehicles and join in a parade to honor the grads at 2 pm. challenge and post your video or photo in the comments for pick up. These bags include activities, resources,
Come to the Repsol Place parking lot in Edson at 1:30 under each challenge post. For every challenge you and more. If you are a senior and would like access to a
pm and you will be placed in the parade line-up as you submit you will get one entry into the prize draw. Senior Focus Bag or know a senior that would like one,
arrive. In order to respect physical distancing Draws will be done every Monday. visit or
restrictions, please stay in your vehicle at all times. The Preschool Prep for Parents: The Edson & District phone 780-723-8616. Register by May 14. Spots are
parade will drive through the graduates who will be Community Learning Society invites you to join them limited, first come, first serve.
lined up on the sidewalk along the parade route. for some tips on preparing your children for preschool FCSS Youth Bags: Free activity bags for youth ages 7-
Everyone is welcome. or kindergarten. Sessions will be held on Zoom on 13 are available to help you through tough times. Bags
June 17: Youth ages 11-17 are invited to participate in Wednesdays from 11 am to 11:30 am. For more will be delivered the Tuesday following the order. Door
a Costume Makeup Workshop from 2:30 pm to 4:30 pm information, contact for step drop-off only; in-town delivery only. County
at the Rotary Soccer Field gazebo. The workshop will more information. residents must be able to pick up Tuesday between 8:30
include your own face paint palette and brushes. AHS Community Volunteer Income Tax Program: Call am and 3:30 pm at the FCSS Family Centre. To receive
regulations will be followed. Registration is $30. 780-723-4403 or 780-723-8616 to receive information this week's youth bag, input your information at
Register online at For more information, on how to complete your taxes at this time. This service For more
phone 780-723-4403. is free to those who qualify. For more information, call information, phone 780-723-4338 or email
Edson Teddy Bear Hunt: If you would like to Town of Edson Community Services at 780-723-4403.
participate, simply place a stuffed bear in a window of FCSS Bag of Fun: Looking for fun things to do with FCSS Baby Bags: Looking for fun things to do with
your home so when families go for car rides or walks your children? FCSS will deliver you a Bag of Fun for your baby? FCSS will deliver you a monthly themed
during quarantine/self-isolation, they can hunt for free! Each week FCSS will have themed bags for bag for infants (birth to 18 months) for free! Bags will
bears! A downloadable Teddy Bear Hunt coloring sheet children ages 1-6. Bags will be delivered on Tuesdays. be delivered Tuesday. Door step drop-off only; in-town
is also available at Door step drop off only; in-town delivery only. County delivery only. County residents must be able to pick up residents must be able to pick up Tuesday between 8:30 Tuesday between 8:30 am and 3:30 pm at the FCSS
Eddie's Nutty Challenge: Starting April 20, the Town am and 3:30 pm at the FCSS Family Centre. One bag Family Centre. While supplies last; one bag per family.
of Edson is challenging residents to make some great per family. To receive this week's bag, please input your To receive this week's bag, input your information at
memories during this time at home with the help of information at For more For more
mascot Eddie the Squirrel. Every Monday and information, contact 780-723-4338 or information, phone 780-723-4338 or email
Thursday go to the Town of Edson Community
We are proud to support community eventse are proud to support community events
W Community Event Supporterommunity Event Supporter
Independent Grocers
Independent Grocers
Store Hours:
Store Hours:
7 am - 10 pm, 7 days a week
7 am - 10 pm, 7 days a week
780-723-4233 4735-3 Avenue, Edson, AB 4431 4 Avenue, Edson, AB431 4 Avenue, Edson, AB
25 PHONE: We are proud to support community eventse are proud to support community events
Years of Service
Years of Service
ANCHOR 5040 3 AVE,
THE WEEKLY Common 780.723.5787
Fax: 780.723.5725
BOX 6870
T7E 1V2
PAGE 16 MONDAY MAY 18, 2020
PAGE 16 MONDAY MAY 25, 2020
Edson Minor Hockey still hoping for 2020 season
by Shaylyn Thornton If the season is able to move forward, there will registration for a season we know nothing about."
almost surely be some changes headed their way. For the second reason, Kehler said, "We do not
It is no secret that COVID-19 has had a "Given the abrupt end to the season and the know what the season will look like or the
devastating impact on sports and leisure activities uncharted waters we are all navigating through timeline, [so] with it we have no way to calculate
around the world. So many sports leagues have today, we anticipate changes as the Leagues and what the cost will be to our members."
seen their seasons cancelled as a result of the governing bodies will work together to get If and when registration can open, the group
virus. everyone back on the ice," said Kehler. plans to offer their AGM discount that they have
In Edson, this most recently includes the Edson "Changes are 99% driven by Hockey every year. They are also hoping to be able to
Minor Ball leagues and Edson Minor Soccer Canada/Hockey Alberta and/or the Leagues we offer payment plan options to their members.
leagues. Both groups have had to issue refunds to play in," Kehler continued. "Our role as an "Our members are very important to us and we
all of their disappointed registrants following the association and executives is to provide a vote want to do our best to have an accurate cost for
news of their season cancellations. and comments on the changes and then bring them and make the transition back to hockey as
With a few months to go until hockey season them to our members." smooth as possible for everyone," said Kehler.
would start up, Edson Minor Hockey and its For now, no specific directives have been given, "Registration, when open, will continue to be
players and parents are hoping that a season but once EMH has some idea of what is to come conducted online as it has been over the past
could still happen. Unfortunately, there is so they will open registration. Currently, registration number of years."
much up in the air that it is impossible at this will remain closed. Lastly, Kehler had a message for the
point to know for sure. "There are a couple reasons for this," said community on behalf of EMH. "We would like to
"Hockey Alberta has been in contact with all Kehler. First, "Current economic stress on thank everyone for their cooperation through this.
associations through this time," said EMH families. Finances have always been important to Thank you to the medical staff that supports the
community and our first responders. Please
T he Weekly ANCHOR President JD Kehler. "But no direction has been our association and members, and as we strive to everyone stay safe, and we look forward to seeing
provided on the return to play as there are too
do our part today, we don't want to add to the
you at the arena once we get through this!"
daily stresses with are all faced with by adding
many variables to speculate at this time."
Faith w hat’s happening, when and where in the community - for monthly meetings see our classified page
May 30: Parents of the 2020 graduating class of Holy Service's social media page to see what Eddie is up to FCSS Senior Focus Bag: Activity and mental wellness
Redeemer High School invite you to decorate your (he will post two challenges a week). Complete the bags designed for Edson seniors ages 60+ are available
vehicles and join in a parade to honor the grads at 2 pm. challenge and post your video or photo in the comments for pick up. These bags include activities, resources,
Come to the Repsol Place parking lot in Edson at 1:30 under each challenge post. For every challenge you and more. If you are a senior and would like access to a
pm and you will be placed in the parade line-up as you submit you will get one entry into the prize draw. Senior Focus Bag or know a senior that would like one,
arrive. In order to respect physical distancing Draws will be done every Monday. visit or
restrictions, please stay in your vehicle at all times. The Preschool Prep for Parents: The Edson & District phone 780-723-8616. Register by May 14. Spots are
parade will drive through the graduates who will be Community Learning Society invites you to join them limited, first come, first serve.
lined up on the sidewalk along the parade route. for some tips on preparing your children for preschool FCSS Youth Bags: Free activity bags for youth ages 7-
Everyone is welcome. or kindergarten. Sessions will be held on Zoom on 13 are available to help you through tough times. Bags
June 17: Youth ages 11-17 are invited to participate in Wednesdays from 11 am to 11:30 am. For more will be delivered the Tuesday following the order. Door
a Costume Makeup Workshop from 2:30 pm to 4:30 pm information, contact for step drop-off only; in-town delivery only. County
at the Rotary Soccer Field gazebo. The workshop will more information. residents must be able to pick up Tuesday between 8:30
include your own face paint palette and brushes. AHS Community Volunteer Income Tax Program: Call am and 3:30 pm at the FCSS Family Centre. To receive
regulations will be followed. Registration is $30. 780-723-4403 or 780-723-8616 to receive information this week's youth bag, input your information at
Register online at For more information, on how to complete your taxes at this time. This service For more
phone 780-723-4403. is free to those who qualify. For more information, call information, phone 780-723-4338 or email
Edson Teddy Bear Hunt: If you would like to Town of Edson Community Services at 780-723-4403.
participate, simply place a stuffed bear in a window of FCSS Bag of Fun: Looking for fun things to do with FCSS Baby Bags: Looking for fun things to do with
your home so when families go for car rides or walks your children? FCSS will deliver you a Bag of Fun for your baby? FCSS will deliver you a monthly themed
during quarantine/self-isolation, they can hunt for free! Each week FCSS will have themed bags for bag for infants (birth to 18 months) for free! Bags will
bears! A downloadable Teddy Bear Hunt coloring sheet children ages 1-6. Bags will be delivered on Tuesdays. be delivered Tuesday. Door step drop-off only; in-town
is also available at Door step drop off only; in-town delivery only. County delivery only. County residents must be able to pick up residents must be able to pick up Tuesday between 8:30 Tuesday between 8:30 am and 3:30 pm at the FCSS
Eddie's Nutty Challenge: Starting April 20, the Town am and 3:30 pm at the FCSS Family Centre. One bag Family Centre. While supplies last; one bag per family.
of Edson is challenging residents to make some great per family. To receive this week's bag, please input your To receive this week's bag, input your information at
memories during this time at home with the help of information at For more For more
mascot Eddie the Squirrel. Every Monday and information, contact 780-723-4338 or information, phone 780-723-4338 or email
Thursday go to the Town of Edson Community
We are proud to support community eventse are proud to support community events
W Community Event Supporterommunity Event Supporter
Independent Grocers
Independent Grocers
Store Hours:
Store Hours:
7 am - 10 pm, 7 days a week
7 am - 10 pm, 7 days a week
780-723-4233 4735-3 Avenue, Edson, AB 4431 4 Avenue, Edson, AB431 4 Avenue, Edson, AB
25 PHONE: We are proud to support community eventse are proud to support community events
Years of Service
Years of Service
ANCHOR 5040 3 AVE,
THE WEEKLY Common 780.723.5787
Fax: 780.723.5725
BOX 6870
T7E 1V2