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PAGE 14 MONDAY JUNE 22, 2020

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The Weekly Anchor Brian Janish Edson, AB T7E 1G1
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A Monthly update on the Energy Industry

Oil and Natural Gas Industry Offers a

Pathway to Rapid and Sustainable Recovery

CAPP: will be competing with every other jurisdiction industry. The recommendations to the federal
As governments turn their attention to the in the world for more limited investment government include:
reopening and rebuilding of Canada's dollars. · A visible government commitment to work
economy, the Canadian Association of The oil and natural gas sector is Canada's with the oil and natural gas industry to
Petroleum Producers (CAPP) has been largest industry, generating more than $100 demonstrate Canada is a supportive and
working closely with the federal government billion in gross domestic product (GDP) competitive country in which to invest over the
to identify measures to support economic annually and supporting half a million jobs long term.
recovery while the country continues to across the country. The industry is also the · Prioritize a 100 percent immediate
manage the health risks of the COVID-19 biggest source of international investment and deductibility, leveling the playing field
pandemic. produces the country's largest export consistent with other capital intensive
CAPP recognizes the Government of Canada commodity. In addition to contributing to industries in Canada, for oil and gas sector
has expressed deep concern for the serious Canada's economic recovery, a strong oil and capital investments; including clean
impact this unprecedented crisis is having on natural gas sector can help advance the federal technology and emission reducing investments.
the oil and natural gas industry and the people government's objectives related to both · Work together to develop and implement an
whose livelihoods rely on the sector. The Indigenous reconciliation and climate change. integrated recovery strategy that considers
federal government's implementation of the Oil and natural gas projects are shovel-ready goals around economic growth, job creation,
wage subsidy program, funding for orphan and and shovel-worthy. They can immediately put Canada's climate targets, its clean technology
inactive wells and the Emission Reduction Canadians back to work with a multi-billion- export ambitions and economic reconciliation
Fund, along with liquidity measures for small dollar national supply chain, offer economic with Indigenous communities.
and large producers have offered vital support and self-sustaining opportunities for Tim McMillan, CAPP president and CEO
to keep workers employed, help companies Indigenous communities and generate stated, “Canada's oil and natural gas industry is
survive and position the industry to take desperately-needed revenues for governments committed to creating good jobs, generating Event Reminder
advantage of a global economic recovery. in the form of taxes and royalties. These benefits for Indigenous communities and
Provincial governments have also objectives can be achieved while leveraging advancing Canada's environmental leadership. July 9: Join the Edson & District Community
implemented programs and are making the sector's leadership in emissions reduction, Working collaboratively with the federal Learning Society for a Scavenger Hunt at
significant efforts to complement the federal water protection, and land and species government we have an opportunity to reset Willmore Park from 10:30 am to 12 pm. All
support. management. the national conversation about energy and ages are welcome. Meet at the picnic tables
near the campground registration. Stay
The federal and provincial government CAPP has publicly released letters it bring Canadians together to build value across afterwards for a picnic in the park. Please
supports have rightly been focused on short- submitted to the federal government through the country.” observe physical distancing. Please do not
term economic survival. However, to turn from the organization's ongoing work with a number bring toys, food, or beverages to share with
near closure and contraction to recovery and of ministries to stabilize Canada's economy others. Remember to bring hand sanitizer,
growth, Canada's economy cannot rely solely and position the country for recovery. The May sunscreen, bug spray, bottled water, snacks,
on government support. The pathway to 27, 2020 letter focuses on economic recovery and a picnic blanket.
rebuilding requires encouraging and attracting and outlines three areas of recommendation to
private investment back to Canada's industries. provide certainty to capital markets and attract
In the wake of the COVID-19 crisis, Canada investment back into Canada's resource

Distributed to major
oil & gas and energy Sales
leaders in the
region Rentals Scada Automation
* Edson *
* Hinton* Service Instrumentation
* Grande Cache * Electrical
* Drayton Valley * Installation
* Whitecourt *
The Oilpatch is published
the third week of every Randal Brown
month and is read by a When on the road, go with
broad section of energy Cell: (780) 712-0388
industry professionals, the names you can trust Chris Robinson
from company executives
to oil and gas personnel Cell: (780) 723-1270
and purchasing agents. It MORAD COMMUNICATIONS LTD.
also goes to oilfield
service companies, MORAD 5108-2 Ave., Edson
suppliers and equipment Ph: 723-3939; Fax: 723-3970 Box 6599 Edson, Ab T7E 1T9
COMMUNICATIONS LTD. Hinton: (780) 865-4484
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