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Professional Digital Passport System photos THE WEEKLY ANCHOR MONDAY JULY 4, 2016 PAGE 2
ready in minutes while you wait... PAGE 2 MONDAY APRIL 22, 2019 THE WEEKLY ANCHOR

Landfill setbacks from residences back at County Council

by Dana McArthur To provide Council with how a 4km buffer from Councillor Penny Lowe stated, "They all smell
a residence would impact the development no matter what kind it is. No one what's these
potential of land within the County,
The distant of any future proposed industrial or
continued from front municipal landfill site from County residences was Administration prepared a map. close to their residence."
Council agreed that they absolutely support oil
continued from front back on the table at the Yellowhead County "Does Council still support the concept of and gas in the region and therefore support the
continued from front Council's Governance and Priorities meeting held landfill sites in the County? If so, is the Provincial need for landfills. The concern was that the
continued from front April 16. setback of 450m from a residence adequate? If provincial minimum of 450m did not address
concerns of local residents.
not, does Council still wish to increase the setback
"On October 16, 2018, Administration presented
DROP IN AND SEE!ROP IN AND SEE! continued from front an item to Council on landfill site requirements to 4km from a residence as discussed at the CAO Jack Ramme stated, "The challenge is
continued from front
a rule but it was not specific enough. We can go to
Deputy Mayor Sandra Cherniawsky, who was
continued from front from residences. At that meeting, Council Governance meeting," stated Shepherd. industry needs to know what the rules are. We had
proposed a setback distance of 4km between an
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson continued from front operating landfill and a residence," stated Brent chairing the Council meeting in Mayor Soroka's discretionary use for everything but companies
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson
absence, asked how it would affect existing
won't invest unless they know the rules."
Shepherd, the County's Planning & Development
Williams stated that he would not support any
780-723-5787 Manager. landfills and transfer sites. It was concluded that distance less than 3kms.
existing sites would be grandfathered in and that
"Currently the Landfill and Composting District
new setback rules would apply only to newly
Councillor Anthony Giezen stated the council
does not include setbacks from residential uses as
this would be regulated under the Subdivision and proposed sites. compromised to come up with the 4km setback
The Weekly Anchorhe Weekly Anchor
T Development Regulations. The setback in this petroleum based landfills should be dealt with proposal and would just be re-compromising to
Councillor Wade Williams proposed that
decided on anything less. Councillor Mitchell
Provincial regulation is 450m from a residence to
an operating landfill. These setback requirements
landfills as the odour from the petroleum sites was order to support industry, "which is our lifeblood".
are not only for industrial landfills, but municipal separately than compost or municipal garbage responded that they do have to be reasonable in
landfills," said Shepherd. more objectionable. Shepherd responded that Giezen responded that 4kms would leave many
Professional Digital The issue of landfill setbacks was brought to the under Environment guidelines they are both sites available within the county.
Professional Digital
Councillor Shawn Berry stated he would support
Passport System forefront with Secure Energy's application last considered as Class 2 landfills. CAO Jack Ramme a 4km distance. Councillor David Russell stood by
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added, "Both landfills are engineered on the same
year to re-district lands located approximately
photos ready 5.3km east of Edson. County Council voted to basis with clay and plastic liners and they have the his previous statement of a 10km distance.
photos ready
same requirements." Pointing out the trying to
defeat the motion for Second and Third reading
Council directed Administration to bring back
in minutes
in minutes due to concerns that it was too close to residences create an additional class could cause issues and the bylaw to include a 4km distance of landfills
from residences, for Council's review.
may not even be possible from a provincial
in the area (although no distance was specified in
while you wait... the County's bylaws). regulation standpoint.
while you wait...
UCP's Martin Long elected MLA for West Yellowhead
continued from front
had not experienced a contentious election for nearly
half a century.
Although many attendees present were long-time
The Weekly Anchorhe Weekly Anchor Conservative supporters, others were new to such
events and eager to show their support for a change in
Alberta's leadership. “I would like my province back,”
5 stated UCP supporter Leo Breitkreuz. Yet, with so PASSPORT PHOTOS & MORE
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson040 3rd Avenue, Edson
much economic degradation over the last four years,
The Weekly Anchorhe Weekly Anchor
Breitkreuz stated that the UCP's credibility would be T
7 proven based on its actions post-election. 5040 3rd Avenue, Edson040 3rd Avenue, Edson
Long noted that the party's top three immediate
priorities to tackle will be the economy, jobs, and
getting pipelines in the ground. Despite being a D 7
newcomer to both parenthood and governance, the
DROP IN AND SEE!ROP IN AND SEE! new MLA remained confident in himself, his team,
and all those who have backed him. “My wife is a very
strong supporter. The people of West Yellowhead are
resounding in their support. We just need to get to UCP's Martin Long was elected MLA for West Yellowhead. Pictured is Long with a few of his supporters
work,” said Long. while out on the campaign trail. submitted
Alberta Advantage Party candidate Paul Lupyczuk
extended his congratulations to Long and offered his After speaking with thousands of residents Gomuwka added that although this election has been ASSIGNMENT WRITER
continued support in representing the needs of West throughout the course of his campaign, Lupyczuk angry and negative, we must all move past it in order to
PASSPORT PHOTOS & MORE Yellowhead. “Throughout the campaign I argued that stated that many residents expressed excitement over support Martin Long as the new MLA. Enjoy getting out and meeting
the success of West Yellowhead is far more important the growth of the Alberta Advantage Party.
“I hope that I offered an opportunity for people to
than partisan lines and that our area would benefit Alberta Party candidate Kristie Gomuwka, who view politics in a different light; a positive place where people?
Professional Digital Passport System photos greatly from all candidates working together,” boasted nearly 2,000 votes with 100 out of 102 polls we can respect the differences of opinions and find The Weekly Anchor is looking for an
assignment Writer!
reporting, thanked West Yellowhead constituents for solutions that works for everyone,” Gomuwka stated.
Lupyczuk stated.
ready in minutes while you wait... Lupyczuk added , “I ran in this election to offer a their continued support over the last several months of No other candidates replied with comments on the The Weekly Anchor has an opening for a
voice to those whose values did not allow them to vote campaigning. “I loved the opportunity to talk with election results as of press time. person with good writing skills to write about
Professional Digital for the two rival parties, and I am very happy that some Albertans about their concerns,” she said. “I learned a (with files Whitecourt Press; Cassie Kushniruk, The local events
electorate accepted my offer.”
lot of what makes West Yellowhead special.”
Weekly Anchor)
Pet of the Week
photos ready Pet of the Week Training provided. Great for added income.
Call for information 712-6788
Work from home and/or our office.
in minutes Edson McDonald’sdson McDonald’s Call for information 712-6788 Grade 12 or Post Secondary Education
while you wait... Will comes to EARS from a northern shelter Resumes should be dropped off at 5040 3rd
Join us for the
Join us for the who was unable to find him a home. He Avenue
Fun Family Experience
Fun Family Experience has been patiently waiting with us for (or sent to the Publisher by email at
on Wednesday night
on Wednesday night some time now, and we're not sure why!
Will is smart, loyal and willing to please. He
April 24 from 5-7 pm. can be shy when greeting new humans, but
April 24 from 5-7 pm.
Games, Activities and Crafts
Games, Activities and Crafts is friendly towards all new dog and cat
buddies. Are you the one who can make
this boy shine? Find more about Will at and then fill out
an application to adopt!
Congrats to March’s
Congrats to March’s
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Employee of the Month, Garry
Employee of the Month, Garry 780-723-3245 ASSIGNMENT WRITER
DROP IN AND SEE!ROP IN AND SEE! Wills, Real Estate, Business Law Enjoy getting out and meeting people?
The Weekly Anchor is looking for an assignment Writer!
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson The Weekly Anchor has an opening for a person with good
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson
writing skills to write about local events
Training provided. Great for added income.
The Weekly Anchorhe Weekly Anchor Work from home and/or our office.
Grade 12 or Post Secondary Education required.
Resumes should be dropped off at 5040 3rd Avenue
(or sent to the Publisher by email at
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